Create a dummy USB gadget for sysfs tests.

VTS has test cases for the sysfs interface around USB gadgets.
As the emulator does not function as a USB gadget, creating a
dummy one is the simplest mechanism to enable the sysfs testing.

Bug: 110558638
Test: run vts -m VtsKernelApiSysfsTest
Change-Id: I87e0d0174bb49b0694ae2704134635d3c3c5ec6c`
diff --git a/init.ranchu.rc b/init.ranchu.rc
index 12f5a68..bf77184 100644
--- a/init.ranchu.rc
+++ b/init.ranchu.rc
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
     start goldfish-logcat
+    # Create a dummy USB gadget to allow sysfs testing
+    mkdir /config/usb_gadget/g1 0770 root root
 service ranchu-setup /vendor/bin/
     class core