Merge changes from topic "hal-api-entity"

* changes:
  Updating util classes, listener and job servlet for HalApiEntity
  Updating datastore API for HalApiEntity
  Adding HalApiEntity and implementing interface logic for the consistent data insertion on datastore.
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/show_tree.jsp b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/show_tree.jsp
index 8db45cc..aa9b311 100644
--- a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/show_tree.jsp
+++ b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/show_tree.jsp
@@ -68,8 +68,67 @@
+          $('#apiCoverageModal').modal({
+                  width: '75%',
+                  dismissible: true, // Modal can be dismissed by clicking outside of the modal
+                  opacity: .5, // Opacity of modal background
+                  inDuration: 300, // Transition in duration
+                  outDuration: 200, // Transition out duration
+                  startingTop: '4%', // Starting top style attribute
+                  endingTop: '10%', // Ending top style attribute
+                  ready: function(modal, trigger) { // Callback for Modal open. Modal and trigger parameters available.
+                      var urlSafeKeyList ='urlSafeKeyList');
+                      var halApiInfoList = [];
+                      var getAjaxList = $.map( urlSafeKeyList, function( urlSafeKey ) {
+                          return $.get( "/api/coverage/api/data?key=" + urlSafeKey, function(data) {
+                                  halApiInfoList.push(data);
+                              })
+                              .fail(function() {
+                                  alert( "Error : can't bring API coverage data from the server" );
+                              });
+                      });
+                      $.when.apply($, getAjaxList).then(function() {
+                          $.each(halApiInfoList, function( index, data ) {
+                              $("#halApiList").append(halApiListTemplate());
+                              var version = data.halMajorVersion + '.' + data.halMinorVersion;
+                              var defaultInfo = data.halPackageName + '@' + version + '::' + data.halInterfaceName;
+                              $("#halApiList > li:last > div.collapsible-header").html(
+                                  '<i class="material-icons">report</i> HAL API Information : ' + defaultInfo
+                              );
+                              $("#halApiList > li:last > div.collapsible-body > ul.collection.with-header").append(
+                                  $.map( data.halApi, function( apiName, idx ) {
+                                      var colorClass = data.coveredHalApi.indexOf(apiName) > -1 ? "green" : "red"
+                                      return '<li class="collection-item ' + colorClass + ' lighten-1">' + apiName + '</li>';
+                                  }).join("")
+                              );
+                              $("#halApiList").collapsible('open', index);
+                          });
+                          $('#dataTableLoading').hide("slow");
+                      });
+                  },
+                  complete: function() {
+                      $("#halApiList").empty();
+                      $('#dataTableLoading').show("slow");
+                  } // Callback for Modal close
+              }
+          );
+      function halApiListTemplate() {
+          return '<li>' +
+              '<div class="collapsible-header">' +
+              '<i class="material-icons">report</i> API Information' +
+              '</div>' +
+              '<div class="collapsible-body">' +
+              '<ul class="collection with-header">' +
+              '</ul>' +
+              '</div>' +
+              '</li>';
+      }
       // refresh the page to see the selected test types (pre-/post-submit)
       function refresh() {
           if($(this).hasClass('disabled')) return;
@@ -221,6 +280,44 @@
+    <!-- Modal Structure -->
+    <div id="apiCoverageModal" class="modal modal-fixed-footer" style="width: 75%;">
+      <div class="modal-content">
+        <h4 id="coverageModalTitle">API Coverage</h4>
+        <div class="preloader-wrapper big active loaders">
+          <div id="dataTableLoading" class="spinner-layer spinner-blue-only">
+            <div class="circle-clipper left">
+              <div class="circle"></div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="gap-patch">
+              <div class="circle"></div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="circle-clipper right">
+              <div class="circle"></div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="row">
+          <div class="col s12">
+            <ul class="collection with-header">
+              <li class="collection-header">
+                <h4>Total HAL API List</h4>
+                <ul id="halApiList" class="collapsible popout" data-collapsible="expandable">
+                </ul>
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="modal-footer">
+        <a href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat ">Close</a>
+      </div>
+    </div>
     <%@ include file="footer.jsp" %>