blob: c46c962ba6aef0d72282ff1a1cd41cd568807749 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties
import com.intellij.util.text.nullize
private val OLD_TEST_GROUP = System.getProperty("", TestingOptions.ALL_EXCLUDE_DEFINED_GROUP)
private val OLD_TEST_PATTERNS = System.getProperty("idea.test.patterns")
private val OLD_PLATFORM_PREFIX = System.getProperty("idea.platform.prefix")
private val OLD_DEBUG_PORT = SystemProperties.getIntProperty("debug.port", 0)
private val OLD_SUSPEND_DEBUG_PROCESS = System.getProperty("debug.suspend", "n") == "y"
private val OLD_JVM_MEMORY_OPTIONS = System.getProperty("test.jvm.memory")
private val OLD_MAIN_MODULE = System.getProperty("")
open class TestingOptions {
companion object {
const val BOOTSTRAP_SUITE_DEFAULT = "com.intellij.tests.BootstrapTests"
const val PERFORMANCE_TESTS_ONLY_FLAG = "idea.performance.tests"
const val TEST_JRE_PROPERTY = ""
* Semicolon-separated names of test groups tests from which should be executed, by default all tests will be executed.
* Test groups are defined in files and there is an implicit 'ALL_EXCLUDE_DEFINED' group for tests which aren't
* included into any group and 'ALL' group for all tests. By default 'ALL_EXCLUDE_DEFINED' group is used.
var testGroups = System.getProperty("").nullize(nullizeSpaces = true) ?: OLD_TEST_GROUP
* Semicolon-separated patterns for test class names which need to be executed. Wildcard '*' is supported. If this option is specified,
* [.testGroups] will be ignored.
var testPatterns = System.getProperty("").nullize(nullizeSpaces = true) ?: OLD_TEST_PATTERNS
* Semicolon-separated names of JUnit run configurations in the project which need to be executed. If this option is specified,
* [.testGroups], [.testPatterns] and [.mainModule] will be ignored.
var testConfigurations = System.getProperty("").nullize(nullizeSpaces = true)
* Specifies components from which product will be used to run tests, by default IDEA Ultimate will be used.
var platformPrefix = System.getProperty("", OLD_PLATFORM_PREFIX)
* Enables debug for testing process
var isDebugEnabled = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", true)
* Specifies address on which the testing process will listen for connections, by default a localhost will be used.
var debugHost = System.getProperty("", "localhost")
* Specifies port on which the testing process will listen for connections, by default a random port will be used.
var debugPort = SystemProperties.getIntProperty("", OLD_DEBUG_PORT)
* If `true` to suspend the testing process until a debugger connects to it.
var isSuspendDebugProcess = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", OLD_SUSPEND_DEBUG_PROCESS)
* Custom JVM memory options (e.g. -Xmx) for the testing process.
var jvmMemoryOptions = System.getProperty("", OLD_JVM_MEMORY_OPTIONS)
* Specifies a module which classpath will be used to search the test classes.
var mainModule = System.getProperty("").nullize(nullizeSpaces = true) ?: OLD_MAIN_MODULE
* Specifies a custom test suite, com.intellij.tests.BootstrapTests is using by default.
var bootstrapSuite = System.getProperty("", BOOTSTRAP_SUITE_DEFAULT)
* Specifies path to runtime which will be used to run tests.
* By default `runtimeBuild` from [] will be used.
* If it is missing then tests will run under the same runtime which is used to run the build scripts.
var customRuntimePath = System.getProperty(TEST_JRE_PROPERTY)
* Enables capturing traces with IntelliJ test discovery agent.
* This agent captures lightweight coverage during your testing session
* and allows to rerun only corresponding tests for desired method or class in your project.
* For the further information please see []( Coverage repository.
var isTestDiscoveryEnabled = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", false)
* Specifies a path to the trace file for IntelliJ test discovery agent.
var testDiscoveryTraceFilePath: String? = System.getProperty("")
* Specifies a list of semicolon separated include class patterns for IntelliJ test discovery agent.
var testDiscoveryIncludePatterns: String? = System.getProperty("")
* Specifies a list of semicolon separated exclude class patterns for IntelliJ test discovery agent.
var testDiscoveryExcludePatterns: String? = System.getProperty("")
* Specifies a list of semicolon separated project artifacts that need to be built before running the tests.
var beforeRunProjectArtifacts: String? = System.getProperty("")
* If `true` causal profiler agent will be attached to the testing process.
var isEnableCausalProfiling = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", false)
* Pattern to match tests in [.mainModule] or default main module tests compilation outputs.
* Tests from each matched class will be executed in a forked Runtime.
* E.g. "com/intellij/util/ui/standalone/ **Test.class"
var batchTestIncludes: String? = System.getProperty("")
var isPerformanceTestsOnly = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty(PERFORMANCE_TESTS_ONLY_FLAG, false)
* Terminate execution immediately if any test fails. Both build script and test JVMs are terminated.
var isFailFast = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", false)