Drop IVServer.py in favor of ivserver native.

This change adds some extra section to a new vsoc_mem.json definition.
We need this to properly set up guest - or we need to figure out how else to pass it.

Change-Id: Ia27b8eb58b9a54e57f46f787a997e29b17b00119
(cherry picked from commit b519aa6c7895f1f2050b361ea724cd8f8442722e)
diff --git a/ivserver/vsoc_mem.json b/ivserver/vsoc_mem.json
index 2a23d8b..cfaceb5 100644
--- a/ivserver/vsoc_mem.json
+++ b/ivserver/vsoc_mem.json
@@ -1,4 +1,18 @@
+  "guest": {
+    "vmm_path": "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64",
+    "kernel_command_line" : [
+	    "loop.max_part=7",
+	    "console=ttyS0",
+	    "androidboot.console=ttyS0",
+	    "androidboot.hardware=vsoc",
+	    "security=selinux",
+	    "androidboot.selinux=permissive",
+	    "enforcing=0",
+	    "audit=0",
+    ]
+  },
   "vsoc_shm_layout_descriptor" : {
     "comment": "The top level layout descriptor",
     "major_version" : 0,
diff --git a/launcher/BUILD b/launcher/BUILD
index d57c02f..08235c2 100644
--- a/launcher/BUILD
+++ b/launcher/BUILD
@@ -3,13 +3,9 @@
     name = "ivserver_lib",
     srcs = [
-        "channel.py",
-        "clientconnection.py",
-        "vmconnection.py",
-        "vsocsharedmem.py",
     srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
diff --git a/launcher/channel.py b/launcher/channel.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f90f8c..0000000
--- a/launcher/channel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-    Related to the UNIX Domain Socket.
-import fcntl
-import os
-import socket
-import stat
-import struct
-import glog
-# From include/uapi/asm-generic/ioctls.h
-# #define FIONBIO 0x5421
-_FIONBIO = 0x5421
-def start_listener(path):
-    uds = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    uds.bind(path)
-    uds.listen(5)
-    os.chmod(path,
-             stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR |
-             stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IXGRP |
-             stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
-    glog.info('Socket %s ready.' % path)
-    return uds
-def connect_to_channel(path):
-    uds = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    uds.connect(path)
-    return uds
-def handle_new_connection(uds, nonblocking=True):
-    sock, _ = uds.accept()
-    if nonblocking:
-        # Set the new socket to non-blocking mode.
-        try:
-            fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), _FIONBIO, struct.pack('L', 1))
-        except OSError as exc:
-            glog.exception(
-                'Exception caught while trying to make client nonblocking: ', exc)
-    return sock
-def send_msg_8(sock, data):
-    """Send 8 bytes of data over the socket.
-    """
-    sock.sendmsg([bytes(struct.pack('q', data))])
-def send_ctrl_msg(sock, fd, quad_data):
-    sock.sendmsg([bytes(struct.pack('q', quad_data))],
-                 [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SCM_RIGHTS,
-                   bytes(struct.pack('i', fd)))])
-def send_msg_utf8(sock, data):
-    sock.sendall(bytes(data, encoding='ascii'))
-def recv_msg(sock, expected_length):
-    chunks = []
-    received = 0
-    while received < expected_length:
-        part = sock.recv(expected_length - received)
-        received += len(part)
-        chunks.append(part.decode(encoding='ascii'))
-    data = ''.join(chunks)
-    return data
diff --git a/launcher/clientconnection.py b/launcher/clientconnection.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4734910..0000000
--- a/launcher/clientconnection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-    ClientConnection related.
-import glog
-from . import channel
-class ClientConnection():
-    def __init__(self, client_socket, shmfd, layout_json, protocol_version=0):
-        self.shmfd = shmfd
-        self.client_socket = client_socket
-        self.layout_json = layout_json
-        self.proto_ver = protocol_version
-    def handshake(self):
-        #
-        #   ivshmem_client <--> ivshmem_server handshake.
