Removing chmod/chown call to dev/dx_sep_q1

There is a call to change permissions on a device driver that is not
reachable from other processes other than init and ueventd. These
useless device drivers should be stripped out of the kernel. This change
will handle removing the call to change permissions on them to
facilitate removing these devices out of all relevant kernels.

Bug: 33347297
Test: The device boots
Change-Id: I04b58d4551c4d6215833aadb1a51afe11b0c0bcf
diff --git a/init.fugu.rc b/init.fugu.rc
index 7106538..982cb27 100644
--- a/init.fugu.rc
+++ b/init.fugu.rc
@@ -109,8 +109,6 @@
     copy /system/etc/security/sep_policy.conf /sys/fs/sepfs/load
     chown system system /dev/dx_sep_q0
     chmod 0666 /dev/dx_sep_q0
-    chown system system /dev/dx_sep_q1
-    chmod 0666 /dev/dx_sep_q1
     # hdmi cec
     chown system system /sys/module/drm_intel_mid/parameters/hdmi_state