blob: a8b39d9b48a237b6c7e79fbd9854eb37451dedb2 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Classpath.
GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307 USA. */
import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* A Doclet which retrieves all information presented by the Doclet
* API, dumping it to stdout in XML format.
* @author Julian Scheid
public class Driver {
public static final String XMLDOCLET_VERSION = "0.6.1";
* Used for redirecting error messages to <code>/dev/null</code>.
private static class NullErrorReporter implements DocErrorReporter {
public void printError(String ignore) {}
public void printWarning(String ignore) {}
public void printNotice(String ignore) {}
* Taglet context constants.
private static final int CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR = 1;
private static final int CONTEXT_FIELD = 2;
private static final int CONTEXT_METHOD = 3;
private static final int CONTEXT_OVERVIEW = 4;
private static final int CONTEXT_PACKAGE = 5;
private static final int CONTEXT_TYPE = 6;
* All XML output will go to this stream.
private PrintWriter out;
* How many spaces to indent each XML node level,
* i.e. Tab size for output.
private static int indentStep = 1;
* Won't output superfluous spaces if set to true.
* If set to false, output will be more legible.
private boolean compress = false;
* Won't output warning messages while fixing
* HTML code if set to true.
private boolean noHTMLWarn = false;
* Won't output warning messages when encountering tags
* that look like an email address if set to true.
private boolean noEmailWarn = false;
* Will fix HTML if necessary so that each comment
* contains valid XML code if set to true. If set
* to false, HTML code will not be modified and
* instead encapsulated in a CDATA section.
private boolean fixHTML = true;
* User-specified name of the directory where the final version of
* the generated files will be written to.
* If no XSLT sheet is given, the XML output will go directly into
* this directory. Otherwise, XML output will go to a temporary
* directory and XSLT output will go to this directory.
private File targetDirectory = null;
* Directory where XML output will be written to. If no XSLT
* sheet was given, this is the target directory specified
* by the user. Otherwise, this is a temporary directory.
private File xmlTargetDirectory;
* Contains a number of TargetContexts which describe which XSLT
* sheet to apply to the output of this doclet, to what directory
* the XSLT output is written, and which postprocess driver to use
* to process XSLT output.
private List targets = new ArrayList();
* XML text to include at the end of every generated page. Read
* from the file specified on the command line using -bottomnote.
* If present, this will be written to the main output file
* (index.xml) in node /gjdoc:rootDoc/gjdoc:bottomnote.
private String bottomNote;
* Brief description of the package set. Can be specified on the
* command line using -title. This will be written to the main
* output file (index.xml) in node
* /gjdoc:rootDoc/gjdoc:title. The HTML generating XSLT sheet
* uses this for example in window titles.
private String title;
* Path to the directory where temporary files should be stored.
* Defaults to system tempdir, but can be overridden by user
* with -workpath.
private String workingPath = System.getProperty("");
* Temporary directory created by this doclet where all
* temporary files will be stored in. If no temporary
* files are needed (i.e. no XSLT postprocessing stage
* specified by user), this is <code>null</code>.
private File workingDirectory;
* Whether to deep-copy the doc-files subdirectory.
private boolean docFilesSubdirsEnabled = false;
* Which direct subdirectories of the doc-files directories to exclude.
* Set of String.
private Set excludeDocFilesSubDirs = new HashSet();
* Stores the Doclet API RootDoc we are operating on.
private RootDoc rootDoc;
* XML namespace prefix used for all tags, except for HTML
* tags copied from Javadoc comments. Excluding colon.
public static final String tagPrefix = "gjdoc";
* Classpath for loading Taglet classes.
private String tagletPath = null;
* The current class that is being processed.
* Set in outputClassDoc().
private ClassDoc currentClass;
* The current member that is being processed.
* Set in outputMemberDoc().
private MemberDoc currentMember;
* The current constructor/method that is being processed.
* Set in outputExecutableMemberDoc().
private ExecutableMemberDoc currentExecMember;
* Mapping from tag type to Taglet for user Taglets specified on
* the command line.
private Map tagletMap = new LinkedHashMap();
* Keeps track of the tags mentioned by the user during option
* processiong so that an error can be emitted if a tag is
* mentioned more than once.
private List mentionedTags = new LinkedList();
* Stores options to be passed to the DocTranslet.
private DocTransletOptions docTransletOptions = new DocTransletOptions();
* Stores the package groups specified in the user
* options. Contains objects of type PackageGroup.
private List packageGroups = new LinkedList();
private HtmlRepairer htmlRepairer;
public static boolean start(TemporaryStore _rootDocWrapper) {
return new Driver().instanceStart((RootDoc)_rootDocWrapper.getAndClear());
* Official Doclet entry point.
public static boolean start(RootDoc _rootDoc) {
// Create a new XmlDoclet instance and delegate control.
TemporaryStore tstore = new TemporaryStore(_rootDoc);
_rootDoc = null;
return new Driver().instanceStart((RootDoc)tstore.getAndClear());
* Output an XML tag describing a com.sun.javadoc.Type object.
* Assumes that the tag does not have subtags.
* @param level Level of indentation. Will be multiplied by
* <code>indentStep</code> to yield actual amount
* of whitespace inserted at start of line.
* @param tag Identifier for the XML tag being output.
* @param type The Javadoc Type to be output.
