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* @file multimap_text_insert_mem_usage_test.cpp
* Contains test for inserting text words.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ext/typelist.h>
#include <testsuite_allocator.h>
#include <io/text_populate.hpp>
#include <performance/io/xml_formatter.hpp>
#include <native_type/assoc/native_hash_multimap.hpp>
#include <native_type/assoc/native_multimap.hpp>
#include <io/verified_cmd_line_input.hpp>
#include <rng/twister_rand_gen.hpp>
#include <common_type/assoc/common_type.hpp>
#include <performance/assoc/mem_usage/multimap_insert_test.hpp>
#include <performance/assoc/multimap_common_type.hpp>
#include <hash_fn/string_hash_fn.hpp>
set_test_parameters(size_t& n, size_t&s, size_t& m, size_t& prm);
main(int argc, char* a_p_argv[])
using namespace __gnu_pbds::test;
std::string f_name = "thirty_years_among_the_dead_preproc.txt";
size_t prm;
size_t ratio_n;
size_t ratio_s;
size_t ratio_m;
set_test_parameters(prm, ratio_n, ratio_s, ratio_m);
xml_test_performance_formatter fmt("Size", "Memory (bytes)");
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > init_vec_t;
init_vec_t a_v_init(prm);
distinct_text_populate(f_name, a_v_init);
typedef __gnu_test::tracker_allocator<char> alloc_t;
typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, alloc_t> string_t;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<string_t, int> > vec_t;
vec_t a_v;
twister_rand_gen g;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ratio_m; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < a_v_init.size(); ++j)
a_v.push_back(std::make_pair(string_t(a_v_init[j].first.begin(), a_v_init[j].first.end()), static_cast<int>(g.get_unsigned_long())));
vec_t::const_iterator b = a_v.begin();
typedef mmap_tl_t<string_t, int, alloc_t>::type tl_t;
tl_t tl;
typedef multimap_insert_test<vec_t::const_iterator, false> test_type;
test_type tst(b, prm* ratio_n, prm* ratio_s, prm* ratio_m);
__gnu_cxx::typelist::apply(tst, tl);
typedef mmap_tl_t< string_t, int, alloc_t>::type tl_t;
tl_t tl;
typedef multimap_insert_test<vec_t::const_iterator, false> test_type;
test_type tst(b, prm* ratio_n, prm* ratio_s, prm* ratio_m);
__gnu_cxx::typelist::apply(tst, tl);
typedef multimap_insert_test<vec_t::const_iterator, true> test_type;
test_type tst(b, prm* ratio_n, prm* ratio_s, prm* ratio_m);
typedef native_multimap<string_t, int, std::less<string_t>, alloc_t> native_t;
string_hash_fn, std::equal_to<string_t>,
catch (...)
std::cerr << "Test failed" << std::endl;
return -1;
return 0;
using namespace std;
cerr << "usage: multimap_text_insert_test.out <prm> <ratio_n> <ratio_s> <ratio_m>" <<
endl << endl;
cerr <<
"This test checks the performance of various associative containers "
"using their insert method. " << endl;
cerr << "Specifically, it does the following:" << endl;
cerr << "* Creates a vector of pairs of text words" << endl;
cerr << "* Inserts the elements into the container" << endl;
cerr << "* Repeats the above test a number of times" << endl;
cerr << endl << endl;
cerr << "prm = maximum size of distinct pair-first entries" << endl;
cerr << "ratio_n = minimum ratio of secondary keys to primary keys" << endl;
cerr << "ratio_s = step ratio of secondary keys to primary keys" << endl;
cerr << "ratio_m = maximum ratio of secondary keys to primary keys" << endl;