-        #
-        #   Client -> 'GET PROTOCOL_VER'
-        #   Server -> '0x000000000'
-        #   Client -> INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: 0x0000000a
-        #   Client -> GET REGION: HW_COMPOSER
-        #   Server -> 0xffffffff(If region name not found)
-        #   Server -> 0xAABBC000 (region start offset)
-        #   Server -> 0xAABBC0000 (region end offset)
-        #   Server -> <Send cmsg with guest_to_host eventfd>
-        #   Server -> <Send cmsg with host_to_guest eventfd>
-        #   Server -> <Send cmsg with shmfd>
-        #
-        msg = channel.recv_msg(self.client_socket, len('GET PROTOCOL_VER'))
-        glog.debug('server got %s' % msg)
-        if msg == 'GET PROTOCOL_VER':
-            channel.send_msg_utf8(self.client_socket, '0x00000000')
-        msg = channel.recv_msg(self.client_socket,
-                               len('INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: 0xAABBCCDD'))
-        glog.debug('server got %s' % msg)
-        if msg[:len('INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: 0x')] == 'INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: 0x':
-            region_name_len = int(
-                msg[len('INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: '):], base=16)
-            glog.debug(region_name_len)
-        msg = channel.recv_msg(self.client_socket, region_name_len)
-        glog.debug('server got region_name: %s' % msg)
-        device_region = None
-        for vsoc_device_region in self.layout_json['vsoc_device_regions']:
-            # TODO:
-            # read from the shared memory.
-            if vsoc_device_region['device_name'] == msg:
-                glog.debug('found region for %s' % msg)
-                device_region = vsoc_device_region
-        if device_region:
-            # Send region start offset
-            channel.send_msg_utf8(self.client_socket,
-                                  '0x%08x' %
-                                  int(device_region['region_begin_offset']))
-            # Send region end offset
-            channel.send_msg_utf8(self.client_socket,
-                                  '0x%08x' %
-                                  int(device_region['region_end_offset']))
-        else:
-            # send MAX_UINT32 if region not found.
-            channel.send_msg_utf8(self.client_socket, '0xffffffff')
-            self.client_socket.close()
-            glog.debug('Closing connection')
-            # TODO:
-            # Raise a suitable Exception.
-            return
-        glog.debug('sending guest to host eventfd to client:')
-        glog.debug(device_region['eventfds']['guest_to_host'])
-        eventfd = device_region['eventfds']['guest_to_host']
-        channel.send_ctrl_msg(self.client_socket, eventfd.fileno(), 0)
-        glog.debug('sending host to guest eventfd to client:')
-        eventfd = device_region['eventfds']['host_to_guest']
-        channel.send_ctrl_msg(self.client_socket, eventfd.fileno(), 0)
-        glog.debug('server sending shm fd %d' % self.shmfd)
-        channel.send_ctrl_msg(self.client_socket, self.shmfd, 0)
-        glog.info('server closing connection')
-        self.client_socket.close()
diff --git a/launcher/ivserver.py b/launcher/ivserver.py
index ea9730e..9297b0b 100644
--- a/launcher/ivserver.py
+++ b/launcher/ivserver.py
@@ -6,107 +6,11 @@
 import argparse
 import json
 import os
-import select
 import signal
 import sys
-import threading
 import glog
 from .libvirt_client import LibVirtClient
 from .guest_definition import GuestDefinition
-from . import clientconnection
-from . import channel
-from . import vmconnection
-from . import vsocsharedmem
-class IVServer(object):
-    def __init__(self, region_name, region_size,
-                 vm_socket_path, client_socket_path, layout_json):
-        self.layout_json = layout_json
-        # Create the SharedMemory. Linux zeroes out the contents initially.
-        self.shmobject = vsocsharedmem.VSOCSharedMemory(region_size, region_name)
-        # Populate the shared memory with the data from layout description.
-        self.shmobject.create_layout(self.layout_json)
-        # get the number of vectors. This will be passed to qemu.
-        self.num_vectors = self.get_vector_count()
-        # Establish the listener socket for QEMU.
