Remove first_stage_mount flag from metadata

Until the DAP conversion is merged, we're still passing a dtb to the
vm_manager, so we have to split the dtb and fstab to avoid double
mounts. We can't put metadata in the dts/dtb fstab either, because it
might not be formatted during first_stage_init, and nothing is there to
format it.

For DAP builds, this is not a problem, because although the metadata
mount might fail, we install the same fstab to ramdisk and vendor, and
fsmgr will handle this for us.

Bug: 128222953
Change-Id: Ib275611fb9b48de038803a80c2e4ab1081e9f19b
diff --git a/shared/config/fstab.dtb b/shared/config/fstab.dtb
index 164e76c..a601807 100644
--- a/shared/config/fstab.dtb
+++ b/shared/config/fstab.dtb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /dev/block/vdb /data ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait,fileencryption=aes-256-xts:aes-256-cts
 /dev/block/vdc /cache ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait
-/dev/block/vde /metadata ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait,formattable,first_stage_mount
+/dev/block/vde /metadata ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait,formattable
 /dev/block/zram0 none swap defaults zramsize=75%
 /tmp /sdcard none defaults,bind recoveryonly
diff --git a/shared/config/fstab.initrd b/shared/config/fstab.initrd
index b747209..fb67b6f 100644
--- a/shared/config/fstab.initrd
+++ b/shared/config/fstab.initrd
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 /dev/block/vdb /data ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait,fileencryption=aes-256-xts:aes-256-cts
 /dev/block/vdc /cache ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait
 /dev/block/vdd /vendor ext4 noatime,ro,errors=panic wait
-/dev/block/vde /metadata ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait,formattable,first_stage_mount
+/dev/block/vde /metadata ext4 nodev,noatime,nosuid,errors=panic wait,formattable
 /dev/block/zram0 none swap defaults zramsize=75%
 /tmp /sdcard none defaults,bind recoveryonly