Fix teapot example app

Before eglMakeCurrent, it checks the pointer to the window surface to
avoid expansive host calls. But the window surfaces can end up having
the same pointer with different host handles. So we skip the check.


Change-Id: Ic76e299bed68c6eca9ae2a74ef18dc5cee2e4bd4
diff --git a/system/egl/egl.cpp b/system/egl/egl.cpp
index 185fbc9..ec1c186 100644
--- a/system/egl/egl.cpp
+++ b/system/egl/egl.cpp
@@ -1516,11 +1516,14 @@
     EGLThreadInfo *tInfo = getEGLThreadInfo();
-    if (tInfo->currentContext == context &&
-        (context == NULL ||
-        (context && context->draw == draw && context->read == read))) {
-        return EGL_TRUE;
-    }
+    // we cannot use the following code block because of this bug:
+    // b/63918908
+    //if (tInfo->currentContext == context &&
+    //    (context == NULL ||
+    //    (context && context->draw == draw && context->read == read))) {
+    //    return EGL_TRUE;
+    //}
     if (tInfo->currentContext && tInfo->currentContext->deletePending) {
         if (tInfo->currentContext != context) {