-        self.vm_listener_socket_path = vm_socket_path
-        self.vm_listener_socket = channel.start_listener(vm_socket_path)
-        # Establish the listener socket for Clients.
-        self.client_listener_socket = channel.start_listener(client_socket_path)
-        self.vm_connection = None
-        self.client_connection = None
-        # _control_channel and _thread_channel are two ends of the same, control pipe.
-        # _thread_channel will be used by the serving thread until pipe is closed.
-        (self._control_channel, self._thread_channel) = os.pipe()
-        self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._serve_in_background)
-    def get_vector_count(self):
-        # TODO: Parse from json instead of picking it up from shmobject.
-        return self.shmobject.num_vectors
-    def get_socket_path(self):
-        return self.vm_listener_socket_path
-    def serve(self):
-        """Begin serving IVShMem data to QEmu.
-        """
-        self._thread.start()
-    def stop(self):
-        """Stop serving data to QEmu and join the serving thread.
-        """
-        os.close(self._control_channel)
-        self._thread.join()
-    def _serve_in_background(self):
-        readfdlist = [
-            self.vm_listener_socket,
-            self.client_listener_socket,
-            self._thread_channel
-        ]
-        while True:
-            readable, _, _ = select.select(readfdlist, [], [])
-            for client in readable:
-                if client == self.vm_listener_socket:
-                    self.handle_new_vm_connection(client)
-                elif client == self.client_listener_socket:
-                    self.handle_new_client_connection(client)
-                elif client == self._thread_channel:
-                    # For now we do not expect any communication over pipe.
-                    # Since this bit of code is going away, we'll just assume
-                    # that the parent wants the thread to exit.
-                    return
-    def handle_new_client_connection(self, listenersocket):
-        client_socket = channel.handle_new_connection(listenersocket,
-                                                      nonblocking=False)
-        self.client_connection = \
-            clientconnection.ClientConnection(client_socket,
-                                              self.shmobject.posix_shm.fd,
-                                              self.layout_json,
-                                              0)
-        self.client_connection.handshake()
-    def handle_new_vm_connection(self, listenersocket):
-        vm_socket = channel.handle_new_connection(listenersocket)
-        self.vm_connection = vmconnection.VMConnection(self.layout_json,
-                                                       self.shmobject.posix_shm,
-                                                       vm_socket,
-                                                       self.num_vectors,
-                                                       hostid=0,
-                                                       vmid=1)
-        self.vm_connection.handshake()
 def setup_arg_parser():
     def unsigned_integer(size):
@@ -119,6 +23,8 @@
     parser.add_argument('-c', '--cpu', type=unsigned_integer, default=2,
                         help='Number of cpus to use in the guest')
     parser.add_argument('-C', '--client', type=str,
+                        help = 'Location of the HALD client socket, ' +
+                        'default=/tmp/ivshmem_socket_client',
     parser.add_argument('-i', '--image_dir', type=str, required=True,
                         help='Path to the directory of image files for the guest')
@@ -128,12 +34,8 @@
     parser.add_argument('-L', '--layoutfile', type=str, required=True)
     parser.add_argument('-M', '--memory', type=unsigned_integer, default=2048,
                         help='Size of the non-shared guest RAM in MiB')
-    parser.add_argument('-N', '--name', type=str, default='ivshmem',
-                        help='Name of the POSIX shared memory segment')
-    parser.add_argument('-P', '--path', type=str, default='/tmp/ivshmem_socket',
-                        help='Path to UNIX Domain Socket, default=/tmp/ivshmem_socket')
-    parser.add_argument('-S', '--size', type=unsigned_integer, default=4,
-                        help='Size of shared memory region in MiB, default=4MiB')
+    parser.add_argument('-P', '--path', type=str, default='/tmp/ivshmem_socket_qemu',
+                        help='Location of the QEmu socket, default=/tmp/ivshmem_socket_qemu')
     return parser
@@ -153,7 +55,6 @@
         lvc = LibVirtClient()
         layout_json = json.loads(open(args.layoutfile).read())
-        ivshmem_server = IVServer(args.name, args.size, args.path, args.client, layout_json)
         if 'movbe' not in lvc.get_cpu_features():
             glog.warning('host CPU may not support movbe instruction')
@@ -173,14 +74,11 @@
         guest.set_cf_cache_path(os.path.join(args.image_dir, 'cache.img'))
-        guest.set_ivshmem_vectors(ivshmem_server.get_vector_count())
-        guest.set_ivshmem_socket_path(ivshmem_server.get_socket_path())
+        guest.set_ivshmem_vectors(len(layout_json['vsoc_device_regions']))
+        guest.set_ivshmem_socket_path(args.path)
-        # Accept and process IVShMem connections from QEmu.
