blob: a6c98f77aa131cbd8fa6d0c263549e9b72835e4c [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -dr
#name: arithmetic
.*: +file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <abs>:
0: 10 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 00 A0= ABS A0;
4: 10 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 40 A0= ABS A1;
8: 30 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 00 A1= ABS A0;
c: 30 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 40 A1= ABS A1;
10: 10 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] c0 A1= ABS A0,A0= ABS A0;
14: 07 c4 10 80 R0= ABS R2;
00000018 <add>:
18: 86 5b SP=SP\+P0;
1a: 96 5b SP=SP\+P2;
1c: f9 5b FP=P1\+FP;
1e: 04 c4 3a 0e R7=R7\+R2 \(NS\);
22: 04 c4 30 2c R6=R6\+R0 \(S\);
26: 02 c4 10 a8 R4.L=R2.H\+R0.L \(S\);
2a: 22 c4 09 aa R5.H=R1.H\+R1.L \(S\);
2e: 02 c4 35 0c R6.L=R6.L\+R5.L \(NS\);
00000032 <add_sub_prescale_down>:
32: 05 c4 01 98 R4.L=R0\+R1\(RND20\);
36: 25 c4 28 96 R3.H=R5\+R0\(RND20\);
3a: 05 c4 3d d2 R1.L=R7-R5\(RND20\);
0000003e <add_sub_prescale_up>:
3e: 05 c4 01 04 R2.L=R0\+R1\(RND12\);
42: 25 c4 3e 0e R7.H=R7\+R6\(RND12\);
46: 05 c4 1a 4a R5.L=R3-R2\(RND12\);
4a: 25 c4 0a 44 R2.H=R1-R2\(RND12\);
0000004e <add_immediate>:
4e: 05 66 R5\+=-64;
50: fa 65 R2\+=0x3f;
52: 60 9f I0\+=2;
54: 63 9f I3\+=2;
56: 6a 9f I2\+=4;
58: 69 9f I1\+=4;
5a: 20 6c P0\+=0x4;
5c: 86 6c SP\+=0x10;
5e: 07 6f FP\+=-32;
00000060 <divide_primitive>:
60: 6b 42 DIVS\(R3,R5\);
62: 2b 42 DIVQ\(R3,R5\);
00000064 <expadj>:
64: 07 c6 25 0c R6.L=EXPADJ \(R5,R4.L\);
68: 07 c6 08 ca R5.L=EXPADJ \(R0.H,R1.L\);
6c: 07 c6 2b 48 R4.L=EXPADJ \(R3,R5.L\) \(V\);
00000070 <max>:
70: 07 c4 2a 0c R6=MAX\(R5,R2\);
74: 07 c4 0b 00 R0=MAX\(R1,R3\);
00000078 <min>:
78: 07 c4 13 4a R5=MIN\(R2,R3\);
7c: 07 c4 38 48 R4=MIN\(R7,R0\);
00000080 <modify_decrement>:
80: 0b c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] c0 A0-=A1;
84: 0b c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] e0 A0-=A1\(W32\);
88: 17 44 FP-=P2;
8a: 06 44 SP-=P0;
8c: 73 9e I3-=M0;
8e: 75 9e I1-=M1;
00000090 <modify_increment>:
90: 0b c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 80 A0\+=A1;
94: 0b c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] a0 A0\+=A1\(W32\);
98: 4e 45 SP\+=P1\(BREV\);
9a: 7d 45 P5\+=FP\(BREV\);
9c: 6a 9e I2\+=M2;
9e: e0 9e I0\+=M0\(BREV\);
a0: 0b c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 0e R7=\(A0\+=A1\);
a4: 0b c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 4c R6.L=\(A0\+=A1\);
a8: 2b c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 40 R0.H=\(A0\+=A1\);
000000ac <multiply16>:
ac: 00 c2 0a 24 R0 = R1.H \* R2.L;
b0: 20 c2 68 26 R1 = R5.H \* R0.H \(S2RND\);
b4: 80 c2 db 23 R7 = R3.L \* R3.H \(FU\);
b8: 28 c3 15 27 R4 = R2.H \* R5.H \(ISS2\);
bc: 08 c3 0b 20 R0 = R1.L \* R3.L \(IS\);
c0: 08 c2 a8 25 R6 = R5.H \* R0.L;
c4: 94 c3 be 40 R2.H = R7.L \* R6.H \(M, IU\);
c8: 04 c2 e8 80 R3.H = R5.H \* R0.L;
cc: 14 c2 09 40 R0.H = R1.L \* R1.H \(M\);
d0: 1c c3 3e 80 R1 = R7.H \* R6.L \(M, IS\);
d4: 0c c2 02 41 R5 = R0.L \* R2.H;
d8: 1c c2 b0 c0 R3 = R6.H \* R0.H \(M\);
000000dc <multiply32>:
