Enable LMKD stats logging

Include stats logging code in LMKD.

Bug: 137709825
Test: Build lmkd and compare it with aosp_x86
Test: Build and launch aosp_cf_x86_phone
Change-Id: I190a64dfaf1ddf8e2740b3017bb729e98101457a
diff --git a/shared/BoardConfig.mk b/shared/BoardConfig.mk
index 080fb72..8750d27 100644
--- a/shared/BoardConfig.mk
+++ b/shared/BoardConfig.mk
@@ -179,3 +179,6 @@
 # To see full logs from init, disable ratelimiting.
 # The default is 5 messages per second amortized, with a burst of up to 10.
 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += printk.devkmsg=on
+# Include stats logging code in LMKD