-        ivshmem_server.serve()
         glog.info('Creating virtual instance...')
         dom = lvc.create_instance(guest.to_xml())
         glog.info('VM ready.')
@@ -190,7 +88,6 @@
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
             glog.info('Stopping IVShMem server')
-            ivshmem_server.stop()
     except Exception as exception:
diff --git a/launcher/test_client.py b/launcher/test_client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8778423..0000000
--- a/launcher/test_client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import array
-import struct
-import socket
-import os
-from . import channel
-def recv_fd(conn):
-  msg, ancdata, flags, addr = conn.recvmsg(struct.calcsize('q'),
-                                           socket.CMSG_SPACE(struct.calcsize('i')))
-  cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data = ancdata[0]
-  fda = array.array('I')
-  fda.frombytes(cmsg_data)
-  return fda[0]
-def startclient(client_name, socket_path):
-  conn = channel.connect_to_channel(socket_path)
-  print('client sending: GET PROTOCOL_VER')
-  channel.send_msg_utf8(conn, 'GET PROTOCOL_VER')
-  proto_ver = channel.recv_msg(conn,len('0xAABBCCDD'))
-  print('client got: %s' % proto_ver)
-  region_name_str_len = "0x%08x" % len(client_name)
-  print('client sending: ' + 'INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: %s' % region_name_str_len)
-  channel.send_msg_utf8(conn, 'INFORM REGION_NAME_LEN: %s' % region_name_str_len)
-  print('client sending: ' + client_name)
-  channel.send_msg_utf8(conn, client_name)
-  region_start_offset = channel.recv_msg(conn, len('0xAABBCCDD'))
-  print('client got region_start_offset: %s' % region_start_offset)
-  region_end_offset = channel.recv_msg(conn, len('0xAABBCCDD'))
-  print('client got region_end_offset: %s' % region_end_offset)
-  print('client waiting for node count')
-  node_count = channel.recv_msg(conn, len('0xAABBCCDD'))
-  print("node count %s" % node_count)
-  for node in range(int(node_count, base=16)):
-     print('TODO: client waiting for lock offsets for node %d' % node)
-  print('client waiting for guest_to_host eventfd')
-  fd = recv_fd(conn)
-  print('guest_to_host eventfd %d' % fd)
-  print('client waiting for host_to_guest eventfd')
-  fd = recv_fd(conn)
-  print('host_to_guest eventfd %d' % fd)
-  print('client waiting for shm descriptor')
-  fd = recv_fd(conn)
-  #size is in [6]th position of tuple
-  print('shm size is %d MB' % (os.fstat(fd)[6] >> 20))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  startclient('HWCOMPOSER', '/tmp/ivshmem_socket_client')
diff --git a/launcher/vmconnection.py b/launcher/vmconnection.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5679e3c..0000000
--- a/launcher/vmconnection.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-    VMConnection related.
