blob: bf4b70b7641d7c99916742020126301627e14fd7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
from acts import signals
from acts.base_test import BaseTestClass
from acts import asserts
class NetstackIfaceTest(BaseTestClass):
default_timeout = 10
active_scan_callback_list = []
active_adv_callback_list = []
droid = None
def setup_class(self):
if (len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 1):
"NetstackFuchsiaTest Init: Not enough fuchsia devices.")"Running testbed setup with one fuchsia devices")
self.dut = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
def _enable_all_interfaces(self):
interfaces = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
for item in interfaces.get("result"):
identifier = item.get('id')
def setup_test(self):
# Always make sure all interfaces listed are in an up state.
def teardown_test(self):
# Always make sure all interfaces listed are in an up state.
def test_list_interfaces(self):
"""Test listing all interfaces.
1. Call ListInterfaces FIDL api.
2. Verify there is at least one interface returned.
Expected Result:
There were no errors in retrieving the list of interfaces.
There was at least one interface in the list.
signals.TestPass if no errors
signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
TAGS: Netstack
Priority: 1
interfaces = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
if interfaces.get('error') is not None:
raise signals.TestFailure("Failed with {}".format(
if len(interfaces.get('result')) < 1:
raise signals.TestFailure("No interfaces found.")"Interfaces found: {}".format(interfaces.get('result')))
raise signals.TestPass("Success")
def test_toggle_wlan_interface(self):
"""Test toggling the wlan interface if it exists.
1. Call ListInterfaces FIDL api.
2. Find the wlan interface.
3. Disable the interface.
4. Verify interface attributes in a down state.
5. Enable the interface.
6. Verify interface attributes in an up state.
Expected Result:
WLAN interface was successfully brought down and up again.
signals.TestPass if no errors
signals.TestFailure if there are any errors during the test.
signals.TestSkip if there are no wlan interfaces.
TAGS: Netstack
Priority: 1
def get_wlan_interfaces():
result = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.netstackListInterfaces()
if (error := result.get('error')):
raise signals.TestFailure(
f'unable to list interfaces: {error}')
return [
interface for interface in result.get('result')
if 'wlan' in interface.get('name')
def get_ids(interfaces):
return [get_id(interface) for interface in interfaces]
wlan_interfaces = get_wlan_interfaces()
if not wlan_interfaces:
raise signals.TestSkip('no wlan interface found')
interface_ids = get_ids(wlan_interfaces)
# Disable the interfaces.
for identifier in interface_ids:
result = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.disableInterface(identifier)
if (error := result.get('error')):
raise signals.TestFailure(
f'failed to disable wlan interface {identifier}: {error}')
# Retrieve the interfaces again.
disabled_wlan_interfaces = get_wlan_interfaces()
disabled_interface_ids = get_ids(wlan_interfaces)
if not disabled_interface_ids == interface_ids:
raise signals.TestFailure(
f'disabled interface IDs do not match original interface IDs: original={interface_ids} disabled={disabled_interface_ids}'
# Check the current state of the interfaces.
for interface in disabled_interfaces:
if len(interface_info.get('ipv4_addresses')) > 0:
raise signals.TestFailure(
f'no Ipv4 Address should be present: {interface}')
# TODO (35981): Verify other values when interface down.
# Re-enable the interfaces.
for identifier in disabled_interface_ids:
result = self.dut.sl4f.netstack_lib.enableInterface(identifier)
if (error := result.get('error')):
raise signals.TestFailure(
f'failed to enable wlan interface {identifier}: {error}')
# TODO (35981): Verify other values when interface up.
raise signals.TestPass("Success")