blob: 0f50a08b7e0e37476357eae0dcfe451034a51dbe [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
module x
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
private :: bar ! { dg-warning "PRIVATE but has been given the binding label" }
private :: my_private_sub
private :: my_private_sub_2 ! { dg-warning "PRIVATE but has been given the binding label" }
public :: my_public_sub
subroutine bar() bind(c,name="foo")
end subroutine bar
subroutine my_private_sub() bind(c, name="")
end subroutine my_private_sub
subroutine my_private_sub_2() bind(c)
end subroutine my_private_sub_2
subroutine my_public_sub() bind(c, name="my_sub")
end subroutine my_public_sub
end module x
! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "x" } }