dumpstate: log citadel info on -eng and -userdebug

Only log Citadel info on -eng and -userdebug
builds, otherwise an ominous binder permission
crash gets logged.

Bug: 112698875
Test: pending
Change-Id: I829d6079f6b9d0e12325bedd3b8c5ce022fe8828
diff --git a/dumpstate/DumpstateDevice.cpp b/dumpstate/DumpstateDevice.cpp
index 38552b0..16206dd 100755
--- a/dumpstate/DumpstateDevice.cpp
+++ b/dumpstate/DumpstateDevice.cpp
@@ -345,9 +345,11 @@
     // Citadel info (only enabled on -eng and -userdebug builds)
-    RunCommandToFd(fd, "Citadel ID", {"/vendor/bin/hw/citadel_updater", "--id"});
-    RunCommandToFd(fd, "Citadel VER", {"/vendor/bin/hw/citadel_updater", "-lv"});
-    RunCommandToFd(fd, "Citadel SELFTEST", {"/vendor/bin/hw/citadel_updater", "--selftest"});
+    if (!PropertiesHelper::IsUserBuild()) {
+        RunCommandToFd(fd, "Citadel ID", {"/vendor/bin/hw/citadel_updater", "--id"});
+        RunCommandToFd(fd, "Citadel VER", {"/vendor/bin/hw/citadel_updater", "-lv"});
+        RunCommandToFd(fd, "Citadel SELFTEST", {"/vendor/bin/hw/citadel_updater", "--selftest"});
+    }
     // Keep this at the end as very long on not for humans
     DumpFileToFd(fd, "WLAN FW Log Symbol Table", "/vendor/firmware/Data.msc");