blob: de5a739f56bae88c3b0c706c902c6dc5f3f97acf [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR 30865 - passing a subroutine optional argument to size(dim=...)
! used to segfault.
program main
implicit none
integer :: a(2,3)
integer :: ires
call checkv (ires, a)
if (ires /= 6) call abort
call checkv (ires, a, 1)
if (ires /= 2) call abort
subroutine checkv(ires,a1,opt1)
integer, intent(out) :: ires
integer :: a1(:,:)
integer, optional :: opt1
ires = size (a1, dim=opt1)
end subroutine checkv
end program main