blob: 957d3920f7560fa151f7f21aa1f26c708e39b297 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do compile }
package Size_Clause2 is
-- The alignment of the record is capped to the greatest power of 2
-- factor of the size, so that the real size is 40 too and the size
-- of a component of type R1 in a packed record can be 40.
type R1 is record
I : Integer;
B : aliased Boolean;
end record;
for R1'Size use 40;
type S1 is record
rr : R1; -- size must be 40
end record;
pragma Pack(S1);
-- The record is explicitly given alignment 1 so its real type is 40 too.
-- The size of a component of type R2 in a packed record is naturally 40.
type R2 is record
I : Integer;
B : aliased Boolean;
end record;
for R2'Size use 40;
for R2'Alignment use 1;
type S2 is record
rr : R2; -- size must be 40
end record;
pragma Pack(S2);
-- The record is explicitly given alignment 4 so its real type is 64.
-- That's not OK, because the size of a component of type R3 in a packed
-- record cannot be 40 so the size clause is violated.
type R3 is record
I : Integer;
B : aliased Boolean;
end record;
for R3'Size use 40; -- { dg-error "size for .R3. too small" }
for R3'Alignment use 4;
type S3 is record
rr : R3; -- size must be 40
end record;
pragma Pack(S3);
end Size_Clause2;