Make IVServer capable of starting and managing Cuttlefish

This change simplifies execution process to a single supervisor binary.

Change-Id: If89571437a31bbc86859a0626cb6fce798461b2b
(cherry picked from commit ca3a711b4add43f88e433f39dbcd18360d4b0fe1)
diff --git a/ivserver/BUILD b/ivserver/BUILD
index d370720..491eeb7 100644
--- a/ivserver/BUILD
+++ b/ivserver/BUILD
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
     copts = [
+        "-I/usr/include/libxml2",
     linkopts = [
         # TODO(ender): find a better way to manage dependencies across
@@ -13,9 +14,12 @@
         # to avoid problems with missing (obsolete) library versions on newer systems.
+        "-lxml2",
+        "-lvirt",
     deps = [
+        "//host/launcher:guest_lib",
diff --git a/ivserver/ b/ivserver/
index 75ce28e..5da98c4 100644
--- a/ivserver/
+++ b/ivserver/
@@ -4,29 +4,40 @@
 #include <fstream>
 #include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
 #include <gflags/gflags.h>
 #include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <libvirt/libvirt.h>
 #include "common/libs/fs/shared_select.h"
 #include "host/ivserver/ivserver.h"
 #include "host/ivserver/options.h"
+#include "host/launcher/file_partition.h"
+#include "host/launcher/guest_config.h"
 #include "host/vadb/usbip/server.h"
 #include "host/vadb/virtual_adb_server.h"
+DEFINE_int32(instance, 1, "Instance number. Must be unique.");
+DEFINE_int32(cpus, 4, "Virtual CPU count.");
+DEFINE_int32(memory_mb, 1024, "Total amount of memory available for guest, MB.");
 DEFINE_string(layout, "", "Location of the vsoc_mem.json file.");
 DEFINE_string(mempath, "/dev/shm/ivshmem",
               "Target location for the shmem file.");
 DEFINE_int32(shmsize, 4, "Size of the shared memory region in megabytes.");
 DEFINE_string(qemusocket, "/tmp/ivshmem_socket_qemu", "QEmu socket path");
 DEFINE_string(clientsocket, "/tmp/ivshmem_socket_client", "Client socket path");
+DEFINE_string(system_image_dir, "", "Location of the system partition images.");
+DEFINE_string(initrd, "", "Location of cuttlefish initrd file.");
+DEFINE_string(kernel, "", "Location of cuttlefish kernel file.");
-DEFINE_string(usbsocket, "/tmp/vusb_socket_qemu",
-              "Socket to use to talk to USBForwarder.");
 DEFINE_string(usbipsocket, "android_usbip", "Name of the USB/IP socket.");
 namespace {
-Json::Value LoadLayoutFile(const std::string &file) {
+constexpr char kLibVirtQemuTarget[] = "qemu:///system";
+Json::Value LoadLayoutFile(const std::string& file) {
   char real_file_path[PATH_MAX];
   if (realpath(file.c_str(), real_file_path) == nullptr) {
     LOG(FATAL) << "Could not get real path for file " << file << ": "
@@ -43,43 +54,151 @@
   return result;
-void VirtualUSBThread(vadb::VirtualADBServer* adb, vadb::usbip::Server* usbip) {
-  for (;;) {
-    avd::SharedFDSet fd_read;
-    fd_read.Zero();
+// VirtualUSBManager manages virtual USB device presence for Cuttlefish.
+class VirtualUSBManager {
+ public:
+  VirtualUSBManager(const std::string& usbsocket)
+      : adb_{usbsocket, FLAGS_usbipsocket},
+        usbip_{FLAGS_usbipsocket, adb_.Pool()} {}
-    adb->BeforeSelect(&fd_read);
-    usbip->BeforeSelect(&fd_read);
+  ~VirtualUSBManager() = default;
-    int ret = avd::Select(&fd_read, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
-    if (ret <= 0) continue;
-    adb->AfterSelect(fd_read);
-    usbip->AfterSelect(fd_read);
+  // Initialize Virtual USB and start USB management thread.
+  void Start() {
+    CHECK(adb_.Init()) << "Could not initialize Virtual ADB server";
+    CHECK(usbip_.Init()) << "Could not start USB/IP server";
+    thread_.reset(new std::thread([this]() { Thread(); }));
+ private:
+  void Thread() {
+    for (;;) {
+      avd::SharedFDSet fd_read;
+      fd_read.Zero();
+      adb_.BeforeSelect(&fd_read);
+      usbip_.BeforeSelect(&fd_read);
+      int ret = avd::Select(&fd_read, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
+      if (ret <= 0) continue;
+      adb_.AfterSelect(fd_read);
+      usbip_.AfterSelect(fd_read);
+    }
+  }
+  vadb::VirtualADBServer adb_;
+  vadb::usbip::Server usbip_;
+  std::unique_ptr<std::thread> thread_;
+  VirtualUSBManager(const VirtualUSBManager&) = delete;
+  VirtualUSBManager& operator=(const VirtualUSBManager&) = delete;
+// IVServerManager takes care of serving shared memory segments between
+// Cuttlefish and host-side daemons.
+class IVServerManager {
+ public:
+  IVServerManager(const Json::Value& json_root)
+      : server_(ivserver::IVServerOptions(FLAGS_layout, FLAGS_mempath,
+                                          FLAGS_qemusocket, FLAGS_clientsocket,
+                                          FLAGS_shmsize),
+                json_root) {}
+  ~IVServerManager() = default;
+  // Start IVServer thread.
