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// ? 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2008-2016, Google Inc, International Business Machines Corporation
* and others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.Iterator;
* AlphabeticIndex supports the creation of a UI index appropriate for a given language.
* It can support either direct use, or use with a client that doesn't support localized collation.
* The following is an example of what an index might look like in a UI:
* <pre>
* <b>... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ...</b>
* <b>A</b>
* Addison
* Albertson
* Azensky
* <b>B</b>
* Baecker
* ...
* </pre>
* The class can generate a list of labels for use as a UI "index", that is, a list of
* clickable characters (or character sequences) that allow the user to see a segment
* (bucket) of a larger "target" list. That is, each label corresponds to a bucket in
* the target list, where everything in the bucket is greater than or equal to the character
* (according to the locale's collation). Strings can be added to the index;
* they will be in sorted order in the right bucket.
* <p>
* The class also supports having buckets for strings before the first (underflow),
* after the last (overflow), and between scripts (inflow). For example, if the index
* is constructed with labels for Russian and English, Greek characters would fall
* into an inflow bucket between the other two scripts.
* <p><em>Note:</em> If you expect to have a lot of ASCII or Latin characters
* as well as characters from the user's language,
* then it is a good idea to call addLabels(ULocale.English).
* <h2>Direct Use</h2>
* <p>The following shows an example of building an index directly.
* The "show..." methods below are just to illustrate usage.
* <pre>
* // Create a simple index where the values for the strings are Integers, and add the strings
* AlphabeticIndex&lt;Integer&gt; index = new AlphabeticIndex&lt;Integer&gt;(desiredLocale).addLabels(additionalLocale);
* int counter = 0;
* for (String item : test) {
* index.addRecord(item, counter++);
* }
* ...
* // Show index at top. We could skip or gray out empty buckets
* for (AlphabeticIndex.Bucket&lt;Integer&gt; bucket : index) {
* if (showAll || bucket.size() != 0) {
* showLabelAtTop(UI, bucket.getLabel());
* }
* }
* ...
* // Show the buckets with their contents, skipping empty buckets
* for (AlphabeticIndex.Bucket&lt;Integer&gt; bucket : index) {
* if (bucket.size() != 0) {
* showLabelInList(UI, bucket.getLabel());
* for (AlphabeticIndex.Record&lt;Integer&gt; item : bucket) {
* showIndexedItem(UI, item.getName(), item.getData());
* }
* </pre>
* The caller can build different UIs using this class.
* For example, an index character could be omitted or grayed-out
* if its bucket is empty. Small buckets could also be combined based on size, such as:
* <pre>
* <b>... A-F G-N O-Z ...</b>
* </pre>
* <h2>Client Support</h2>
* <p>Callers can also use the {@link AlphabeticIndex.ImmutableIndex}, or the AlphabeticIndex itself,
* to support sorting on a client that doesn't support AlphabeticIndex functionality.
* <p>The ImmutableIndex is both immutable and thread-safe.
* The corresponding AlphabeticIndex methods are not thread-safe because
* they "lazily" build the index buckets.
* <ul>
* <li>ImmutableIndex.getBucket(index) provides random access to all
* buckets and their labels and label types.
* <li>AlphabeticIndex.getBucketLabels() or the bucket iterator on either class
* can be used to get a list of the labels,
* such as "...", "A", "B",..., and send that list to the client.
* <li>When the client has a new name, it sends that name to the server.
* The server needs to call the following methods,
* and communicate the bucketIndex and collationKey back to the client.
* <pre>
* int bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(name);
* String label = immutableIndex.getBucket(bucketIndex).getLabel(); // optional
* RawCollationKey collationKey = collator.getRawCollationKey(name, null);
* </pre>
* <li>The client would put the name (and associated information) into its bucket for bucketIndex. The collationKey is a
* sequence of bytes that can be compared with a binary compare, and produce the right localized result.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Mark Davis
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public final class AlphabeticIndex<V> implements java.lang.Iterable<<V>> {
* Create the index object.
* @param locale
* The locale for the index.
public AlphabeticIndex( locale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Create the index object.
* @param locale
* The locale for the index.
public AlphabeticIndex(java.util.Locale locale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Create an AlphabeticIndex that uses a specific collator.
* <p>The index will be created with no labels; the addLabels() function must be called
* after creation to add the desired labels to the index.
* <p>The index will work directly with the supplied collator. If the caller will need to
* continue working with the collator it should be cloned first, so that the
* collator provided to the AlphabeticIndex remains unchanged after creation of the index.
* @param collator The collator to use to order the contents of this index.
public AlphabeticIndex( collator) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Add more index characters (aside from what are in the locale)
* @param additions additional characters to add to the index, such as A-Z.
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> addLabels( additions) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Add more index characters (aside from what are in the locale)
* @param additions additional characters to add to the index, such as those in Swedish.
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> addLabels( additions) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Add more index characters (aside from what are in the locale)
* @param additions additional characters to add to the index, such as those in Swedish.
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> addLabels(java.util.Locale... additions) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Set the overflow label
* @param overflowLabel see class description
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> setOverflowLabel(java.lang.String overflowLabel) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the default label used in the IndexCharacters' locale for underflow, eg the last item in: X Y Z ...
