blob: f427a3018ad00944e990c7d07415adba3cbaa4c1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Check if the @defs() construct preserves the correct
layout of bitfields. */
/* Contributed by Ziemowit Laski <>. */
/* { dg-options "-lobjc -Wpadded" } */
/* { dg-do run } */
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include <objc/Object.h>
extern void abort(void);
extern int strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2);
#define CHECK_IF(expr) if(!(expr)) abort()
enum Enum { one, two, three, four };
@interface Base: Object {
unsigned a: 2;
int b: 3;
enum Enum c: 4;
unsigned d: 5;
} /* { dg-warning "padding struct size to alignment boundary" } */
@interface Derived: Base {
signed e: 5;
int f: 4;
enum Enum g: 3;
} /* { dg-warning "padding struct size to alignment boundary" } */
/* Note that the semicolon after @defs(...) is optional. */
typedef struct { @defs(Base) } Base_t; /* { dg-warning "padding struct size to alignment boundary" } */
typedef struct { @defs(Derived); } Derived_t; /* { dg-warning "padding struct size to alignment boundary" } */
int main(void)
CHECK_IF(sizeof(Base_t) == sizeof(Base));
CHECK_IF(sizeof(Derived_t) == sizeof(Derived));
#ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__
CHECK_IF(!strcmp(@encode(Base), "{Base=#b2b3b4b5}"));
CHECK_IF(!strcmp(@encode(Derived), "{Derived=#b2b3b4b5b5b4b3}"));
CHECK_IF(!strcmp(@encode(Base_t), "{?=#b2b3b4b5}"));
CHECK_IF(!strcmp(@encode(Derived_t), "{?=#b2b3b4b5b5b4b3}"));
#endif /* __NEXT_RUNTIME__ */
return 0;