blob: 09ab88a3e9806972f2247b4916841a07162d81e3 [file] [log] [blame]
FindViewByIdMarkerResolution_Description=findViewById should be called outside loop codes for performance improvement.
FindViewByIdMarkerResolution_Error_Aplying_Changes=Error applying changes:
FindViewByIdMarkerResolution_Error_Could_Not_Fix_Code=An error has occurred while trying to fix the problem. Try Running the appValidator again and don't made any changes to the code.
FindViewByIdMarkerResolution_Error_Msg_Title=Marker resolution fail.
FindViewByIdMarkerResolution_Error_Unable_To_Open_Editor=Unable to open editor or bring it to front for Java file while trying to generate code from layout xml file
FindViewByIdMarkerResolution_Label=Move findViewById call outside the loop block