blob: 50bc90fad567d2f9dbedaa8582139d37cee14c9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include "thermal-helper.h"
#include "utils/ThermalConfigParser.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace thermal {
namespace V1_1 {
namespace implementation {
constexpr char kThermalSensorsRoot[] = "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal";
constexpr char kCpuOnlineRoot[] = "/sys/devices/system/cpu";
constexpr char kCpuUsageFile[] = "/proc/stat";
constexpr char kCpuOnlineFileSuffix[] = "online";
constexpr char kThermalConfigPrefix[] = "/vendor/etc/thermal-engine-";
constexpr char kTemperatureFileSuffix[] = "temp";
constexpr char kSensorTypeFileSuffix[] = "type";
constexpr char kThermalZoneDirSuffix[] = "thermal_zone";
constexpr char kCoolingDeviceDirSuffix[] = "cooling_device";
constexpr unsigned int kMaxCpus = 8;
constexpr unsigned int kMaxSensorSearchNum = 100;
// The number of available sensors in thermalHAL is:
// 8 (for each cpu) + 2 (for each gpu) + battery + skin + usbc = 13.
constexpr unsigned int kAvailableSensors = 13;
// This is a golden set of thermal sensor type and their temperature types.
// Used when we read in sensor values.
const std::map<std::string, TemperatureType>
kValidThermalSensorTypeMap = {
{"cpu0-silver-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU0
{"cpu1-silver-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU1
{"cpu2-silver-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU2
{"cpu3-silver-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU3
{"cpu0-gold-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU4
{"cpu1-gold-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU5
{"cpu2-gold-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU6
{"cpu3-gold-usr", TemperatureType::CPU}, // CPU7
// GPU thermal sensors.
{"gpu0-usr", TemperatureType::GPU},
{"gpu1-usr", TemperatureType::GPU},
// Battery thermal sensor.
{"battery", TemperatureType::BATTERY},
// USBC thermal sensor.
{"usbc-therm-adc", TemperatureType::UNKNOWN},
// Skin sensors.
{"quiet-therm-adc", TemperatureType::SKIN}, // Used by EVT devices
{"fps-therm-adc", TemperatureType::SKIN}, // Used by prod devices
namespace {
using android::base::StringPrintf;
void parseCpuUsagesFileAndAssignUsages(hidl_vec<CpuUsage>* cpu_usages) {
uint64_t cpu_num, user, nice, system, idle;
std::string cpu_name;
std::string data;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(kCpuUsageFile, &data)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading Cpu usage file: " << kCpuUsageFile;
std::istringstream stat_data(data);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(stat_data, line)) {
if (line.find("cpu") == 0 && isdigit(line[3])) {
// Split the string using spaces.
std::vector<std::string> words = android::base::Split(line, " ");
cpu_name = words[0];
cpu_num = std::stoi(cpu_name.substr(3));
if (cpu_num < kMaxCpus) {
user = std::stoi(words[1]);
nice = std::stoi(words[2]);
system = std::stoi(words[3]);
idle = std::stoi(words[4]);
// Check if the CPU is online by reading the online file.
std::string cpu_online_path = StringPrintf(
"%s/%s/%s", kCpuOnlineRoot, cpu_name.c_str(),
std::string is_online;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(
cpu_online_path, &is_online)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open Cpu online file: "
<< cpu_online_path;
is_online = android::base::Trim(is_online);
(*cpu_usages)[cpu_num].name = cpu_name;
(*cpu_usages)[cpu_num].active = user + nice + system;
(*cpu_usages)[cpu_num].total = user + nice + system + idle;
(*cpu_usages)[cpu_num].isOnline = (is_online == "1") ?
true : false;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected cpu number: " << words[0];
float getThresholdFromType(const TemperatureType type,
const ThrottlingThresholds& threshold) {
switch (type) {
case TemperatureType::CPU:
return threshold.cpu;
case TemperatureType::GPU:
return threshold.gpu;
case TemperatureType::BATTERY:
return threshold.battery;
case TemperatureType::SKIN:
return NAN;
} // namespace
// This is a golden set of cooling device types and their corresponding sensor
// thernal zone name.
static const std::map<std::string, std::string>
kValidCoolingDeviceTypeMap = {
{"thermal-cpufreq-0", "cpu0-silver-usr"}, // CPU0
{"thermal-cpufreq-1", "cpu1-silver-usr"}, // CPU1
{"thermal-cpufreq-2", "cpu2-silver-usr"}, // CPU2
{"thermal-cpufreq-3", "cpu3-silver-usr"}, // CPU3
{"thermal-cpufreq-4", "cpu0-gold-usr"}, // CPU4
{"thermal-cpufreq-5", "cpu1-gold-usr"}, // CPU5
{"thermal-cpufreq-6", "cpu2-gold-usr"}, // CPU6
{"thermal-cpufreq-7", "cpu3-gold-usr"}, // CPU7
* Populate the sensor_name_to_file_map_ map by walking through the file tree,
* reading the type file and assigning the temp file path to the map. If we do
* not succeed, abort.
ThermalHelper::ThermalHelper() :
is_initialized_(initializeSensorMap() && initializeCoolingDevices()) {
if (!is_initialized_) {
LOG(FATAL) << "ThermalHAL could not be initialized properly.";
std::string hw = android::base::GetProperty("ro.hardware", "");
std::string rev = android::base::GetProperty("vendor.thermal.hw_mode", "");
std::string thermal_config(kThermalConfigPrefix + hw + "-novr" + rev + ".conf");
std::string vr_thermal_config(kThermalConfigPrefix + hw + "-vr" + rev + ".conf");
std::vector<std::string> ThermalHelper::getCoolingDevicePaths() {
std::vector<std::string> paths;
for (const auto& entry : kValidCoolingDeviceTypeMap) {
std::string path = cooling_devices_.getCoolingDevicePath(entry.first);
if (!path.empty()) {
paths.push_back(path + "/cur_state");
return paths;
const std::map<std::string, std::string>&
ThermalHelper::getValidCoolingDeviceMap() const {
return kValidCoolingDeviceTypeMap;
bool ThermalHelper::readCoolingDevice(
const std::string& cooling_device, int* data) const {
return cooling_devices_.getCoolingDeviceState(cooling_device, data);
bool ThermalHelper::readTemperature(
const std::string& sensor_name, Temperature* out) const {
// Read the file. If the file can't be read temp will be empty string.
std::string temp;
std::string path;
if (!thermal_sensors_.readSensorFile(sensor_name, &temp, &path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "readTemperature: sensor not found: " << sensor_name;
return false;
if (temp.empty() && !path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "readTemperature: failed to open file: " << path;
return false;
out->type =;
out->name = sensor_name;
out->currentValue = std::stoi(temp) * kMultiplier;
out->throttlingThreshold = getThresholdFromType(, thresholds_);
if ( == TemperatureType::SKIN) {
out->throttlingThreshold = low_temp_threshold_adjuster_.adjustThreshold(
out->throttlingThreshold, out->currentValue);
out->shutdownThreshold = getThresholdFromType(,
out->vrThrottlingThreshold = getThresholdFromType(,
LOG(DEBUG) << StringPrintf(
"readTemperature: %d, %s, %g, %g, %g, %g",
out->type, out->name.c_str(), out->currentValue,
out->throttlingThreshold, out->shutdownThreshold,
return true;
bool ThermalHelper::initializeSensorMap() {
for (size_t sensor_zone_num = 0; sensor_zone_num < kMaxSensorSearchNum;
++sensor_zone_num) {
std::string sensor_name_path = StringPrintf(
"%s/%s%zu/%s", kThermalSensorsRoot, kThermalZoneDirSuffix,
sensor_zone_num, kSensorTypeFileSuffix);
std::string sensor_temp_path = StringPrintf(
"%s/%s%zu/%s", kThermalSensorsRoot, kThermalZoneDirSuffix,
sensor_zone_num, kTemperatureFileSuffix);
std::string sensor_name;
if (android::base::ReadFileToString(sensor_name_path, &sensor_name)) {
sensor_name = android::base::Trim(sensor_name);
if (kValidThermalSensorTypeMap.find(sensor_name) !=
kValidThermalSensorTypeMap.end()) {
if (!thermal_sensors_.addSensor(
sensor_name, sensor_temp_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add " << sensor_name
<< "to sensors map";
if (kAvailableSensors == thermal_sensors_.getNumSensors() ||
kValidThermalSensorTypeMap.size() == thermal_sensors_.getNumSensors()) {
return true;
return false;
bool ThermalHelper::initializeCoolingDevices() {
std::string base_path(kThermalSensorsRoot);
for (size_t cooling_device_num = 0;
cooling_device_num < kMaxSensorSearchNum; ++cooling_device_num) {
