blob: b1a5a738aeea78c6883450c9d7049b16a349dc11 [file] [log] [blame]
:mod:`ColorPicker` --- Color selection dialog
.. module:: ColorPicker
:platform: Mac
:synopsis: Interface to the standard color selection dialog.
.. moduleauthor:: Just van Rossum <>
.. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>
The :mod:`ColorPicker` module provides access to the standard color picker
.. note::
This module has been removed in Python 3.x.
.. function:: GetColor(prompt, rgb)
Show a standard color selection dialog and allow the user to select a color.
The user is given instruction by the *prompt* string, and the default color is
set to *rgb*. *rgb* must be a tuple giving the red, green, and blue components
of the color. :func:`GetColor` returns a tuple giving the user's selected color
and a flag indicating whether they accepted the selection of cancelled.