Modify the build targets for goldfish from to include aosp*.

This allows egl.cfg to be copied to $(TARGET_OUT)/lib/egl for aosp*
build targets. This patch fixes the emulator to boot with "-gpu on" flag.

Change-Id: I6c291a4a0fd82242d7f2ac41229be202aa7c71e0
diff --git a/opengl/system/egl/ b/opengl/system/egl/
index a979089..241cefe 100644
--- a/opengl/system/egl/
+++ b/opengl/system/egl/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # Other builds are device-specific and will provide their own
 # version of this file to point to the appropriate HW EGL libraries.
-ifneq (,$(filter full full_x86 full_mips sdk sdk_x86 sdk_mips google_sdk google_sdk_x86 google_sdk_mips,$(TARGET_PRODUCT)))
+ifneq (,$(filter aosp_arm aosp_x86 aosp_mips full full_x86 full_mips sdk sdk_x86 sdk_mips google_sdk google_sdk_x86 google_sdk_mips,$(TARGET_PRODUCT)))
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE := egl.cfg