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// ? 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2011-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.Locale;
* <code>TimeZoneNames</code> is an abstract class representing the time zone display name data model defined
* by <a href="">UTS#35 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)</a>.
* The model defines meta zone, which is used for storing a set of display names. A meta zone can be shared
* by multiple time zones. Also a time zone may have multiple meta zone historic mappings.
* <p>
* For example, people in the United States refer the zone used by the east part of North America as "Eastern Time".
* The tz database contains multiple time zones "America/New_York", "America/Detroit", "America/Montreal" and some
* others that belong to "Eastern Time". However, assigning different display names to these time zones does not make
* much sense for most of people.
* <p>
* In <a href="">CLDR</a> (which uses LDML for representing locale data), the display name
* "Eastern Time" is stored as long generic display name of a meta zone identified by the ID "America_Eastern".
* Then, there is another table maintaining the historic mapping to meta zones for each time zone. The time zones in
* the above example ("America/New_York", "America/Detroit"...) are mapped to the meta zone "America_Eastern".
* <p>
* Sometimes, a time zone is mapped to a different time zone in the past. For example, "America/Indiana/Knox"
* had been moving "Eastern Time" and "Central Time" back and forth. Therefore, it is necessary that time zone
* to meta zones mapping data are stored by date range.
* <p><b>Note:</b>
* <p>
* {@link TimeZoneFormat} assumes an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code> is immutable. If you want to provide
* your own <code>TimeZoneNames</code> implementation and use it with {@link TimeZoneFormat}, you must follow
* the contract.
* <p>
* The methods in this class assume that time zone IDs are already canonicalized. For example, you may not get proper
* result returned by a method with time zone ID "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", because it's not a canonical time zone
* ID (the canonical time zone ID for the time zone is "America/Indianapolis". See
* {@link TimeZone#getCanonicalID(String)} about ICU canonical time zone IDs.
* <p>
* In CLDR, most of time zone display names except location names are provided through meta zones. But a time zone may
* have a specific name that is not shared with other time zones.
* For example, time zone "Europe/London" has English long name for standard time "Greenwich Mean Time", which is also
* shared with other time zones. However, the long name for daylight saving time is "British Summer Time", which is only
* used for "Europe/London".
* <p>
* {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String,} is designed for accessing a name only used by a single time zone.
* But is not necessarily mean that a subclass implementation use the same model with CLDR. A subclass implementation
* may provide time zone names only through {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String,}, or only through
* {@link #getMetaZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String,}, or both.
* <p>
* The default <code>TimeZoneNames</code> implementation returned by {@link #getInstance(} uses the locale data
* imported from CLDR. In CLDR, set of meta zone IDs and mappings between zone IDs and meta zone IDs are shared by all
* locales. Therefore, the behavior of {@link #getAvailableMetaZoneIDs()}, {@link #getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(java.lang.String)},
* {@link #getMetaZoneID(java.lang.String,long)}, and {@link #getReferenceZoneID(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)} won't be changed no matter
* what locale is used for getting an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code>.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public abstract class TimeZoneNames implements {
TimeZoneNames() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code> for the specified locale.
* @param locale
* The locale.
* @return An instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code>
public static getInstance( locale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code> for the specified
* {@link java.util.Locale}.
* @param locale
* The {@link java.util.Locale}.
* @return An instance of <code>TimeZoneDisplayNames</code>
public static getInstance(java.util.Locale locale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns an instance of <code>TimeZoneNames</code> containing only short specific
* zone names ({@link NameType#SHORT_STANDARD} and {@link NameType#SHORT_DAYLIGHT}),
* compatible with the IANA tz database's zone abbreviations (not localized).
* <br>
* Note: The input locale is used for resolving ambiguous names (e.g. "IST" is parsed
* as Israel Standard Time for Israel, while it is parsed as India Standard Time for
* all other regions). The zone names returned by this instance are not localized.
public static getTZDBInstance( locale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns an immutable set of all available meta zone IDs.
