blob: 9f90606885aca5ca6b030954e9e0990e34dfdc1e [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Check for correct ordering of character variables with CONVERT
program main
implicit none
integer, parameter :: two_swap = 2**25
integer(kind=4) i,j
character(len=2) :: c,d
open(20,file="convert.dat",form="unformatted",convert="swap") ! { dg-warning "CONVERT" }
write (20) "ab"
close (20)
read(20) i,c,j
if (i .ne. two_swap .or. j .ne. two_swap .or. c .ne. "ab") call abort
close (20)
open(20,file="convert.dat",form="unformatted",convert="swap") ! { dg-warning "CONVERT" }
read (20) d
close (20,status="delete")
if (d .ne. "ab") call abort
end program main