blob: b2c7a703ddbe189523697ce1d749815390e43ffe [file] [log] [blame]
# This script counts the instruction size of gcc generated assembler files.
# Those files should be compiled with option -save-temps.
# All .s files in the specified directory will be processed.
# If the generated code contains thumb2 instructions please add option
# --thumb2 to the command line.
import sys
import os
# list of tuples
# (file, function, bytes)
data = []
filesize = {}
objectsize = {}
thumb2 = False
def constructfilename(dirname, fname):
prefix_len = len(sys.argv[1])
if (sys.argv[1] != dirname[:prefix_len]):
message = "ERROR! %s doesn't contain %s\n" % (dirname, sys.argv[1])
return " "
path = ""
if len(dirname) > prefix_len:
path = dirname[prefix_len+1:] + "/"
return path+fname
def countfile(name, data):
cmd = "/usr/bin/python " + sys.path[0] + "/ "
cmd = cmd + name + " > count.tmp"
tmpfile = open("count.tmp", "r")
root, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
for line in tmpfile:
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) == 5:
function = fields[0]
bytes = int(fields[2])
data.append((root, function, bytes))
def countfile2(dirname, name, data):
fullname = "%s/%s" % (dirname, name)
cmd = "/usr/bin/python " + sys.path[0] + "/ "
cmd = cmd + fullname + " > count.tmp"
tmpfile = open("count.tmp", "r")
root, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
for line in tmpfile:
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) == 2:
function = fields[0]
bytes = int(fields[1])
data.append((root, function, bytes))
def enum_file(data, dirname, names):
global thumb2
for name in names:
if os.path.isfile(dirname+"/"+name):
root, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
if ext == ".s" and not thumb2:
countfile(name, data)
if ext == ".o":
if thumb2:
countfile2(dirname, name, data)
objsize = os.path.getsize(dirname+"/"+name)
filename = constructfilename(dirname, name)
objectsize[root] = objsize
def keyfunc(tuple):
return tuple[1]
def main():
global thumb2
arguments = len(sys.argv)
bad_cmd = False
help = False
if arguments < 2:
bad_cmd = True
elif sys.argv[1] == "-help":
help = True
elif arguments > 3:
bad_cmd = True
elif arguments == 3:
if sys.argv[2] == "-thumb2":
thumb2 = True
bad_cmd = True
if bad_cmd or help:
print " path [-thumb2]"
print " -help"
os.path.walk(sys.argv[1], enum_file, data)
for filename, function, size in data:
fsize = filesize.get(filename, 0)
fsize = fsize + size
filesize[filename] = fsize
filetuple = []
for filename in filesize:
filetuple.append((filename, filesize[filename]))
filetuple.sort(key=keyfunc, reverse=True)
total_inst = 0
total_obj = 0
for filename, fsize in filetuple:
total_inst = total_inst + fsize
total_obj = total_obj + objectsize[filename]
print filename, fsize, objectsize[filename]
print "TOTAL ", total_inst, total_obj
if __name__ == "__main__":