* @return An immutable set of all available meta zone IDs.
public abstract java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAvailableMetaZoneIDs();
* Returns an immutable set of all available meta zone IDs used by the given time zone.
* @param tzID
* The canonical time zone ID.
* @return An immutable set of all available meta zone IDs used by the given time zone.
public abstract java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(java.lang.String tzID);
* Returns the meta zone ID for the given canonical time zone ID at the given date.
* @param tzID
* The canonical time zone ID.
* @param date
* The date.
* @return The meta zone ID for the given time zone ID at the given date. If the time zone does not have a
* corresponding meta zone at the given date or the implementation does not support meta zones, null is
* returned.
public abstract java.lang.String getMetaZoneID(java.lang.String tzID, long date);
* Returns the reference zone ID for the given meta zone ID for the region.
* Note: Each meta zone must have a reference zone associated with a special region "001" (world).
* Some meta zones may have region specific reference zone IDs other than the special region
* "001". When a meta zone does not have any region specific reference zone IDs, this method
* return the reference zone ID for the special region "001" (world).
* @param mzID
* The meta zone ID.
* @param region
* The region.
* @return The reference zone ID ("golden zone" in the LDML specification) for the given time zone ID for the
* region. If the meta zone is unknown or the implementation does not support meta zones, null is returned.
public abstract java.lang.String getReferenceZoneID(java.lang.String mzID, java.lang.String region);
* Returns the display name of the meta zone.
* @param mzID
* The meta zone ID.
* @param type
* The display name type. See {@link TimeZoneNames.NameType}.
* @return The display name of the meta zone. When this object does not have a localized display name for the given
* meta zone with the specified type or the implementation does not provide any display names associated
* with meta zones, null is returned.
public abstract java.lang.String getMetaZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String mzID, type);
* Returns the display name of the time zone at the given date.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This method calls the subclass's {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String,} first. When the
* result is null, this method calls {@link #getMetaZoneID(java.lang.String,long)} to get the meta zone ID mapped from the
* time zone, then calls {@link #getMetaZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String,}.
* @param tzID
* The canonical time zone ID.
* @param type
* The display name type. See {@link TimeZoneNames.NameType}.
* @param date
* The date
* @return The display name for the time zone at the given date. When this object does not have a localized display
* name for the time zone with the specified type and date, null is returned.
public final java.lang.String getDisplayName(java.lang.String tzID, type, long date) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the display name of the time zone. Unlike {@link #getDisplayName(java.lang.String,,long)},
* this method does not get a name from a meta zone used by the time zone.
* @param tzID
* The canonical time zone ID.
* @param type
* The display name type. See {@link TimeZoneNames.NameType}.
* @return The display name for the time zone. When this object does not have a localized display name for the given
* time zone with the specified type, null is returned.
public abstract java.lang.String getTimeZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String tzID, type);
* Returns the exemplar location name for the given time zone. When this object does not have a localized location
* name, the default implementation may still returns a programmatically generated name with the logic described
* below.
* <ol>
* <li>Check if the ID contains "/". If not, return null.
* <li>Check if the ID does not start with "Etc/" or "SystemV/". If it does, return null.
* <li>Extract a substring after the last occurrence of "/".
* <li>Replace "_" with " ".
* </ol>
* For example, "New York" is returned for the time zone ID "America/New_York" when this object does not have the
* localized location name.
* @param tzID
* The canonical time zone ID
* @return The exemplar location name for the given time zone, or null when a localized location name is not
* available and the fallback logic described above cannot extract location from the ID.
public java.lang.String getExemplarLocationName(java.lang.String tzID) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Time zone display name types
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public enum NameType {
* Long display name, such as "Eastern Time".
* Long display name for standard time, such as "Eastern Standard Time".
* Long display name for daylight saving time, such as "Eastern Daylight Time".
* Short display name, such as "ET".
* Short display name for standard time, such as "EST".
* Short display name for daylight saving time, such as "EDT".
* Exemplar location name, such as "Los Angeles".