protected void outputType(int level, String tag, Type type) {
outputType(level, tag, type, true);
protected void outputType(int level, String tag, Type type, boolean atomic) {
boolean isIncluded = false;
ClassDoc typeAsClassDoc = type.asClassDoc();
String packageName = null;
if (null != typeAsClassDoc) {
isIncluded = typeAsClassDoc.isIncluded();
packageName = typeAsClassDoc.containingPackage().name();
println(level, "<"+tagPrefix+":"+tag + " typename=\""+type.typeName()+"\""+
" qualifiedtypename=\""+type.qualifiedTypeName()+"\""
+(type.dimension().length()==0?"":" dimension=\""+type.dimension()+"\"")
+(isIncluded?" isIncluded=\"true\"" : "")
+((null != packageName)?" package=\"" + packageName + "\"" : "")
protected void outputExecutableMemberDocBody(int level, ExecutableMemberDoc memberDoc) {
currentExecMember = memberDoc;
outputMemberDocBody(level, memberDoc);
Parameter[] parameters = memberDoc.parameters();
for (int i=0, ilim=parameters.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
Parameter parameter = parameters[i];
outputType(level, "parameter name=\"""\"", parameter.type());
ClassDoc[] exceptions = memberDoc.thrownExceptions();
for (int i=0, ilim=exceptions.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
ClassDoc exception = exceptions[i];
outputType(level, "thrownException", exception);
printAtomTag(level, "signature full=\""+memberDoc.signature()+"\" flat=\""+memberDoc.flatSignature()+"\"");
if (memberDoc.isNative()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isNative");
if (memberDoc.isSynchronized()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isSynchronized");
protected void outputMethodDoc(int level, MethodDoc methodDoc) {
printOpenTag(level, "methoddoc name=\"""\"");
outputExecutableMemberDocBody(level+1, methodDoc);
outputType(level+1, "returns", methodDoc.returnType());
printCloseTag(level, "methoddoc");
protected void outputMemberDocBody(int level, MemberDoc memberDoc) {
currentMember = memberDoc;
outputProgramElementDocBody(level, memberDoc);
protected void outputFieldDocBody(int level, FieldDoc fieldDoc) {
outputType(level, "type", fieldDoc.type());
if (fieldDoc.isTransient()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isTransient");
if (fieldDoc.isVolatile()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isVolatile");
private void outputFieldDoc(int level, FieldDoc fieldDoc) {
printOpenTag(level, "fielddoc name=\"""\"");
outputMemberDocBody(level+1, fieldDoc);
outputFieldDocBody(level+1, fieldDoc);
printCloseTag(level, "fielddoc");
protected void outputConstructorDoc(int level, ConstructorDoc constructorDoc) {
printOpenTag(level, "constructordoc name=\"""\"");
outputExecutableMemberDocBody(level+1, constructorDoc);
printCloseTag(level, "constructordoc");
protected void outputSuperInterfacesRec(int level, ClassDoc classDoc) {
if (null!=classDoc) {
ClassDoc[] interfaces = classDoc.interfaces();
if (null != interfaces) {
for (int i=0, ilim=interfaces.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
outputType(level, "superimplements", interfaces[i]);
outputSuperInterfacesRec(level, classDoc.superclass());
protected void outputClassDocSummary(ClassDoc classDoc) {
printOpenTag(1, "classdoc name=\"""\" qualifiedtypename=\""+classDoc.qualifiedName()+"\" isIncluded=\"true\"");
if (null!=classDoc.superclass()) {
outputType(2, "superclass", classDoc.superclass());
ClassDoc[] interfaces = classDoc.interfaces();
for (int i=0, ilim=interfaces.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
outputType(2, "implements", interfaces[i]);
outputSuperInterfacesRec(2, classDoc.superclass());
printAtomTag(2, "containingPackage name=\""+classDoc.containingPackage().name()+"\"");
if (classDoc.isError()) {
printAtomTag(2, "isError");
if (classDoc.isException()) {
printAtomTag(2, "isException");
if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
printAtomTag(2, "isInterface");
if (classDoc.isOrdinaryClass()) {
printAtomTag(2, "isOrdinaryClass");
printCloseTag(1, "classdoc");
protected void outputPackageDoc(PackageDoc packageDoc) {
printOpenTag(1, "packagedoc name=\"""\"");
if (packageDoc.firstSentenceTags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(2, "firstSentenceTags", false);
outputTags(3, packageDoc.firstSentenceTags(), true, CONTEXT_PACKAGE);
printCloseTag(0, "firstSentenceTags");
printOpenTag(2, "inlineTags", false);
outputTags(3, packageDoc.inlineTags(), true, CONTEXT_PACKAGE);
printCloseTag(0, "inlineTags");
if (packageDoc.tags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(2, "tags");
outputTags(3, packageDoc.tags(), true, CONTEXT_PACKAGE);
printCloseTag(2, "tags");
if (packageDoc.seeTags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(2, "seeTags");
outputTags(3, packageDoc.seeTags(), true, CONTEXT_PACKAGE);
printCloseTag(2, "seeTags");
ClassDoc[] allClasses = (ClassDoc[]) packageDoc.allClasses().clone();
if (false) {
for (int i = 0, ilim = allClasses.length; i < ilim; ++ i) {
printAtomTag(2, "containsClass qualifiedtypename=\""+allClasses[i].qualifiedTypeName()+"\"");
printCloseTag(1, "packagedoc");
protected void outputClassDoc(ClassDoc classDoc) throws IOException {
currentClass = classDoc;
printOpenTag(1, "classdoc xmlns=\"\" xmlns:"+tagPrefix+"=\"\" name=\"""\" qualifiedtypename=\""+classDoc.qualifiedName()+"\"");
ClassDoc[] interfaces = classDoc.interfaces();
for (int i=0, ilim=interfaces.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
outputType(2, "implements", interfaces[i]);
outputSuperInterfacesRec(2, classDoc.superclass());
outputProgramElementDocBody(2, classDoc);
if (classDoc.isAbstract())
printAtomTag(2, "isAbstract");
if (classDoc.isSerializable())
printAtomTag(2, "isSerializable");
if (classDoc.isExternalizable())
printAtomTag(2, "isExternalizable");
if (classDoc.definesSerializableFields()) {
printAtomTag(2, "definesSerializableFields");
ConstructorDoc[] constructors = classDoc.constructors();
for (int i=0, ilim=constructors.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
outputConstructorDoc(2, constructors[i]);
MethodDoc[] methods = classDoc.methods();
for (int i=0, ilim=methods.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
outputMethodDoc(2, methods[i]);
FieldDoc[] fields = classDoc.fields();
for (int i=0, ilim=fields.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
outputFieldDoc(2, fields[i]);
if (classDoc.serializableFields().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(2, "serializableFields");
FieldDoc[] sfields = classDoc.serializableFields();
for (int i=0, ilim=sfields.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
outputFieldDoc(2, sfields[i]);
printCloseTag(2, "serializableFields");
Java2xhtml java2xhtml = new Java2xhtml();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("isCodeSnippet", "true");
properties.setProperty("hasLineNumbers", "true");
if (null == classDoc.containingClass() && docTransletOptions.linksource) {
printOpenTag(2, "source");
StringWriter sourceBuffer = new StringWriter();
File sourceFile = new File(((GjdocPackageDoc)classDoc.containingPackage()).packageDirectory(), + ".java");
FileReader sourceReader = new FileReader(sourceFile);
IOToolkit.copyStream(sourceReader, sourceBuffer);
print(java2xhtml.makeHTML(sourceBuffer.getBuffer(), sourceFile.getName()));
printCloseTag(2, "source");
ClassDoc superclassDoc = classDoc.superclass();
while (superclassDoc != null) {
outputType(2, "superclass", superclassDoc, false);
// FIXME: remove the following after adjusting the XSLT sheets:
printAtomTag(3, "containingPackage name=\"" + superclassDoc.containingPackage().name() + "\"");
MethodDoc[] superMethods = superclassDoc.methods();
if (null != superMethods) {
for (int i=0, ilim=superMethods.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
printAtomTag(3, "methoddoc name=\"" + superMethods[i].name() + "\" signature=\"" + superMethods[i].signature() + "\"");
FieldDoc[] superFields = superclassDoc.fields();