dc: c4 40 R4\*=R0;
de: d7 40 R7\*=R2;
000000e0 <multiply_accumulate>:
e0: 63 c0 2f 02 a0 = R5.L \* R7.H \(W32\);
e4: 03 c0 00 04 a0 = R0.H \* R0.L;
e8: 83 c0 13 0a a0 \+= R2.L \* R3.H \(FU\);
ec: 03 c0 21 0c a0 \+= R4.H \* R1.L;
f0: 03 c1 3e 12 a0 -= R7.L \* R6.H \(IS\);
f4: 03 c0 2a 16 a0 -= R5.H \* R2.H;
f8: 10 c0 08 58 a1 = R1.L \* R0.H \(M\);
fc: 00 c0 10 98 a1 = R2.H \* R0.L;
100: 70 c0 3e 98 a1 = R7.H \* R6.L \(M, W32\);
104: 81 c0 1a 18 a1 \+= R3.L \* R2.L \(FU\);
108: 01 c0 31 98 a1 \+= R6.H \* R1.L;
10c: 02 c1 03 58 a1 -= R0.L \* R3.H \(IS\);
110: 02 c0 17 58 a1 -= R2.L \* R7.H;
00000114 <multiply_accumulate_half>:
114: 03 c0 f5 25 R7.L = \(a0 = R6.H \* R5.L\);
118: c3 c0 0a 24 R0.L = \(a0 = R1.H \* R2.L\) \(TFU\);
11c: 03 c0 ac 28 R2.L = \(a0 \+= R5.L \* R4.L\);
120: 43 c0 fe 2e R3.L = \(a0 \+= R7.H \* R6.H\) \(T\);
124: 03 c0 1a 36 R0.L = \(a0 -= R3.H \* R2.H\);
128: 63 c1 6c 30 R1.L = \(a0 -= R5.L \* R4.L\) \(IH\);
12c: 04 c0 48 58 R1.H = \(a1 = R1.L \* R0.H\);
130: 34 c1 83 98 R2.H = \(a1 = R0.H \* R3.L\) \(M, ISS2\);
134: 05 c0 bf 59 R6.H = \(a1 \+= R7.L \* R7.H\);
138: 25 c0 d3 19 R7.H = \(a1 \+= R2.L \* R3.L\) \(S2RND\);
13c: 06 c0 a2 d9 R6.H = \(a1 -= R4.H \* R2.H\);
140: d6 c0 5f 99 R5.H = \(a1 -= R3.H \* R7.L\) \(M, TFU\);
00000144 <multiply_accumulate_data_reg>:
144: 0b c0 0a 20 R0 = \(a0 = R1.L \* R2.L\);
148: 0b c1 8a 20 R2 = \(a0 = R1.L \* R2.L\) \(IS\);
14c: 0b c0 3e 2d R4 = \(a0 \+= R7.H \* R6.L\);
150: 2b c0 ab 2b R6 = \(a0 \+= R5.L \* R3.H\) \(S2RND\);
154: 0b c0 97 35 R6 = \(a0 -= R2.H \* R7.L\);
158: 8b c0 06 33 R4 = \(a0 -= R0.L \* R6.H\) \(FU\);
15c: 0c c0 81 99 R7 = \(a1 = R0.H \* R1.L\);
160: 9c c0 13 d9 R5 = \(a1 = R2.H \* R3.H\) \(M, FU\);
164: 0d c0 bd 18 R3 = \(a1 \+= R7.L \* R5.L\);
168: 2d c1 17 d8 R1 = \(a1 \+= R2.H \* R7.H\) \(ISS2\);
16c: 0e c0 80 58 R3 = \(a1 -= R0.L \* R0.H\);
170: 1e c1 17 59 R5 = \(a1 -= R2.L \* R7.H\) \(M, IS\);
00000174 <negate>:
174: 85 43 R5=-R0;
176: 07 c4 10 ee R7=-R2\(S\);
17a: 07 c4 10 ce R7=-R2\(NS\);
17e: 0e c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 00 A0=-A0;
182: 0e c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 40 A0=-A1;
186: 2e c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 00 A1=-A0;
18a: 2e c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 40 A1=-A1;
18e: 0e c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] c0 A1=-A1,A0=-A0;
00000192 <round_half>:
192: 0c c4 18 ca R5.L=R3\(RND\);
196: 2c c4 00 cc R6.H=R0\(RND\);
0000019a <saturate>:
19a: 08 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 20 A0=A0\(S\);
19e: 08 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] 60 A1=A1\(S\);
1a2: 08 c4 [0-3][[:xdigit:]] a0 A1=A1\(S\),A0=A0\(S\);
000001a6 <signbits>:
1a6: 05 c6 00 0a R5.L=SIGNBITS R0;
1aa: 05 c6 07 80 R0.L=SIGNBITS R7.H;
1ae: 06 c6 00 06 R3.L=SIGNBITS A0;
1b2: 06 c6 00 4e R7.L=SIGNBITS A1;
000001b6 <subtract>:
1b6: 43 53 R5=R3-R0;
1b8: 04 c4 38 6e R7=R7-R0 \(S\);
1bc: 04 c4 11 46 R3=R2-R1 \(NS\);
1c0: 03 c4 37 ea R5.L=R6.H-R7.H \(S\);
1c4: 23 c4 1b 40 R0.H=R3.L-R3.H \(NS\);
000001c8 <subtract_immediate>:
1c8: 66 9f I2-=2;
1ca: 6c 9f I0-=4;