blob: ae7c7507885ed81d1dfd9dac3629413a85e36e9d [file] [log] [blame]
# Source file used to test the beq macro.
beq $4,$5,text_label
beq $4,0,text_label
beq $4,1,text_label
beq $4,0x8000,text_label
beq $4,-0x8000,text_label
beq $4,0x10000,text_label
beq $4,0x1a5a5,text_label
# bne is handled by the same code as beq. Just sanity check.
bne $4,0,text_label
# Sanity check beql and bnel
.set mips2
beql $4,0,text_label
bnel $4,0,text_label
# Test that branches which overflow are converted to jumps.
.space 0x20000
b text_label
bal text_label
# Branch to an external label.
# b external_label
# bal external_label
# Force at least 8 (non-delay-slot) zero bytes, to make 'objdump' print ...
.space 8