if (null != superFields) {
for (int i=0, ilim=superFields.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
printAtomTag(3, "fielddoc name=\"" + superFields[i].name() + "\"");
printCloseTag(2, "superclass");
superclassDoc = superclassDoc.superclass();
outputUsage(classDoc, 2);
printCloseTag(1, "classdoc");
currentClass = null;
currentMember = null;
currentExecMember = null;
protected int outputHeritageOpen(int level, ClassDoc classDoc) {
ClassDoc superClassDoc = classDoc.superclass();
if (null != superClassDoc) {
level = outputHeritageOpen(level, superClassDoc);
++ level;
outputType(level, "heritage", classDoc, false);
return level;
protected void outputHeritageClose(int level, ClassDoc classDoc) {
ClassDoc superClassDoc = classDoc.superclass();
if (null != superClassDoc) {
outputHeritageClose(level + 1, superClassDoc);
printCloseTag(level, "heritage");
protected void outputDocBody(int level, Doc doc) {
int context = CONTEXT_TYPE;
if (doc.isClass()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isClass");
ClassDoc classDoc = (ClassDoc)doc;
ClassDoc[] classes = rootDoc.classes();
for (int i=0, ilim=classes.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
if (classes[i].superclass() == classDoc) {
outputType(level, "extended-by", classes[i]);
outputHeritageOpen(level, classDoc);
outputHeritageClose(level, classDoc);
if (doc.isConstructor()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isConstructor");
if (doc.isError()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isError");
if (doc.isException()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isException");
if (doc.isField()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isField");
context = CONTEXT_FIELD;
if (doc.isIncluded()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isIncluded");
if (doc.isInterface()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isInterface");
ClassDoc classDoc = (ClassDoc)doc;
ClassDoc[] classes = rootDoc.classes();
for (int i=0, ilim=classes.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
ClassDoc[] implementedInterfaces = classes[i].interfaces();
for (int j=0; j<implementedInterfaces.length; ++j) {
if (implementedInterfaces[j] == classDoc) {
if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
outputType(level, "subinterface", classes[i]);
else {
outputType(level, "implemented-by", classes[i]);
if (doc.isMethod()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isMethod");
if (doc.isOrdinaryClass()) {
printAtomTag(level, "isOrdinaryClass");
if (doc.inlineTags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(level, "inlineTags", false);
outputTags(level+1, doc.inlineTags(), true, context);
printCloseTag(0, "inlineTags");
if (doc.firstSentenceTags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(level, "firstSentenceTags", false);
outputTags(level+1, doc.firstSentenceTags(), true, context);
printCloseTag(0, "firstSentenceTags");
if (doc.tags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(level, "tags");
outputTaglets(level+1, doc.tags(), true, context);
printCloseTag(level, "tags");
if (doc.seeTags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(level, "seeTags");
outputTags(level+1, doc.seeTags(), true, context);
printCloseTag(level, "seeTags");
SourcePosition position = doc.position();
if (null != position) {
printAtomTag(level, "position file=\"" + position.file().getAbsolutePath() + "\" line=\"" + position.line() + "\" column=\"" + position.column() + "\"");
protected void outputProgramElementDocBody(int level, ProgramElementDoc programElementDoc) {
outputDocBody(level, programElementDoc);
printAtomTag(level, "containingPackage name=\""+programElementDoc.containingPackage().name()+"\"");
if (null!=programElementDoc.containingClass()) {
outputType(level, "containingClass", programElementDoc.containingClass());
String access;
if (programElementDoc.isPublic())
else if (programElementDoc.isProtected())
else if (programElementDoc.isPrivate())
else if (programElementDoc.isPackagePrivate())
throw new RuntimeException("Huh? "+programElementDoc+" is neither public, protected, private nor package protected.");
printAtomTag(level, "access scope=\""+access+"\"");
if (programElementDoc.isFinal())
printAtomTag(level, "isFinal");
if (programElementDoc.isStatic())
printAtomTag(level, "isStatic");
protected void outputTags(int level, Tag[] tags, boolean descend, int context) {
for (int i=0; i<tags.length; ++i) {
outputTag(tags[i], level, descend, context, i == tags.length-1);
protected void outputTag(Tag tag, int level, boolean descend, int context, boolean lastTag) {
if (!"Text".equals( {
printOpenTag(0 /* don't introduce additional whitespace */,
"tag kind=\""+tag.kind()+"\" name=\"""\"", false);
if (tag instanceof ThrowsTag) {
ThrowsTag throwsTag = (ThrowsTag)tag;
if (null!=throwsTag.exception()) {
outputType(level+1, "exception", throwsTag.exception());
else {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Exception ");
sb.append(" not found in ");
if (currentExecMember instanceof MethodDoc) {
MethodDoc m = (MethodDoc)currentExecMember;
sb.append(' ');
Parameter[] params = currentExecMember.parameters();
for (int j=0; j < params.length; j++) {
sb.append(' ');
if (j != params.length-1)
sb.append(", ");
printAtomTag(level+1, "exception typename=\""+throwsTag.exceptionName()+"\"");
else if (tag instanceof ParamTag) {
ParamTag paramTag = (ParamTag)tag;
printAtomTag(level+1, "parameter name=\""+paramTag.parameterName()+"\"");
if (null != tag.text()) {
//printOpenTag(level+1, "text", false);
if (fixHTML) {
else {
//printCloseTag(0 /* don't introduce additional whitespace */, "text");
else {
printWarning("Tag got null text: "+tag);
if ((descend && ("@throws".equals( || "@param".equals( || "@deprecated".equals( {
if (tag.firstSentenceTags().length>0) {
printOpenTag(level+1, "firstSentenceTags", false);
outputTags(level+2, tag.firstSentenceTags(), false, context);
printCloseTag(0, "firstSentenceTags");
if (tag.inlineTags().length>0) {
printOpenTag(level+1, "inlineTags", false);
outputTags(level+2, tag.firstSentenceTags(), false, context);
printCloseTag(0, "inlineTags");
if (fixHTML && lastTag) {
String terminateText = htmlRepairer.terminateText();
if (null != terminateText && terminateText.length() > 0) {
if (!"Text".equals( {
Taglet inlineTaglet = (Taglet)tagletMap.get(;
if (null != inlineTaglet && inlineTaglet.isInlineTag()) {
printOpenTag(0, "inlineTagletText", false);
printCloseTag(0, "inlineTagletText");
printCloseTag(0, "tag", false);
void outputTaglets(int level, Tag[] tags, boolean descend, int context)
for (Iterator it = tagletMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String tagName = (String);
Object o = tagletMap.get(tagName);
Taglet taglet = (Taglet)o;
if (!taglet.isInlineTag()
&& ((context != CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR || taglet.inConstructor())
|| (context != CONTEXT_FIELD || taglet.inField())
|| (context != CONTEXT_METHOD || taglet.inMethod())
|| (context != CONTEXT_OVERVIEW || taglet.inOverview())
|| (context != CONTEXT_PACKAGE || taglet.inPackage())
|| (context != CONTEXT_TYPE || taglet.inType()))) {
List tagsOfThisType = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0, ilim=tags.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
if (tags[i].name().substring(1).equals(tagName)) {
if (!tagsOfThisType.isEmpty()) {
Tag[] tagletTags = (Tag[])tagsOfThisType.toArray(new Tag[tagsOfThisType.size()]);
if (taglet instanceof StandardTaglet) {
Iterator tagIterator = tagsOfThisType.iterator();
while (tagIterator.hasNext()) {
Tag tag = (Tag);
outputTag(tag, level, descend, context, !tagIterator.hasNext());
else {
String tagletString = taglet.toString(tagletTags);
if (null != tagletString) {
printOpenTag(0, "tag name=\"" + tagName + "\" taglet-generated=\"true\"");
if (fixHTML) {
else {
printCloseTag(0, "tag", false);
* Inofficial entry point. We got an instance here.
protected boolean instanceStart(RootDoc _rootDoc) {
this.rootDoc = _rootDoc;
_rootDoc = null;
boolean xmlOnly = true;
// Set the default Taglet order
registerTaglet(new VersionTaglet());
registerTaglet(new AuthorTaglet());
//registerTaglet(new SinceTaglet());
registerTaglet(new StandardTaglet("deprecated"));
registerTaglet(new StandardTaglet("see"));
registerTaglet(new StandardTaglet("param"));
// Set the built-in Taglet filter
try {
// Process command line options passed through to this doclet
TargetContext targetContext = null;
TargetContext htmlTargetContext
= new TargetContext(DocTranslet.fromClasspath("/doctranslets/html/gjdoc.xsl"),
for (int i=0, ilim=rootDoc.options().length; i<ilim; ++i) {
String[] option = rootDoc.options()[i];
String optionTag = option[0];
if ("-d".equals(optionTag)) {
if (null == targetDirectory) {
targetDirectory = new File(option[1]);
if (null != targetContext) {
else if ("-nofixhtml".equals(optionTag)) {
fixHTML = false;
printError("-nofixhtml currently not supported.");
return false;
else if ("-compress".equals(optionTag)) {
compress = true;
else if ("-nohtmlwarn".equals(optionTag)) {
noHTMLWarn = true;
else if ("-noemailwarn".equals(optionTag)) {
noEmailWarn = true;
else if ("-indentstep".equals(optionTag)) {
indentStep = Integer.parseInt(option[1]);
else if ("-doctranslet".equals(optionTag)) {
targets.add(targetContext = new TargetContext(DocTranslet.fromJarFile(new File(option[1])),
else if ("-genhtml".equals(optionTag)) {
targets.add(targetContext = htmlTargetContext);
xmlOnly = false;
else if ("-geninfo".equals(optionTag)) {
= new TargetContext(DocTranslet.fromClasspath("/doctranslets/info/gengj.xsl"),
if (!fixHTML) {
printNotice("NOTE: -geninfo implies -fixhtml.");
fixHTML = true;
xmlOnly = false;
else if ("-gendocbook".equals(optionTag)) {
targetContext = new TargetContext(DocTranslet.fromClasspath("/doctranslets/docbook/gengj.xsl"),
if (!fixHTML) {
printNotice("NOTE: -gendocbook implies -fixhtml.");
fixHTML = true;
else if ("-genpdf".equals(optionTag)) {
= new TargetContext(DocTranslet.fromClasspath("/doctranslets/docbook/gengj.xsl"),
/** "") **/
if (!fixHTML) {
printNotice("NOTE: -genpdf implies -fixhtml.");
fixHTML = true;
else if ("-xmlonly".equals(optionTag)) {
xmlOnly = true;
else if ("-bottomnote".equals(optionTag)) {
FileReader reader = new FileReader(option[1]);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
char[] buf = new char[256];
int nread;
while ((nread = >= 0) {
writer.write(buf, 0, nread);
bottomNote = writer.toString();
else if ("-title".equals(optionTag)) {
title = option[1];
else if ("-workpath".equals(optionTag)) {
workingPath = option[1];
else if ("-tagletpath".equals(optionTag)) {
if (null == tagletPath) {
tagletPath = option[1];
else {
tagletPath = tagletPath + File.pathSeparator + option[1];
else if ("-taglet".equals(optionTag)) {
boolean tagletLoaded = false;
String useTagletPath = this.tagletPath;
if (null == useTagletPath) {
useTagletPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
try {
Class tagletClass;
try {
= new FileSystemClassLoader(useTagletPath).loadClass(option[1]);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// If not found on specified tagletpath, try default classloader
= Class.forName(option[1]);
Method registerTagletMethod
= tagletClass.getDeclaredMethod("register", new Class[] { java.util.Map.class });
if (!registerTagletMethod.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' found, but register method doesn't return void.");
else if (registerTagletMethod.getExceptionTypes().length > 0) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' found, but register method contains throws clause.");
else if ((registerTagletMethod.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.ABSTRACT)) != (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' found, but register method isn't public static, or is abstract..");
else {
Map tempMap = new HashMap();
registerTagletMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] { tempMap });
tagletLoaded = true;
String name = (String)tempMap.keySet().iterator().next();
Taglet taglet = (Taglet)tempMap.get(name);
tagletMap.put(name, taglet);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' found, but doesn't contain the register method.");
catch (SecurityException e) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' cannot be loaded: " + e.getMessage());
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' found, but register method throws exception: " + e.toString());
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' found, but there was a problem when accessing the register method: " + e.toString());
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' found, but there was a problem when accessing the register method: " + e.toString());
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
printError("Taglet class '" + option[1] + "' cannot be found.");
if (!tagletLoaded) {
return false;
else if ("-author".equals(optionTag)) {
else if ("-version".equals(optionTag)) {
else if ("-nosince".equals(optionTag)) {
else if ("-nodeprecated".equals(optionTag)) {
else if ("-authormail".equals(optionTag)) {
if ("no-replace".equalsIgnoreCase(option[1])) {
else if ("mailto-name".equalsIgnoreCase(option[1])) {
else if ("name-mailto-address".equalsIgnoreCase(option[1])) {
else if ("name-mangled-address".equalsIgnoreCase(option[1])) {
else {
printError("Invalid value for option '-authortag-email'. Allowed values are:"
+ " no-replace, mailto-name, name-mailto-address, name-mangled-address.");
return false;
else if ("-mailmangledot".equals(optionTag)) {
else if ("-mailmangleat".equals(optionTag)) {
else if ("-docfilessubdirs".equals(optionTag)) {
docFilesSubdirsEnabled = true;
else if ("-excludedocfilessubdir".equals(optionTag)) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(option[1]);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
else if ("-nonavbar".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.nonavbar = true;
else if ("-noindex".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.noindex = true;
else if ("-notree".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.notree = true;
else if ("-nocomment".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.nocomment = true;
else if ("-nohelp".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.nohelp = true;
else if ("-splitindex".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.splitindex = true;
else if ("-linksource".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.linksource = true;
else if ("-windowtitle".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.windowtitle = option[1];
else if ("-helpfile".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.helpfile = new File(option[1]).toURL().toString();
else if ("-stylesheetfile".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.stylesheetfile = new File(option[1]).toURL().toString();
else if ("-header".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.header = option[1];
else if ("-footer".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.footer = option[1];
else if ("-bottom".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.bottom = option[1];
else if ("-doctitle".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.doctitle = option[1];
else if ("-nodeprecatedlist".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.nodeprecatedlist = true;
else if ("-uses".equals(optionTag)) {
docTransletOptions.uses = true;
else if ("-group".equals(optionTag)) {
if (!processGroupOption(option[1], option[2])) {
printError("Invalid package wildcard list in -group option \"" + option[1] + "\" " + option[2]);
return false;
else if ("-tag".equals(optionTag)) {
String tagSpec = option[1];
boolean validTagSpec = false;
int ndx1 = tagSpec.indexOf(':');
if (ndx1 < 0) {
Taglet taglet = (Taglet)tagletMap.get(tagSpec);
if (null == taglet) {
printError("There is no standard tag '" + tagSpec + "'.");
else {
if (mentionedTags.contains(taglet)) {
printError("Tag '" + tagSpec + "' has been added or moved before.");
else {
// re-append taglet
tagletMap.put(tagSpec, taglet);
else {
int ndx2 = tagSpec.indexOf(':', ndx1 + 1);
if (ndx2 > ndx1 && ndx2 < tagSpec.length() - 1) {
String tagName = tagSpec.substring(0, ndx1);
String tagHead = null;
if (tagSpec.charAt(ndx2 + 1) == '\"') {
if (tagSpec.charAt(tagSpec.length() - 1) == '\"') {
tagHead = tagSpec.substring(ndx2 + 2, tagSpec.length() - 1);
validTagSpec = true;
else {
tagHead = tagSpec.substring(ndx2 + 1);
validTagSpec = true;
boolean tagScopeOverview = false;
boolean tagScopePackages = false;
boolean tagScopeTypes = false;
boolean tagScopeConstructors = false;
boolean tagScopeMethods = false;
boolean tagScopeFields = false;
boolean tagDisabled = false;
for (int n=ndx1+1; n<ndx2; ++n) {
switch (tagSpec.charAt(n)) {
case 'X':
tagDisabled = true;
case 'a':
tagScopeOverview = true;
tagScopePackages = true;
tagScopeTypes = true;
tagScopeConstructors = true;
tagScopeMethods = true;
tagScopeFields = true;
case 'o':
tagScopeOverview = true;
case 'p':
tagScopePackages = true;
case 't':
tagScopeTypes = true;
case 'c':
tagScopeConstructors = true;
case 'm':
tagScopeMethods = true;
case 'f':
tagScopeFields = true;
validTagSpec = false;
break tag_option_loop;
if (validTagSpec) {
GenericTaglet taglet
= new GenericTaglet(tagName,
if (!validTagSpec) {
printError("Value for option -tag must be in format \"<tagname>:Xaoptcmf:<taghead>\".");
// Use current directory if target directory hasn't been set.
