blob: cd6ad1e327622fa116d621a2e90d1e9d3fbb8446 [file] [log] [blame]
[open,refpage='VkValidationFlagsEXT',desc='Specify validation checks to disable for a Vulkan instance',type='structs']
When creating a Vulkan instance for which you wish to disable validation
checks, add a slink:VkValidationFlagsEXT structure to the pname:pNext chain
of the slink:VkInstanceCreateInfo structure, specifying the checks to be
* pname:sType is the type of this structure.
* pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
* pname:disabledValidationCheckCount is the number of checks to disable.
* pname:pDisabledValidationChecks is a pointer to an array of
elink:VkValidationCheckEXT values specifying the validation checks to be
[open,refpage='VkValidationCheckEXT',desc='Specify validation checks to disable',type='enums']
Possible values of elements of the
slink:VkValidationFlagsEXT::pname:pDisabledValidationChecks array,
specifying validation checks to be disabled, are:
* ename:VK_VALIDATION_CHECK_ALL_EXT specifies that all validation checks
are disabled.
* ename:VK_VALIDATION_CHECK_SHADERS_EXT specifies that shader validation
is disabled.