blob: bda0feb43105de59a4c6978a556e2fe8dc4f33e3 [file] [log] [blame]
#readelf: -r -wl
#name: MIPS16 DWARF2
#as: -mabi=32 -mips16 -no-mdebug -g0
#source: mips16-dwarf2.s
Relocation section '\.rel\.debug_info' at offset .* contains 4 entries:
*Offset * Info * Type * Sym\.Value * Sym\. Name
0+0006 * 0+..02 * R_MIPS_32 * 0+0000 * \.debug_abbrev
0+000c * 0+..02 * R_MIPS_32 * 0+0000 * \.debug_line
0+0010 * 0+..02 * R_MIPS_32 * 0+0000 * \.text
0+0014 * 0+..02 * R_MIPS_32 * 0+0000 * \.text
Relocation section '\.rel\.debug_line' at offset .* contains 1 entries:
*Offset * Info * Type * Sym\.Value * Sym\. Name
0+0033 * 0+..02 * R_MIPS_32 * 0+0000 * \.text
Line Number Statements:
Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x1
Special opcode .*: advance Address by 2 to 0x3 and Line by 1 to 2
Special opcode .*: advance Address by 2 to 0x5 and Line by 1 to 3
Special opcode .*: advance Address by 4 to 0x9 and Line by 1 to 4
Special opcode .*: advance Address by 2 to 0xb and Line by 1 to 5
Special opcode .*: advance Address by 4 to 0xf and Line by 1 to 6
Special opcode .*: advance Address by 4 to 0x13 and Line by 1 to 7
Advance PC by 2286 to 0x901
Special opcode .*: advance Address by 0 to 0x901 and Line by 1 to 8
Advance PC by 15 to 0x910
Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence