blob: 5bfdaddaac2b900b89345c5d8f990252c92b19a3 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! This tests the patch for PR16861.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
module foo
end module foo
module bar
subroutine sub1 (j)
use foo
integer, dimension(i) :: j
j = 42
end subroutine sub1
subroutine sub2 (k)
use foo
integer, dimension(i) :: k
k = 84
end subroutine sub2
end module bar
module foobar
use foo !This used to cause an ICE
use bar
end module foobar
program testfoobar
use foobar
integer, dimension(3) :: l = 0
i = 2
call sub1 (l)
i = 1
call sub2 (l)
if (all (,42,0/))) call abort ()
end program testfoobar
! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "foo bar foobar" } }