blob: 96c061f8fe8708cd9d57b9f772469c693b1fc867 [file] [log] [blame]
* This module provides the callback functionality employed by the online sensor
* calibration algorithms.
#include "calibration/online_calibration/common_data/calibration_data.h"
namespace online_calibration {
* This codebase avoids Standard Template Library (STL) containers to maximize
* its usefullness on embedded hardware with basic C++ compiler support. The
* following uses type erasure to implement callback functionality to a user's
* desired class method. The idea here is to store an object pointer by
* instantiating a class template (Callback) which implements a virtual
* interface function (CallbackInterface::Call).
* See unit testing for a simple example of how to use this for callback
* functionality.
// CalibrationType: Sets the calibration type (e.g., CalibrationDataThreeAxis).
template <class CalibrationType>
class CallbackInterface {
// Interface function that is defined to implement the desired callback.
virtual void Call(const CalibrationType& cal_data,
CalibrationTypeFlags cal_update_flags) = 0;
virtual ~CallbackInterface() {}
// ClassCallerType: Sets the object's class type for the callback.
// CalibrationType: Sets the calibration type (e.g., CalibrationDataThreeAxis).
template <class ClassCallerType, class CalibrationType>
class Callback : public CallbackInterface<CalibrationType> {
// Constructors.
Callback() = delete;
Callback(ClassCallerType* obj,
void (ClassCallerType::*func)(const CalibrationType& cal_data,
CalibrationTypeFlags cal_update_flags))
: object_ptr_(obj), function_ptr_(func) {}
// Implements the callback to the desired class-method.
void Call(const CalibrationType& cal_data,
CalibrationTypeFlags cal_update_flags) final {
(object_ptr_->*function_ptr_)(cal_data, cal_update_flags);
// Pointer to the class that owns the callback method.
ClassCallerType* object_ptr_;
// Templated function pointer with the required function signature.
// Calibration callbacks must accept:
// 1. Constant reference to the calibration.
// 2. Bitmask indicating which calibration components have been updated.
void (ClassCallerType::*function_ptr_)(const CalibrationType& cal_data,
CalibrationTypeFlags cal_update_flags);
} // namespace online_calibration