-import linuxfd
-from . import channel
-class VMConnection():
-    def __init__(self, layout_json, posix_shm, vm_socket, vector_count, hostid,
-                 vmid, protocol_version=0):
-        self.hostid = hostid
-        self.vmid = vmid
-        self.shm = posix_shm
-        self.vm_socket = vm_socket
-        self.nvecs = vector_count
-        self.proto_ver = protocol_version
-        self.layout_json = layout_json
-    def handshake(self):
-        channel.send_msg_8(self.vm_socket, self.proto_ver)
-        channel.send_msg_8(self.vm_socket, self.vmid)
-        channel.send_ctrl_msg(self.vm_socket, self.shm.fd, -1)
-        # send the eventfds
-        for region in self.layout_json['vsoc_device_regions']:
-            eventfd = region['eventfds']['host_to_guest']
-            channel.send_ctrl_msg(self.vm_socket, eventfd.fileno(), self.vmid)
-        for region in self.layout_json['vsoc_device_regions']:
-            eventfd = region['eventfds']['guest_to_host']
-            channel.send_ctrl_msg(self.vm_socket, eventfd.fileno(), self.hostid)
diff --git a/launcher/vsoc_mem.json b/launcher/vsoc_mem.json
deleted file mode 100644
index eab8805..0000000
--- a/launcher/vsoc_mem.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-  "guest": {
-    "vmm_path": "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64",
-    "kernel_command_line" : [
-	    "loop.max_part=7",
-	    "console=ttyS0",
-	    "androidboot.console=ttyS0",
-	    "androidboot.hardware=vsoc",
-	    "security=selinux",
-	    "androidboot.selinux=permissive",
-	    "enforcing=0",
-	    "audit=0",
-    ]
-  },
-  "version" : "1",
-  "__comment" : "The first page should be reserved for top level headers and region descriptors only",
-  "size" : "4194304",
-  "region_count" : "4",
-  "vsoc_shm_layout_descriptor" : {
-    "__comment": "The top level layout descriptor",
-    "size": "<populated by querying the shm region size at runtime>",
-    "region_count" : "4",
-    "vsoc_region_desc_offset" : "128"
-  },
-  "vsoc_device_regions" : [
-   {
-     "__comment" : "Primary end to end test region",
-     "current_version" : "1",
-     "min_compatible_version" : "1",
-     "region_begin_offset" : "4096",
-     "region_end_offset" : "8192",
-     "guest_to_host_signal_table" : {
-       "__comment" : "",
-       "num_nodes_lg2" : "2"
-     },
-     "host_to_guest_signal_table" : {
-       "__comment" : "",
-       "num_nodes_lg2" : "2"
-     },
-     "device_name" : "e2e_primary"
-   },
-   {
-     "__comment" : "HWComposer",
-     "current_version" : "1",
-     "min_compatible_version" : "1",
-     "region_begin_offset" : "8192",
-     "region_end_offset" : "16384",
-     "guest_to_host_signal_table" : {
-       "__comment" : "",
-       "num_nodes_lg2" : "2"
-     },
-     "host_to_guest_signal_table" : {
-       "__comment" : "",
-       "num_nodes_lg2" : "2"
-     },
-     "device_name" : "hwcomposer"
-   },
-   {
-     "__comment" : "Sensors",
-     "current_version" : "1",
-     "min_compatible_version" : "1",
-     "region_begin_offset" : "16384",
-     "region_end_offset" : "32768",
-     "guest_to_host_signal_table" : {
-       "__comment" : "each node is the size of a unit32_t. See vsoc_shm.h line 81",
-       "num_nodes_lg2" : "1"
-     },
-     "host_to_guest_signal_table" : {
-       "__comment" : "",
-       "num_nodes_lg2" : "1"
-     },
-     "device_name" : "sensors"
-   },
-   {
-    "__comment" : "e2e_secondary",
-    "current_version" : "1",
-    "min_compatible_version" : "1",
-    "region_begin_offset" : "32768",
-    "region_end_offset" : "36864",
-    "guest_to_host_signal_table" : {
-      "__comment" : "",
-      "num_nodes_lg2" : "1"
-    },
-    "host_to_guest_signal_table" : {
-      "__comment" : "",
-      "num_nodes_lg2" : "1"
-    },
-    "device_name" : "e2e_secondary"
-   }
-  ]
diff --git a/launcher/vsocsharedmem.py b/launcher/vsocsharedmem.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d444428..0000000
--- a/launcher/vsocsharedmem.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- VSOC Shared Memory backed by POSIX shared memory.