+  void Start() {
+    thread_.reset(new std::thread([this]() { server_.Serve(); }));
+  }
+ private:
+  ivserver::IVServer server_;
+  std::unique_ptr<std::thread> thread_;
+  IVServerManager(const IVServerManager&) = delete;
+  IVServerManager& operator=(const IVServerManager&) = delete;
 }  // anonymous namespace
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
-  vadb::VirtualADBServer adb(FLAGS_usbsocket, FLAGS_usbipsocket);
-  CHECK(adb.Init());
-  vadb::usbip::Server usbip_server(FLAGS_usbipsocket, adb.Pool());
-  CHECK(usbip_server.Init()) << "Could not start usb/ip server";
-  std::thread usbip_server_thread(
-      [&adb, &usbip_server]() { VirtualUSBThread(&adb, &usbip_server); });
-  std::unique_ptr<ivserver::IVServerOptions> ivserver_options(
-      new ivserver::IVServerOptions(FLAGS_layout, FLAGS_mempath,
-                                    FLAGS_qemusocket, FLAGS_clientsocket,
-                                    FLAGS_shmsize));
+  CHECK(virInitialize() == 0) << "Could not initialize libvirt.";
   Json::Value json_root = LoadLayoutFile(FLAGS_layout);
-  ivserver::IVServer ivserver(*ivserver_options, json_root);
-  ivserver.Serve();
-  LOG(FATAL) << "ivserver failed in Serve().";
+  // Each of these calls is free to fail and terminate launch if file does not
+  // exist or could not be created.
+  auto ramdisk_partition = launcher::FilePartition::ReuseExistingFile(
+      FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/ramdisk.img");
+  auto system_partition = launcher::FilePartition::ReuseExistingFile(
+      FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/system.img");
+  auto data_partition =
+      launcher::FilePartition::CreateTemporaryFile("/tmp/cf-data", 512);
+  auto cache_partition =
+      launcher::FilePartition::CreateTemporaryFile("/tmp/cf-cache", 512);
+  auto kernel_image = launcher::FilePartition::ReuseExistingFile(FLAGS_kernel);
+  auto initrd_image = launcher::FilePartition::ReuseExistingFile(FLAGS_initrd);
+  std::stringstream cmdline;
+  for (const auto& value : json_root["guest"]["kernel_command_line"]) {
+    cmdline << value.asString() << ' ';
+  }
+  unsigned long libvirt_version;
+  CHECK(virGetVersion(&libvirt_version, nullptr, nullptr) == 0)
+      << "Could not query libvirt.";
+  std::string entropy_source = "/dev/urandom";
+  // There seems to be no macro turning major/minor/patch to a number, but
+  // headers explain this as major * 1'000'000 + minor * 1'000 + patch.
+  if (libvirt_version <= 1003003) {
+    entropy_source = "/dev/random";
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Your system supplies old version of libvirt, that is "
+                 << "not able to use /dev/urandom as entropy source.";
+    LOG(WARNING) << "This may affect performance of your virtual instance.";
+  }
+  launcher::GuestConfig cfg;
+  cfg.SetID(FLAGS_instance)
+      .SetVCPUs(FLAGS_cpus)
+      .SetMemoryMB(FLAGS_memory_mb)
+      .SetKernelName(kernel_image->GetName())
+      .SetInitRDName(initrd_image->GetName())
+      .SetKernelArgs(cmdline.str())
+      .SetIVShMemSocketPath(FLAGS_qemusocket)
+      .SetIVShMemVectorCount(json_root["vsoc_device_regions"].size())
+      .SetRamdiskPartitionPath(ramdisk_partition->GetName())
+      .SetSystemPartitionPath(system_partition->GetName())
+      .SetCachePartitionPath(cache_partition->GetName())
+      .SetDataPartitionPath(data_partition->GetName())
+      .SetMobileBridgeName("abr0")
+      .SetEntropySource(entropy_source)
+      .SetEmulator(json_root["guest"]["vmm_path"].asString());
+  std::string xml = cfg.Build();
+  VLOG(1) << "Using XML:\n" << xml;
+  auto libvirt_connection = virConnectOpen(kLibVirtQemuTarget);
+  CHECK(libvirt_connection)
+      << "Could not connect to libvirt backend: " << kLibVirtQemuTarget;
+  VirtualUSBManager vadb(cfg.GetUSBSocketName());
+  vadb.Start();
+  IVServerManager ivshmem(json_root);
+  ivshmem.Start();
+  sleep(1);
+  auto domain = virDomainCreateXML(libvirt_connection, xml.c_str(),
+                                   VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED |
+                                   VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY);
+  CHECK(domain) << "Could not create libvirt domain.";
+  CHECK(virDomainResume(domain) == 0) << "Could not start domain.";
+  pause();
diff --git a/vadb/usbip/vhci_instrument.cpp b/vadb/usbip/vhci_instrument.cpp
index a3744eb..05ad950 100644
--- a/vadb/usbip/vhci_instrument.cpp
+++ b/vadb/usbip/vhci_instrument.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 using ControlMsgType = uint8_t;
 constexpr ControlMsgType kControlAttach = 'A';
 constexpr ControlMsgType kControlDetach = 'D';
+constexpr ControlMsgType kControlExit = 'E';
 // Port status values deducted from /sys/devices/platform/vhci_hcd/status
 enum {
@@ -63,6 +64,8 @@
       name_(name) {}
 VHCIInstrument::~VHCIInstrument() {
+  control_write_end_->Write(&kControlExit, sizeof(kControlExit));
+  attach_thread_->join();
   if (sys_fd_ > 0) close(sys_fd_);