Inline contents from in uml. is being deleted, so inline its contents in
which is one of the only two targets inheriting it.

Bug: 80410283
Test: diff products variables with multiproduct_kati
Change-Id: I620296cfa62ed8b6fcab3264eb1d42799263e5e2
Merged-In: I620296cfa62ed8b6fcab3264eb1d42799263e5e2
diff --git a/ b/
index 32240fa..fe9d206 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
-$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
@@ -28,3 +27,109 @@
 PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/init.uml.rc:root/init.uml.rc
 PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/surfaceflinger.rc:system/etc/init/surfaceflinger.rc
+    adb \
+    adbd \
+    adbd.recovery \
+    usbd \
+    android.hardware.configstore@1.0-service \
+    android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service \
+    android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl \
+    android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.vendor \
+    atrace \
+    blank_screen \
+    bootanimation \
+    bootstat \
+    charger \
+    cmd \
+    crash_dump \
+    debuggerd\
+    dumpstate \
+    dumpsys \
+    fastboot \
+    gralloc.default \
+    healthd \
+    hwservicemanager \
+    init \
+    init.environ.rc \
+    init.rc \
+    libEGL \
+    libETC1 \
+    libFFTEm \
+    libGLESv1_CM \
+    libGLESv2 \
+    libGLESv3 \
+    libbinder \
+    libc \
+    libc_malloc_debug \
+    libc_malloc_hooks \
+    libcutils \
+    libdl \
+    libgui \
+    libhardware \
+    libhardware_legacy \
+    libjpeg \
+    liblog \
+    libm \
+    libpixelflinger \
+    libpower \
+    libsigchain \
+    libstdc++ \
+    libsurfaceflinger \
+    libsurfaceflinger_ddmconnection \
+    libsysutils \
+    libui \
+    libutils \
+    linker \
+    linker.recovery \
+    lmkd \
+    logcat \
+    lshal \
+    recovery \
+    service \
+    servicemanager \
+    shell_and_utilities \
+    storaged \
+    surfaceflinger \
+    thermalserviced \
+    tombstoned \
+    tzdatacheck \
+    vndservice \
+    vndservicemanager \
+# VINTF data
+    device_compatibility_matrix.xml \
+    device_manifest.xml \
+    framework_manifest.xml \
+    framework_compatibility_matrix.xml \
+# SELinux packages are added as dependencies of the selinux_policy
+# phony package.
+    selinux_policy \
+# AID Generation for
+# <pwd.h> and <grp.h>
+    passwd \
+    group \
+    fs_config_files \
+    fs_config_dirs
+# If there are product-specific adb keys defined, install them on debuggable
+# builds.
+    adb_keys
+# Ensure that this property is always defined so that bionic_systrace.cpp
+# can rely on it being initially set by init.
+    debug.atrace.tags.enableflags=0
+    system/core/rootdir/init.usb.rc:root/init.usb.rc \
+    system/core/rootdir/init.usb.configfs.rc:root/init.usb.configfs.rc \
+    system/core/rootdir/ueventd.rc:root/ueventd.rc \
+    system/core/rootdir/etc/hosts:system/etc/hosts