- Also creates the initial vSOC layout.
-import linuxfd
-import mmap
-import os
-import posix_ipc
-import struct
-class VSOCSharedMemory():
-  def __init__(self, size, name='ivshmem'):
-    self.shm_size = size << 20
-    self.posix_shm = None
-    self.create_posix_shm(size, name)
-    self.num_vectors = 0
-  def create_posix_shm(self, size, name='ivshmem'):
-    self.posix_shm = posix_ipc.SharedMemory(name,
-                                            flags=os.O_CREAT,
-                                            size=self.shm_size)
-  def create_layout(self, layout, major_version=1, minor_version=0):
-    offset = 0
-    shmmap = mmap.mmap(self.posix_shm.fd, 0)
-    #
-    # shared memory layout based on
-    # project: kernel/private/gce_x86
-    # file: drivers/staging/android/uapi/vsoc_shm.h
-    # commit-id: 2bc0d6b47c4a8d8204faecb7016af09a28e8c3ad
-    # TODO:
-    # We need a way to synchronize the changes in the
-    # sources with the packing below.
-    #
-    header_struct = struct.Struct('HHIII')
-    header_struct.pack_into(shmmap, offset,
-                            major_version,
-                            minor_version,
-                            shmmap.size(),
-                            int(layout['vsoc_shm_layout_descriptor']
-                                      ['region_count']),
-                            int(layout['vsoc_shm_layout_descriptor']
-                                      ['vsoc_region_desc_offset'])
-                            )
-    region_descriptor_offset = int(layout['vsoc_shm_layout_descriptor']
-                                         ['vsoc_region_desc_offset'])
-    offset += region_descriptor_offset
-    vsoc_device_struct = struct.Struct('HHIIIIIIIII16s')
-    for region in layout['vsoc_device_regions']:
-      self.num_vectors += 1
-      region['eventfds'] = {}
-      region['eventfds']['guest_to_host'] = \
-        linuxfd.eventfd(initval=0,
-                        semaphore=False,
-                        nonBlocking=True,
-                        closeOnExec=True)
-      region['eventfds']['host_to_guest'] = \
-        linuxfd.eventfd(initval=0,
-                        semaphore=False,
-                        nonBlocking=False,
-                        closeOnExec=True)
-      # Calculate the offsets
-      # Compensate for the fixed bits of the region header
-      current_offset = 56
-      region['guest_to_host_signal_table']['offset'] = current_offset
-      current_offset += 4 * (1 << int(region['guest_to_host_signal_table']['num_nodes_lg2']))
-      region['guest_to_host_signal_table']['node_alloc_hint_offset'] = current_offset
-      current_offset += 4
-      region['host_to_guest_signal_table']['offset'] = current_offset
-      current_offset += 4 * (1 << int(region['host_to_guest_signal_table']['num_nodes_lg2']))
-      region['host_to_guest_signal_table']['node_alloc_hint_offset'] = current_offset
-      current_offset += 4
-      region['offset_of_region_data'] = current_offset
-      vsoc_device_struct. \
-        pack_into(shmmap, offset,
-                  int(region['current_version']),
-                  int(region['min_compatible_version']),
-                  int(region['region_begin_offset']),
-                  int(region['region_end_offset']),
-                  region['offset_of_region_data'],
-                  int(region['guest_to_host_signal_table']['num_nodes_lg2']),
-                  region['guest_to_host_signal_table']['offset'],
-                  region['guest_to_host_signal_table']['node_alloc_hint_offset'],
-                  int(region['host_to_guest_signal_table']['num_nodes_lg2']),
-                  region['host_to_guest_signal_table']['offset'],
-                  region['host_to_guest_signal_table']['node_alloc_hint_offset'],
-                  bytes(region['device_name'], encoding='ascii')
-                )
-      offset += vsoc_device_struct.size
-    # We need atleast one vector to start QEMU.
-    # TODO: Perhaps throw an exception here and bail out early.
-    if self.num_vectors == 0:
-      self.num_vectors = 1