x86 should inherit from x86 emulator rules

We were only inheriting from the generic emulator rules,
not the x86 rules too. This was causing lots of SELinux denials.

Bug: 16101432
Change-Id: Ib6f1f01c20c857e0ba97747e6a390281d319e1d6
diff --git a/BoardConfig.mk b/BoardConfig.mk
index 1057e4e..7170478 100644
--- a/BoardConfig.mk
+++ b/BoardConfig.mk
@@ -36,14 +36,19 @@
 BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += build/target/board/generic/sepolicy
+BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += build/target/board/generic_x86/sepolicy
         bootanim.te \
         device.te \
         domain.te \
         file.te \
         file_contexts \
+        healthd.te \
+        installd.te \
         qemud.te \
         rild.te \
         shell.te \
         surfaceflinger.te \
-        system_server.te
+        system_server.te \
+        zygote.te