* @return underflow label
public java.lang.String getUnderflowLabel() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Set the underflowLabel label
* @param underflowLabel see class description
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> setUnderflowLabel(java.lang.String underflowLabel) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the default label used in the IndexCharacters' locale for overflow, eg the first item in: ... A B C
* @return overflow label
public java.lang.String getOverflowLabel() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Set the inflowLabel label
* @param inflowLabel see class description
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> setInflowLabel(java.lang.String inflowLabel) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the default label used for abbreviated buckets <i>between</i> other labels. For example, consider the labels
* for Latin and Greek are used: X Y Z ... &#x0391; &#x0392; &#x0393;.
* @return inflow label
public java.lang.String getInflowLabel() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the limit on the number of labels in the index. The number of buckets can be slightly larger: see getBucketCount().
* @return maxLabelCount maximum number of labels.
public int getMaxLabelCount() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Set a limit on the number of labels in the index. The number of buckets can be slightly larger: see
* getBucketCount().
* @param maxLabelCount Set the maximum number of labels. Currently, if the number is exceeded, then every
* nth item is removed to bring the count down. A more sophisticated mechanism may be available in the
* future.
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> setMaxLabelCount(int maxLabelCount) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Builds an immutable, thread-safe version of this instance, without data records.
* @return an immutable index instance
public<V> buildImmutableIndex() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the labels.
* @return The list of bucket labels, after processing.
public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getBucketLabels() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get a clone of the collator used internally. Note that for performance reasons, the clone is only done once, and
* then stored. The next time it is accessed, the same instance is returned.
* <p>
* <b><i>Don't use this method across threads if you are changing the settings on the collator, at least not without
* synchronizing.</i></b>
* @return a clone of the collator used internally
public getCollator() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Add a record (name and data) to the index. The name will be used to sort the items into buckets, and to sort
* within the bucket. Two records may have the same name. When they do, the sort order is according to the order added:
* the first added comes first.
* @param name
* Name, such as a name
* @param data
* Data, such as an address or link
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> addRecord(java.lang.CharSequence name, V data) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the bucket number for the given name. This routine permits callers to implement their own bucket handling
* mechanisms, including client-server handling. For example, when a new name is created on the client, it can ask
* the server for the bucket for that name, and the sortkey (using getCollator). Once the client has that
* information, it can put the name into the right bucket, and sort it within that bucket, without having access to
* the index or collator.
* <p>
* Note that the bucket number (and sort key) are only valid for the settings of the current AlphabeticIndex; if
* those are changed, then the bucket number and sort key must be regenerated.
* @param name
* Name, such as a name
* @return the bucket index for the name
public int getBucketIndex(java.lang.CharSequence name) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Clear the index.
* @return this, for chaining
public<V> clearRecords() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Return the number of buckets in the index. This will be the same as the number of labels, plus buckets for the underflow, overflow, and inflow(s).
* @return number of buckets
public int getBucketCount() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Return the number of records in the index: that is, the total number of distinct &lt;name,data&gt; pairs added with addRecord(...), over all the buckets.
* @return total number of records in buckets
public int getRecordCount() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Return an iterator over the buckets.
* @return iterator over buckets.
public java.util.Iterator<<V>> iterator() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* An index "bucket" with a label string and type.
* It is referenced by {@link AlphabeticIndex#getBucketIndex(CharSequence)}
* and {@link AlphabeticIndex.ImmutableIndex#getBucketIndex(CharSequence)},
* returned by {@link AlphabeticIndex.ImmutableIndex#getBucket(int)},
* and {@link,java.lang.Object) AlphabeticIndex#addRecord(CharSequence, Object)} adds a record
* into a bucket according to the record's name.
* @param <V>
* Data type
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public static class Bucket<V> implements java.lang.Iterable<<V>> {
private Bucket() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the label
* @return label for the bucket
public java.lang.String getLabel() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Is a normal, underflow, overflow, or inflow bucket
* @return is an underflow, overflow, or inflow bucket
public getLabelType() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the number of records in the bucket.
* @return number of records in bucket
public int size() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Iterator over the records in the bucket
public java.util.Iterator<<V>> iterator() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Standard toString()
public java.lang.String toString() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Type of the label
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public enum LabelType {
* Normal
* Underflow (before the first)
* Inflow (between scripts)
* Overflow (after the last)
* Immutable, thread-safe version of {@link AlphabeticIndex}.
* This class provides thread-safe methods for bucketing,
* and random access to buckets and their properties,
* but does not offer adding records to the index.
* @param <V> The Record value type is unused. It can be omitted for this class
* if it was omitted for the AlphabeticIndex that built it.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public static final class ImmutableIndex<V> implements java.lang.Iterable<<V>> {
private ImmutableIndex() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the number of index buckets and labels, including underflow/inflow/overflow.
* @return the number of index buckets
public int getBucketCount() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Finds the index bucket for the given name and returns the number of that bucket.
* Use {@link #getBucket(int)} to get the bucket's properties.
* @param name the string to be sorted into an index bucket
* @return the bucket number for the name
public int getBucketIndex(java.lang.CharSequence name) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the index-th bucket. Returns null if the index is out of range.
* @param index bucket number
* @return the index-th bucket
public<V> getBucket(int index) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.util.Iterator<<V>> iterator() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* A (name, data) pair, to be sorted by name into one of the index buckets.
* The user data is not used by the index implementation.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public static class Record<V> {
private Record() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the name
* @return the name
public java.lang.CharSequence getName() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Get the data
* @return the data
public V getData() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Standard toString()
public java.lang.String toString() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }