blob: b8198bb9b33002b4a0574e8617d03c363dfe6ecf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "common.proto";
package attestation;
enum AttestationStatus {
message CreateGoogleAttestedKeyRequest {
// An arbitrary label which can be used to reference the key later.
optional string key_label = 1;
optional KeyType key_type = 2;
optional KeyUsage key_usage = 3;
// Describes the certificate to be requested of the CA.
optional CertificateProfile certificate_profile = 4;
// Provided if the new key should be accessible only by a particular user. If
// this field is not set or is the empty string, the key will be accessible
// system-wide.
optional string username = 5;
// If the |certificate_profile| is intended to be bound to a particular origin
// this field specifies the origin. For most profiles this is not required.
optional string origin = 6;
message CreateGoogleAttestedKeyReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
// More information about a server-side error. This only exists
// if status=REQUEST_DENIED_BY_CA.
optional string server_error = 2;
// A PEM-encoded list of X.509 certificates starting with the requested
// certificate issued by the CA and followed by certificates for any
// intermediate authorities, in order. The Google Attestation CA root
// certificate is well-known and not included.
optional string certificate_chain = 3;
message GetKeyInfoRequest {
optional string key_label = 1;
optional string username = 2;
message GetKeyInfoReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
optional KeyType key_type = 2;
optional KeyUsage key_usage = 3;
// The public key (X.509/DER SubjectPublicKeyInfo).
optional bytes public_key = 4;
// The serialized TPM_CERTIFY_INFO or TPM2B_ATTEST for the new key.
optional bytes certify_info = 5;
// The signature of certify_info by the Attestation Key.
optional bytes certify_info_signature = 6;
// The certificate data associated with the key (if any).
optional bytes certificate = 7;
message GetEndorsementInfoRequest {
optional KeyType key_type = 1;
message GetEndorsementInfoReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
// The endorsement public key (X.509/DER SubjectPublicKeyInfo).
optional bytes ek_public_key = 2;
// The endorsement certificate (X.509/DER).
optional bytes ek_certificate = 3;
message GetAttestationKeyInfoRequest {
optional KeyType key_type = 1;
message GetAttestationKeyInfoReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
// The attestation public key (X.509/DER SubjectPublicKeyInfo).
optional bytes public_key = 2;
// The attestation public key in TPM_PUBKEY form.
optional bytes public_key_tpm_format = 3;
// The attestation key certificate.
optional bytes certificate = 4;
// A quote of PCR0 at the time of attestation key creation.
optional Quote pcr0_quote = 5;
// A quote of PCR1 at the time of attestation key creation.
optional Quote pcr1_quote = 6;
message ActivateAttestationKeyRequest {
optional KeyType key_type = 1;
optional EncryptedIdentityCredential encrypted_certificate = 2;
optional bool save_certificate = 3;
message ActivateAttestationKeyReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
// The decrypted attestation key certificate.
optional bytes certificate = 2;
message CreateCertifiableKeyRequest {
// An arbitrary label which can be used to reference the key later.
optional string key_label = 1;
// Provided if the new key should be accessible only by a
// particular user. If this field is not set or is the empty
// string, the key will be accessible system-wide.
optional string username = 2;
optional KeyType key_type = 3;
optional KeyUsage key_usage = 4;
message CreateCertifiableKeyReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
// The new public key (X.509/DER SubjectPublicKeyInfo).
optional bytes public_key = 2;
// The serialized TPM_CERTIFY_INFO or TPM2B_ATTEST for the new key.
optional bytes certify_info = 3;
// The signature of certify_info by the Attestation Key.
optional bytes certify_info_signature = 4;
message DecryptRequest {
optional string key_label = 1;
optional string username = 2;
optional bytes encrypted_data = 3;
message DecryptReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
optional bytes decrypted_data = 2;
message SignRequest {
optional string key_label = 1;
optional string username = 2;
optional bytes data_to_sign = 3;
message SignReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;
optional bytes signature = 2;
message RegisterKeyWithChapsTokenRequest {
optional string key_label = 1;
optional string username = 2;
message RegisterKeyWithChapsTokenReply {
optional AttestationStatus status = 1;