std::string path = StringPrintf(
"%s/%s%zu", kThermalSensorsRoot, kCoolingDeviceDirSuffix,
std::string cooling_device_name_path = StringPrintf(
"%s/%s", path.c_str(), kSensorTypeFileSuffix);
std::string cooling_device_name;
if (android::base::ReadFileToString(
cooling_device_name_path, &cooling_device_name)) {
cooling_device_name = android::base::Trim(cooling_device_name);
if (kValidCoolingDeviceTypeMap.find(cooling_device_name) !=
kValidCoolingDeviceTypeMap.end()) {
if (!cooling_devices_.addCoolingDevice(
cooling_device_name, path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add " << cooling_device_name
<< "to cooling device map";
int data;
if (cooling_devices_.getCoolingDeviceState(
cooling_device_name, &data)) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read cooling device value.";
if (kValidCoolingDeviceTypeMap.size() ==
cooling_devices_.getNumCoolingDevices()) {
return true;
return false;
bool ThermalHelper::fillTemperatures(hidl_vec<Temperature>* temperatures) {
int current_index = 0;
for (const auto& name_type_pair : kValidThermalSensorTypeMap) {
Temperature temp;
// Since evt and prod use different skin sensors. Skip the one we don't
// care about.
if (name_type_pair.second == TemperatureType::SKIN &&
getSkinSensorType() != name_type_pair.first) {
if (readTemperature(name_type_pair.first, &temp)) {
(*temperatures)[current_index] = temp;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading temperature for sensor: "
<< name_type_pair.first;
return false;
return current_index > 0;
bool ThermalHelper::fillCpuUsages(hidl_vec<CpuUsage>* cpu_usages) {
return true;
int ThermalHelper::getMaxThrottlingLevelFromMap() const {
auto max_element = std::max_element(
[] (const std::pair<std::string, int>& p1,
const std::pair<std::string, int>& p2) {
return p1.second < p2.second; });
return max_element->second;
bool ThermalHelper::checkThrottlingData(
const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& throttling_data,
std::pair<bool, Temperature>* notify_params) {
Temperature temp;
if (!readTemperature(getSkinSensorType(), &temp)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read skin sensor temperature.";
// If throttling data is in the map add it into the map and check the
// conditions for notification. If not just check if we're alreadhy
// throttling or not and notify.
std::string cooling_device = throttling_data.first;
if (!cooling_device.empty() &&
cooling_device_path_to_throttling_level_map_.find(cooling_device) !=
cooling_device_path_to_throttling_level_map_.end()) {
int throttling_level = std::stoi(throttling_data.second);
int max_throttling_level = getMaxThrottlingLevelFromMap();
cooling_device_path_to_throttling_level_map_[throttling_data.first] =
// We only want to send throttling notifications whenever a new
// throttling level is reached or if we stop throttling. This first case
// is to check if a CPU has been throttled higher than the current max.
// This means that we have to notify throttling and set is_throttling to
// true. The second case is to check that we are no longer throttling.
// Meaning that we notify throttling and set is_throttling to false.
if (max_throttling_level < throttling_level) {
*notify_params = std::make_pair(true , temp);
return true;
} else if (max_throttling_level != 0 &&
getMaxThrottlingLevelFromMap() == 0) {
*notify_params = std::make_pair(false , temp);
return true;
return false;
bool ThermalHelper::fillBatteryThresholdDebugInfo(std::ostringstream& dump_buf)
return low_temp_threshold_adjuster_.fillBatteryThresholdDebugInfo(dump_buf);
std::string ThermalHelper::getSkinSensorType() {
// The skin sensor is checked dynamically, since -evt uses quiet-therm-adc
// and -prod uses fps-therm-adc.
static std::string rev = android::base::GetProperty(
"vendor.thermal.hw_mode", "");
if (rev == "-evt") {
return "quiet-therm-adc";
} else {
return "fps-therm-adc";
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_1
} // namespace thermal
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android