if (null == targetDirectory) {
targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
if (null != targetContext) {
// It is illegal to specify targets AND -xmlonly.
if (xmlOnly && targets.size() > 0) {
printError("You can only specify one of -xmlonly and a target format.");
return false;
// If no target was specified and XML only was not
// requested, use HTML as default target.
if (!xmlOnly && targets.size() == 0) {
targets.add(targetContext = htmlTargetContext);
// Set the same target directory for all output.
// FIXME: Allow separate target directories for different
// output formats.
for (Iterator it = targets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
TargetContext t = (TargetContext);
// Create temporary directory if necessary
if (xmlOnly) {
xmlTargetDirectory = targetDirectory;
else {
File workingTopDirectory = new File(workingPath);
workingDirectory = new File(workingTopDirectory, "gjdoc.tmp."+System.currentTimeMillis());
if (!workingDirectory.mkdir()) {
printError("Cannot create temporary directory at "+System.getProperty(""));
return false;
File xmlTempDirectory = new File(workingDirectory, "xmloutput");
if (!xmlTempDirectory.mkdir()) {
printError("Cannot create temporary directory for XML output at "+System.getProperty(""));
return false;
xmlTargetDirectory = xmlTempDirectory;
// Create target directory if necessary
if (!targetDirectory.exists()) {
printNotice("Creating destination directory: \""
+ targetDirectory + "\"");
if (!targetDirectory.mkdirs()) {
printError("Failed to create destination directory \""
+ targetDirectory + "\"");
return false;
// Check for deprecation
boolean hasDeprecatedClasses = false;
boolean hasDeprecatedInterfaces = false;
boolean hasDeprecatedExceptions = false;
boolean hasDeprecatedErrors = false;
boolean hasDeprecatedMethods = false;
boolean hasDeprecatedFields = false;
ClassDoc[] classes = rootDoc.classes();
for (int i = 0, ilim = classes.length; i < ilim; ++ i) {
ClassDoc c = classes[i];
Tag[] deprecatedTags = c.tags("deprecated");
if (null != deprecatedTags && 0 != deprecatedTags.length) {
if (c.isInterface()) {
hasDeprecatedInterfaces = true;
else if (c.isException()) {
hasDeprecatedExceptions = true;
else if (c.isError()) {
hasDeprecatedErrors = true;
else /*if (c.isOrdinaryClass())*/ {
hasDeprecatedClasses = true;
MethodDoc[] methods = c.methods();
for (int j = 0, jlim = methods.length; j < jlim; ++ j) {
MethodDoc m = methods[j];
deprecatedTags = m.tags("deprecated");
if (null != deprecatedTags && 0 != deprecatedTags.length) {
hasDeprecatedMethods = true;
FieldDoc[] fields = c.fields();
for (int j = 0, jlim = fields.length; j < jlim; ++ j) {
FieldDoc f = fields[j];
deprecatedTags = f.tags("deprecated");
if (null != deprecatedTags && 0 != deprecatedTags.length) {
hasDeprecatedFields = true;
htmlRepairer = new HtmlRepairer(rootDoc, noHTMLWarn, noEmailWarn,
currentClass, currentMember,
// Begin XML generation
printNotice("Writing XML Index file...");
// Assign output stream
// Output XML document header
println(0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
println("<!DOCTYPE gjdoc SYSTEM \"dtd/gjdoc.dtd\">");
printOpenTag(0, "rootdoc xmlns=\"\" xmlns:gjdoc=\"\"");
println(1, "<!-- Tags from overview page, if available -->");
if (rootDoc.firstSentenceTags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(2, "firstSentenceTags", false);
outputTags(3, rootDoc.firstSentenceTags(), true, CONTEXT_PACKAGE);
printCloseTag(0, "firstSentenceTags");
if (rootDoc.inlineTags().length > 0) {
printOpenTag(2, "inlineTags");
outputTags(3, rootDoc.inlineTags(), true, CONTEXT_PACKAGE);
printCloseTag(2, "inlineTags");
if (null != bottomNote) {
printOpenTag(1, "bottomnote");
printCloseTag(1, "bottomnote");
if (null != title) {
printOpenTag(1, "title");
println(2, title);
printCloseTag(1, "title");
printOpenTag(1, "created");
println(2, DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US).format(new java.util.Date()));
printCloseTag(1, "created");
if (hasDeprecatedClasses) printAtomTag(1, "hasDeprecatedClasses");
if (hasDeprecatedInterfaces) printAtomTag(1, "hasDeprecatedInterfaces");
if (hasDeprecatedExceptions) printAtomTag(1, "hasDeprecatedExceptions");
if (hasDeprecatedErrors) printAtomTag(1, "hasDeprecatedErrors");
if (hasDeprecatedMethods) printAtomTag(1, "hasDeprecatedMethods");
if (hasDeprecatedFields) printAtomTag(1, "hasDeprecatedFields");
// Output summary of all classes specified on command line
println(1, "<!-- Classes specified by user on command line -->");
ClassDoc[] specifiedClasses = rootDoc.specifiedClasses();
for (int i=0, ilim=specifiedClasses.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
ClassDoc sc = specifiedClasses[i];
printAtomTag(1, "specifiedclass fqname=\""+sc.qualifiedName()+"\" name=\"""\"");
specifiedClasses = null;
// Output summary of all packages specified on command line
println(1, "<!-- Packages specified by user on command line -->");
PackageDoc[] specifiedPackages = rootDoc.specifiedPackages();
for (int i=0, ilim=specifiedPackages.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
PackageDoc sp = specifiedPackages[i];
printAtomTag(1, "specifiedpackage name=\"""\"");
specifiedPackages = null;
// Output package group information specified on the
// command line
println(1, "<!-- Package groups specified by user on command line -->");
Iterator packageGroupIt = packageGroups.iterator();
while (packageGroupIt.hasNext()) {
PackageGroup packageGroup = (PackageGroup);
SortedSet groupedPackages = packageGroup.getPackages();
if (groupedPackages.isEmpty()) {
printWarning("Package group named '"
+ packageGroup.getName() + "' didn't match any packages.");
else {
printOpenTag(1, "packagegroup name=\"" + packageGroup.getName() + "\"");
Iterator groupedPackageIt = groupedPackages.iterator();
while (groupedPackageIt.hasNext()) {
PackageDoc groupedPackageDoc = (PackageDoc);
printAtomTag(2, "package name=\"" + + "\"");
printCloseTag(1, "packagegroup");
packageGroups = null;
// Output information on all packages for which documentation
// has been made available via the Doclet API
println(1, "<!-- Documentation for all packages -->");
PackageDoc[] packages = rootDoc.specifiedPackages();
for (int i=0, ilim=packages.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
PackageDoc c = packages[i];
packages = null;
// Output brief summary on all classes for which documentation
// has been made available via the Doclet API.
// While this is redundant, it can speed up XSLT
// processing by orders of magnitude
println(1, "<!-- Brief summary for all classes -->");
ClassDoc[] sumclasses = rootDoc.classes();
for (int i=0, ilim=sumclasses.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
ClassDoc c = sumclasses[i];
sumclasses = null;
// Output closing tag, finish output stream
printCloseTag(0, "rootdoc");
// Output information on all classes for which documentation
// has been made available via the Doclet API
println(1, "<!-- Documentation for all classes -->");
ClassDoc[] classes = rootDoc.classes();
String prevPackageName = null;
for (int i = 0, ilim = classes.length; i < ilim; ++ i) {
ClassDoc c = classes[i];
if (isVerbose()) {
printNotice("Writing XML information for "+c.qualifiedName()+"...");
else {
String packageName = c.containingPackage().name();
if (null == prevPackageName || !packageName.equals(prevPackageName)) {
printNotice("Writing XML information for "+packageName+"...");
prevPackageName = packageName;
println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
println("<!DOCTYPE gjdoc SYSTEM \"dtd/gjdoc.dtd\">");
classes = null;
// Copy DTD files to temporary directory
// FIXME: try to solve this via jar: URLs. but this will
// probably break libxmlj compatibility (?)
String[] resources = new String[] {
File tempDtdDirectory = new File(xmlTargetDirectory, "dtd");
File tempDtdEntDirectory = new File(tempDtdDirectory, "ent");
if ((tempDtdDirectory.exists() || tempDtdDirectory.mkdir())
&& (tempDtdEntDirectory.exists() || tempDtdEntDirectory.mkdir())) {
for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; ++ i) {
copyResourceToFile("/dtd/" + resources[i],
new File(tempDtdDirectory, resources[i]));
else {
printError("Cannot create temporary directories for DTD data at " + tempDtdDirectory);
return false;
// Copy package data-dir directory
PackageDoc[] packages = rootDoc.specifiedPackages();
for (int i=0, ilim=packages.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
PackageDoc c = packages[i];
if (c instanceof GjdocPackageDoc) {
// All information has been output. Apply stylesheet if given.;
this.currentClass = null;
this.currentMember = null;
this.currentExecMember = null;
// From this point we are only operating on files, so we don't
// need this anymore and can free up some memory
for (Iterator it = targets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
TargetContext target = (TargetContext);
// We have XSLT postprocessing, run DocTranslet.
//DocTranslet docTranslet = DocTranslet.fromClasspath("/doctranslets/html/gjdoc.xsl");
// Done
targets = null;
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
// Something went wrong. Report to stderr and pass error to
// Javadoc Reporter
Throwable rootCause = e.getCause();
if (null != rootCause) {
while (null != rootCause.getCause()) {
rootCause = rootCause.getCause();
System.err.println("Root cause:");
return false;
finally {
// In any case, delete the working directory if we created one
if (null != workingDirectory) {
if (!deleteRecursive(workingDirectory)) {
printWarning("Could not delete temporary directory at "+workingDirectory);
* Recursively delete the specified directory and its contents,
* like <code>rm -Rf directory</code>
* @return <code>true</code> on success
private static boolean deleteRecursive(File directory) {
boolean success = true;
File[] files = directory.listFiles();
for (int i=0, ilim=files.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
File file = files[i];
if (file.isDirectory()) {
success = deleteRecursive(file) && success;
else {
success = file.delete() && success;
return directory.delete() && success;
* Prints a string to stdout and appends a newline. Convenience
* method.
protected void println(String str) {
* Prints a string to stdout without appending a newline.
* Convenience method.
protected void print(String str) {
* In standard mode, prints an empty line to stdout.
* In thight mode, nothing happens.
* Convenience method.
protected void println() {
if (!compress) {
* In standard mode, prints the given text indented to stdout and appends newline.
* In tight mode, doesn't print indentation or newlines.
protected void print(int indentLevel, String msg) {
if (compress) {
else {
StringBuffer indentation = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0; i<indentLevel*indentStep; ++i) {
indentation.append(' ');
* In tight mode, prints a message at a given indentation level.
* In standard mode, appends a newline in addition.
protected void println(int indentLevel, String msg) {
print(indentLevel, msg);
if (!compress) out.println();
* Prints an atom tag at the given indentation level.
protected void printAtomTag(int level, String tag) {
println(level, "<"+tagPrefix+":"+replaceCharsInTag(tag)+"/>");
* Prints an open tag at the given indentation level.
protected void printOpenTag(int level, String tag) {
printOpenTag(level, replaceCharsInTag(tag), true);
* Prints an open tag at the given indentation level and
* conditionally appends a newline (if not in tight mode).
protected void printOpenTag(int level, String tag, boolean appendNewline) {
if (appendNewline && !compress) {
println(level, "<"+tagPrefix+":"+replaceCharsInTag(tag)+">");
else {
print(level, "<"+tagPrefix+":"+replaceCharsInTag(tag)+">");
* Prints a close tag at the given indentation level.
protected void printCloseTag(int level, String tag) {
printCloseTag(level, tag, true);
* Prints a close tag at the given indentation level and
* conditionally appends a newline (if not in tight mode).
protected void printCloseTag(int level, String tag, boolean appendNewline) {
if (appendNewline && !compress) {
println(level, "</"+tagPrefix+":"+replaceCharsInTag(tag)+">");
else {
print(level, "</"+tagPrefix+":"+replaceCharsInTag(tag)+">");
public static int optionLength(String option) {
if ("-d".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-fixhtml".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-compress".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-nohtmlwarn".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-noemailwarn".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-indentstep".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-xslsheet".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-xsltdriver".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-postprocess".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-genhtml".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-geninfo".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-gendocbook".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-xmlonly".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-bottomnote".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-workpath".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-title".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-tagletpath".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-taglet".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-authormail".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-mailmangledot".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-mailmangleat".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-noindex".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-nocomment".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-notree".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-nohelp".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-nonavbar".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-splitindex".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-author".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-version".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-nosince".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-nodeprecated".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-linksource".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-windowtitle".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-helpfile".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-stylesheetfile".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-tag".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-header".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-footer".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-bottom".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-doctitle".equals(option)) return 2;
else if ("-nodeprecatedlist".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-uses".equals(option)) return 1;
else if ("-group".equals(option)) return 3;
else return -1;
public static boolean validOptions(String[][] options) {
return true;
* Workaround for non well-formed comments: fix tag contents
* by replacing <code>&lt;</code> with <code>&amp;lt;</code>,
* <code>&gt;</code> with <code>&amp;gt;</code> and
* <code>&amp;</code> with <code>&amp;amp;</code>.
* @param tagContent String to process
* @return given String with all special characters replaced by
* HTML entities.
private static String replaceCharsInTag(String tagContent) {
"<", "&lt;"
">", "&gt;"
"&", "&amp;"
* Replaces all occurences of string <code>needle</code> within string
* <code>haystack</code> by string <code>replacement</code>.
* @param haystack The string to search and replace in.
* @param needle The string which is searched for.
