blob: c41517bbcae6691169dd7c5a32a056d66490c651 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "common/vsoc/lib/typed_region_view.h"
#include "common/vsoc/shm/socket_forward_layout.h"
namespace vsoc {
namespace socket_forward {
struct Header {
std::uint32_t payload_length;
enum MessageType : std::uint32_t {
DATA = 0,
RECV_CLOSED, // indicate that this side's receive end is closed
MessageType message_type;
constexpr std::size_t kMaxPayloadSize =
layout::socket_forward::kMaxPacketSize - sizeof(Header);
struct Packet {
Header header_;
using Payload = char[kMaxPayloadSize];
Payload payload_data_;
static constexpr Packet MakePacket(Header::MessageType type) {
Packet packet{};
packet.header_.message_type = type;
return packet;
// port is only revelant on the host-side.
static Packet MakeBegin(std::uint16_t port);
static constexpr Packet MakeEnd() { return MakePacket(Header::END); }
static constexpr Packet MakeRecvClosed() {
return MakePacket(Header::RECV_CLOSED);
static constexpr Packet MakeRestart() { return MakePacket(Header::RESTART); }
// NOTE payload and payload_length must still be set.
static constexpr Packet MakeData() { return MakePacket(Header::DATA); }
bool empty() const { return IsData() && header_.payload_length == 0; }
void set_payload_length(std::uint32_t length) {
CHECK_LE(length, sizeof payload_data_);
header_.payload_length = length;
Payload& payload() { return payload_data_; }
const Payload& payload() const { return payload_data_; }
constexpr std::uint32_t payload_length() const {
return header_.payload_length;
constexpr bool IsBegin() const {
return header_.message_type == Header::BEGIN;
constexpr bool IsEnd() const { return header_.message_type == Header::END; }
constexpr bool IsData() const { return header_.message_type == Header::DATA; }
constexpr bool IsRecvClosed() const {
return header_.message_type == Header::RECV_CLOSED;
constexpr bool IsRestart() const {
return header_.message_type == Header::RESTART;
constexpr std::uint16_t port() const {
std::uint16_t port_number{};
CHECK_EQ(payload_length(), sizeof port_number);
std::memcpy(&port_number, payload(), sizeof port_number);
return port_number;
char* raw_data() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this); }
const char* raw_data() const { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this); }
constexpr size_t raw_data_length() const {
return payload_length() + sizeof header_;
static_assert(sizeof(Packet) == layout::socket_forward::kMaxPacketSize, "");
static_assert(std::is_pod<Packet>{}, "");
// Data sent will start with a uint32_t indicating the number of bytes being
// sent, followed be the data itself
class SocketForwardRegionView
: public TypedRegionView<SocketForwardRegionView,
layout::socket_forward::SocketForwardLayout> {
// Returns an empty data packet if the other side is closed.
void Recv(int connection_id, Packet* packet);
// Returns true on success
bool Send(int connection_id, const Packet& packet);
// skip everything in the connection queue until seeing a BEGIN packet.
// returns port from begin packet.
int IgnoreUntilBegin(int connection_id);
class ShmSender;
class ShmReceiver;
using ShmSenderReceiverPair = std::pair<ShmSender, ShmReceiver>;
class ShmConnectionView {
ShmConnectionView(SocketForwardRegionView* region_view, int connection_id)
: region_view_{region_view}, connection_id_{connection_id} {}
ShmSenderReceiverPair EstablishConnection(int port);
// Should not be called while there is an active ShmSender or ShmReceiver
// for this connection.
ShmSenderReceiverPair WaitForNewConnection();
int port() const { return port_; }
bool Send(const Packet& packet);
void Recv(Packet* packet);
ShmConnectionView(const ShmConnectionView&) = delete;
ShmConnectionView& operator=(const ShmConnectionView&) = delete;
// Moving invalidates all existing ShmSenders and ShmReceiver
ShmConnectionView(ShmConnectionView&&) = default;
ShmConnectionView& operator=(ShmConnectionView&&) = default;
~ShmConnectionView() = default;
// NOTE should only be used for debugging/logging purposes.
// connection_ids are an implementation detail that are currently useful for
// debugging, but may go away in the future.
int connection_id() const { return connection_id_; }
SocketForwardRegionView* region_view() const { return region_view_; }
bool IsOtherSideRecvClosed() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(*other_side_receive_closed_lock_);
return other_side_receive_closed_;
void MarkOtherSideRecvClosed() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(*other_side_receive_closed_lock_);
other_side_receive_closed_ = true;
void ReceiverThread();
ShmSenderReceiverPair ResetAndConnect();
class Receiver {
Receiver(ShmConnectionView* view)
: view_{view}
receiver_thread_ = std::thread([this] { Start(); });
void Recv(Packet* packet);
void Join() { receiver_thread_.join(); }
Receiver(const Receiver&) = delete;
Receiver& operator=(const Receiver&) = delete;
~Receiver() = default;
void Start();
bool GotRecvClosed() const;
void ReceivePacket();
void CheckPacketForRecvClosed();
void CheckPacketForEnd();
void UpdatePacketAndSignalAvailable();
bool ShouldReceiveAnotherPacket() const;
bool ExpectMorePackets() const;
std::mutex receive_thread_data_lock_;
std::condition_variable receive_thread_data_cv_;
bool received_packet_free_ = true;
Packet received_packet_{};
ShmConnectionView* view_{};
bool saw_recv_closed_ = false;
bool saw_end_ = false;
bool saw_data_ = false;
std::thread receiver_thread_;
SocketForwardRegionView* region_view_{};
int connection_id_ = -1;
int port_ = -1;
std::unique_ptr<std::mutex> other_side_receive_closed_lock_ =
std::unique_ptr<std::mutex>{new std::mutex{}};
bool other_side_receive_closed_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<Receiver> receiver_;
class ShmSender {
explicit ShmSender(ShmConnectionView* view) : view_{view} {}
ShmSender(const ShmSender&) = delete;
ShmSender& operator=(const ShmSender&) = delete;
ShmSender(ShmSender&&) = default;
ShmSender& operator=(ShmSender&&) = default;
~ShmSender() = default;
// Returns true on success
bool Send(const Packet& packet);
struct EndSender {
void operator()(ShmConnectionView* view) const {
if (view) {
// Doesn't actually own the View, responsible for sending the End
// indicator and marking the sending side as disconnected.
std::unique_ptr<ShmConnectionView, EndSender> view_;
class ShmReceiver {
explicit ShmReceiver(ShmConnectionView* view) : view_{view} {}
ShmReceiver(const ShmReceiver&) = delete;
ShmReceiver& operator=(const ShmReceiver&) = delete;
ShmReceiver(ShmReceiver&&) = default;
ShmReceiver& operator=(ShmReceiver&&) = default;
~ShmReceiver() = default;
void Recv(Packet* packet);
struct RecvClosedSender {
void operator()(ShmConnectionView* view) const {
if (view) {
// Doesn't actually own the view, responsible for sending the RecvClosed
// indicator
std::unique_ptr<ShmConnectionView, RecvClosedSender> view_{};
friend ShmConnectionView;
SocketForwardRegionView() = default;
~SocketForwardRegionView() = default;
SocketForwardRegionView(const SocketForwardRegionView&) = delete;
SocketForwardRegionView& operator=(const SocketForwardRegionView&) = delete;
using ConnectionViewCollection = std::vector<ShmConnectionView>;
ConnectionViewCollection AllConnections();
int port(int connection_id);
void CleanUpPreviousConnections();
std::uint32_t last_seq_number_{};
} // namespace socket_forward
} // namespace vsoc