blob: 1c0f28e605e3bf282e761960156adb4dc83b8369 [file] [log] [blame]
task runtime {
description 'Build all the runtime components of the gapid system'
group 'build'
dependsOn ':server:gapis:assemble', ':cc:replayd:assemble'
task gen(type:Exec) {
description 'Generate binary coder source'
group 'build'
commandLine bin('codergen'),
'--signatures', rootProject.file("signatures.txt"),
'--java', TOOLS_DIR,
'-cpp', rootProject.file('cc/gapic/coder'),
inputs.source allGoFiles
outputs.file allBinaryFiles
workingDir REPO_DIR
dependsOn ':tools:codergen:codergen'
task gotest(type:Exec) {
description 'Run go unit tests'
group 'verification'
commandLine 'go', 'test', "${GPU_MODULE}/..."
if (project.hasProperty('short')) {
args '--short'
workingDir REPO_DIR
dependsOn runtime
rootProject.check.dependsOn gotest