* @param replacement The string by which every occurence of <code>needle</code> is replaced.
private static String replaceString(String haystack, String needle, String replacement) {
int ndx = haystack.indexOf(needle);
if (ndx<0)
return haystack;
return haystack.substring(0, ndx) + replacement
+ replaceString(haystack.substring(ndx+needle.length()), needle, replacement);
protected void setTargetFile(String filename) throws IOException {
OutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(xmlTargetDirectory, filename));
out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fileOut, "UTF8")));;
protected void closeTargetFile() {
private String cdata(String str) {
if (null==str) {
return str;
} // end of if ((null==str)
StringBuffer rc = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0; i<str.length(); ++i) {
char c = str.charAt(i);
if (c==0x09 || c==0x0a || c==0x0d || (c>=0x20 && c<=0xd7ff) || (c>=0xe000 && c<=0xfffd) || (c>=0x10000 && c<=0x10ffff)) {
else {
printWarning("Invalid Unicode character 0x"+Integer.toString(c, 16)+" in javadoc markup has been stripped.");
} // end of else
return rc.toString();
static void copyResourceToFile(String resourceName, File target) throws IOException {
InputStream in = Driver.class.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
if (null != in) {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(target);
int size;
byte[] buffer = new byte[512];
while ((size = >= 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, size);
else {
throw new IOException("Can't find resource named "+resourceName);
private void printError(String error) {
if (null != rootDoc) {
else {
System.err.println("ERROR: "+error);
private void printWarning(String warning) {
if (null != rootDoc) {
else {
System.err.println("WARNING: "+warning);
private void printNotice(String notice) {
if (null != rootDoc) {
else {
* Copy the contents of the input directory to the output
* directory. The output directory must exist.
private void copyPackageDataDir(GjdocPackageDoc packageDoc) throws IOException {
File docFilesSourceDirectory
= new File(packageDoc.packageDirectory(), "doc-files");
File docFilesTargetDirectory
= new File(this.targetDirectory,'.', File.separatorChar));
if (docFilesSourceDirectory.exists()) {
printNotice("Copying files from " + docFilesSourceDirectory);
copyDirectory(docFilesSourceDirectory, docFilesTargetDirectory,
* Recursively copy the contents of the input directory to the
* output directory. The output directory must exist.
private static void copyDirectory(File sourceDir, File targetDir,
boolean recursive,
Set excludeDirs) throws IOException {
if (!targetDir.exists() && !targetDir.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + targetDir);
File[] sourceFiles = sourceDir.listFiles();
for (int i=0; i<sourceFiles.length; ++i) {
if (sourceFiles[i].isDirectory()) {
if (recursive && (null == excludeDirs
|| !excludeDirs.contains(sourceFiles[i].getName()))) {
File targetSubDir = new File(targetDir,
if (targetSubDir.exists() || targetSubDir.mkdir()) {
copyDirectory(sourceFiles[i], targetSubDir, recursive, null);
else {
throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + targetSubDir);
else {
copyFile(sourceFiles[i], new File(targetDir, sourceFiles[i].getName()));
* Copy the contents of the input file to the output file. The
* output file's parent directory must exist.
private static void copyFile(File sourceFile, File targetFile) throws IOException {
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(sourceFile);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(targetFile);
int nread;
byte[] buf = new byte[512];
while ((nread = >= 0) {
out.write(buf, 0, nread);
private void createIndexByName() throws IOException {
// Create index
// Collect index
Map indexMap = new TreeMap(new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return o1.toString().toLowerCase().compareTo(o2.toString().toLowerCase());
// Add packages to index
PackageDoc[] packages = rootDoc.specifiedPackages();
for (int i=0, ilim=packages.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
PackageDoc c = packages[i];
indexMap.put(, c);
// Add classes, fields and methods to index
ClassDoc[] sumclasses = rootDoc.classes();
for (int i=0, ilim=sumclasses.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
ClassDoc c = sumclasses[i];
if (null == c.containingClass()) {
indexMap.put(, c);
else {
indexMap.put( + 1), c);
FieldDoc[] fields = c.fields();
for (int j=0, jlim=fields.length; j<jlim; ++j) {
indexMap.put(fields[j].name(), fields[j]);
MethodDoc[] methods = c.methods();
for (int j=0, jlim=methods.length; j<jlim; ++j) {
MethodDoc method = methods[j];
StringBuffer signature = new StringBuffer();
Parameter[] parameters = method.parameters();
for (int k=0, klim=parameters.length; k<klim; ++k) {
if (k > 0) {
signature.append(", ");
indexMap.put(signature.toString(), method);
// Assign output stream
// Output XML document header
println(0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
println("<!DOCTYPE gjdoc SYSTEM \"dtd/gjdoc-alphaindex.dtd\">");
printOpenTag(0, "alphaindex xmlns=\"\" xmlns:gjdoc=\"\"");
Iterator it = indexMap.keySet().iterator();
char previousCategoryLetter = '\0';
boolean categoryOpen = false;
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
Doc entry = (Doc)indexMap.get(key);
char firstChar = Character.toUpperCase(key.charAt(0));
if (firstChar != previousCategoryLetter) {
if (categoryOpen) {
printCloseTag(1, "category");
printOpenTag(1, "category letter=\"" + firstChar + "\"");
categoryOpen = true;
previousCategoryLetter = firstChar;
printOpenTag(2, "entry name=\"" + key + "\"");
if (entry instanceof PackageDoc) {
printAtomTag(3, "isPackage");
else if (entry instanceof ClassDoc) {
printAtomTag(3, "isClass");
ClassDoc centry = (ClassDoc)entry;
currentClass = centry;
printAtomTag(3, "containingPackage name=\"" + centry.containingPackage().name() + "\"");
if (null != centry.containingClass()) {
printAtomTag(3, "containingClass name=\"" + centry.containingClass().name() + "\"");
if (centry.isInterface()) {
printAtomTag(3, "isInterface");
if (centry.isException()) {
printAtomTag(3, "isException");
if (centry.isError()) {
printAtomTag(3, "isError");
if (centry.isOrdinaryClass()) {
printAtomTag(3, "isOrdinaryClass");
else if (entry instanceof ProgramElementDoc) {
ProgramElementDoc pentry = (ProgramElementDoc)entry;
currentClass = pentry.containingClass();
printAtomTag(3, "containingPackage name=\"" + pentry.containingPackage().name() + "\"");
printAtomTag(3, "containingClass name=\"" + pentry.containingClass().name() + "\"");
if (pentry.isMethod()) {
printAtomTag(3, "isMethod");
ExecutableMemberDoc mentry = (ExecutableMemberDoc)pentry;
printAtomTag(3, "signature full=\""+mentry.signature()+"\" flat=\""+mentry.flatSignature()+"\"");
printAtomTag(3, "method name=\"" + + "\"");
if (pentry.isField()) {
printAtomTag(3, "isField");
Tag[] tags = entry.firstSentenceTags();
for (int i=0, ilim=tags.length; i<ilim; ++i) {
Tag tag = tags[i];
if (tag.firstSentenceTags().length>0) {
printOpenTag(3, "firstSentenceTags", false);
outputTags(4, tag.firstSentenceTags(), false, CONTEXT_TYPE);
printCloseTag(3, "firstSentenceTags");
printCloseTag(2, "entry");
if (categoryOpen) {
printCloseTag(1, "category");
printCloseTag(0, "alphaindex");
private static class UsageType
public static final UsageType CLASS_DERIVED_FROM = new UsageType("class-derived-from");
public static final UsageType FIELD_OF_TYPE = new UsageType("field-of-type");
public static final UsageType METHOD_WITH_RETURN_TYPE = new UsageType("method-with-return-type");
public static final UsageType METHOD_WITH_PARAMETER_TYPE = new UsageType("method-with-parameter-type");
public static final UsageType METHOD_WITH_THROWN_TYPE = new UsageType("method-with-thrown-type");
public static final UsageType CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_PARAMETER_TYPE = new UsageType("constructor-with-parameter-type");
public static final UsageType CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_THROWN_TYPE = new UsageType("constructor-with-thrown-type");
private String id;
private UsageType(String id)
{ = id;
public String toString() {
return "UsageType{id=" + id + "}";
public String getId() {
return id;
* ClassDoc -> (PackageDoc -> (UsageType -> (Set of Doc)))
private Map usedClassToPackagesMap = new HashMap();
private void addUsedBy(ClassDoc usedClass, UsageType usageType, Doc user, PackageDoc userPackage)
Map packageToUsageTypeMap = (Map)usedClassToPackagesMap.get(usedClass);
if (null == packageToUsageTypeMap) {
packageToUsageTypeMap = new HashMap();
usedClassToPackagesMap.put(usedClass, packageToUsageTypeMap);
Map usageTypeToUsersMap = (Map)packageToUsageTypeMap.get(userPackage);
if (null == usageTypeToUsersMap) {
usageTypeToUsersMap = new HashMap();
packageToUsageTypeMap.put(userPackage, usageTypeToUsersMap);
Set userSet = (Set)usageTypeToUsersMap.get(usageType);
if (null == userSet) {
userSet = new TreeSet(); // FIXME: we need the collator from Main here
usageTypeToUsersMap.put(usageType, userSet);
* Create the cross reference database.
private void collectUsage() {
ClassDoc[] classes = rootDoc.classes();
for (int i = 0, ilim = classes.length; i < ilim; ++ i) {
ClassDoc clazz = classes[i];
// classes derived from
for (ClassDoc superclass = clazz.superclass(); superclass != null;
superclass = superclass.superclass()) {
addUsedBy(superclass, UsageType.CLASS_DERIVED_FROM, clazz, clazz.containingPackage());
FieldDoc[] fields = clazz.fields();
for (int j = 0, jlim = fields.length; j < jlim; ++ j) {
FieldDoc field = fields[j];
// fields of type
ClassDoc fieldType = field.type().asClassDoc();
if (null != fieldType) {
addUsedBy(fieldType, UsageType.FIELD_OF_TYPE,
field, clazz.containingPackage());
MethodDoc[] methods = clazz.methods();
for (int j = 0, jlim = methods.length; j < jlim; ++ j) {
MethodDoc method = methods[j];
// methods with return type
ClassDoc returnType = method.returnType().asClassDoc();
if (null != returnType) {
addUsedBy(returnType, UsageType.METHOD_WITH_RETURN_TYPE,
method, clazz.containingPackage());
Parameter[] parameters = method.parameters();
for (int k=0; k<parameters.length; ++k) {
// methods with parameter type
Parameter parameter = parameters[k];
ClassDoc parameterType = parameter.type().asClassDoc();
if (null != parameterType) {
addUsedBy(parameterType, UsageType.METHOD_WITH_PARAMETER_TYPE,
method, clazz.containingPackage());
// methods which throw
ClassDoc[] thrownExceptions = method.thrownExceptions();
for (int k = 0, klim = thrownExceptions.length; k < klim; ++ k) {
ClassDoc thrownException = thrownExceptions[k];
addUsedBy(thrownException, UsageType.METHOD_WITH_THROWN_TYPE,
method, clazz.containingPackage());
ConstructorDoc[] constructors = clazz.constructors();
for (int j = 0, jlim = constructors.length; j < jlim; ++ j) {
ConstructorDoc constructor = constructors[j];
Parameter[] parameters = constructor.parameters();
for (int k = 0, klim = parameters.length; k < klim; ++ k) {
// constructors with parameter type
Parameter parameter = parameters[k];
ClassDoc parameterType = parameter.type().asClassDoc();
if (null != parameterType) {
addUsedBy(parameterType, UsageType.CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_PARAMETER_TYPE,
constructor, clazz.containingPackage());
// constructors which throw
ClassDoc[] thrownExceptions = constructor.thrownExceptions();
for (int k = 0, klim = thrownExceptions.length; k < klim; ++ k) {
ClassDoc thrownException = thrownExceptions[k];
addUsedBy(thrownException, UsageType.CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_THROWN_TYPE,
constructor, clazz.containingPackage());
private void outputUsage(ClassDoc clazz, int level) {
Map packageToUsageTypeMap = (Map)usedClassToPackagesMap.get(clazz);
if (null != packageToUsageTypeMap) {
printOpenTag(level, "references");
Iterator packagesIterator = packageToUsageTypeMap.keySet().iterator();
while (packagesIterator.hasNext()) {
PackageDoc packageDoc = (PackageDoc);
printOpenTag(level + 1, "referencing-package name=\"" + + "\"");
Map usageTypeToUsersMap = (Map)packageToUsageTypeMap.get(packageDoc);
Iterator usageTypeIterator = usageTypeToUsersMap.keySet().iterator();
while (usageTypeIterator.hasNext()) {
UsageType usageType = (UsageType);
printOpenTag(level + 2, "usage-type id=\"" + usageType.getId() + "\"");
Set users = (Set)usageTypeToUsersMap.get(usageType);
Iterator userIterator = users.iterator();
while (userIterator.hasNext()) {
Doc user = (Doc);
if (user instanceof ClassDoc) {
printAtomTag(level + 3, "user"
+ " class=\"" + ((ClassDoc)user).name() + "\"");
else if (user instanceof FieldDoc) {
FieldDoc fieldDoc = (FieldDoc)user;
printAtomTag(level + 3, "user"
+ " class=\"" + fieldDoc.containingClass().name() + "\""
+ " field=\"" + + "\"");
else if (user instanceof MethodDoc) {
MethodDoc methodDoc = (MethodDoc)user;
printAtomTag(level + 3, "user"
+ " class=\"" + methodDoc.containingClass().name() + "\""
+ " method=\"" + + "\""
+ " signature=\"" + methodDoc.signature() + "\""
+ " flatSignature=\"" + methodDoc.flatSignature() + "\"");
else if (user instanceof ConstructorDoc) {
ConstructorDoc constructorDoc = (ConstructorDoc)user;
printAtomTag(level + 3, "user"
+ " class=\"" + constructorDoc.containingClass().name() + "\""
+ " signature=\"" + constructorDoc.signature() + "\""
+ " flatSignature=\"" + constructorDoc.flatSignature() + "\"");
printCloseTag(level +2, "usage-type");
printCloseTag(level + 1, "referencing-package");
printCloseTag(level, "references");
private boolean processGroupOption(String groupName, String colonSeparatedPackageList)
try {
PackageMatcher packageMatcher = new PackageMatcher();
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(colonSeparatedPackageList, ":");
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String packageWildcard = tokenizer.nextToken();
SortedSet groupPackages = packageMatcher.filter(rootDoc.specifiedPackages());
packageGroups.add(new PackageGroup(groupName, groupPackages));
return true;
catch (InvalidPackageWildcardException e) {
return false;
private void registerTaglet(Taglet taglet)
tagletMap.put(taglet.getName(), taglet);
private boolean isVerbose()
return false;