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// ? 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* <strong>[icu enhancement]</strong> ICU's replacement for {@link java.text.DecimalFormat}.&nbsp;Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '<strong>[icu]</strong>'.
* <code>DecimalFormat</code> is the primary
* concrete subclass of {@link NumberFormat}. It has a variety of features designed to make it
* possible to parse and format numbers in any locale, including support for Western, Arabic, or
* Indic digits. It supports different flavors of numbers, including integers ("123"), fixed-point
* numbers ("123.4"), scientific notation ("1.23E4"), percentages ("12%"), and currency amounts
* ("$123.00", "USD123.00", "123.00 US dollars"). All of these flavors can be easily localized.
* <p>To obtain a number formatter for a specific locale (including the default locale), call one of
* NumberFormat's factory methods such as {@link NumberFormat#getInstance}. Do not call
* DecimalFormat constructors directly unless you know what you are doing.
* <p>DecimalFormat aims to comply with the specification <a
* href="">UTS #35</a>. Read
* the specification for more information on how all the properties in DecimalFormat fit together.
* <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Starting in ICU 60, there is a new set of APIs for localized number
* formatting that are designed to be an improvement over DecimalFormat. New users are discouraged
* from using DecimalFormat. For more information, see the package
* <h3>Example Usage</h3>
* <p>Customize settings on a DecimalFormat instance from the NumberFormat factory:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(loc);
* if (f instanceof DecimalFormat) {
* ((DecimalFormat) f).setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true);
* ((DecimalFormat) f).setMinimumGroupingDigits(2);
* }
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* <p>Quick and dirty print out a number using the localized number, currency, and percent format
* for each locale:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* for (ULocale uloc : ULocale.getAvailableLocales()) {
* System.out.print(uloc + ":\t");
* System.out.print(NumberFormat.getInstance(uloc).format(1.23));
* System.out.print("\t");
* System.out.print(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(uloc).format(1.23));
* System.out.print("\t");
* System.out.print(NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(uloc).format(1.23));
* System.out.println();
* }
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* <h3>Properties and Symbols</h3>
* <p>A DecimalFormat object encapsulates a set of <em>properties</em> and a set of
* <em>symbols</em>. Grouping size, rounding mode, and affixes are examples of properties. Locale
* digits and the characters used for grouping and decimal separators are examples of symbols.
* <p>To set a custom set of symbols, use {@link #setDecimalFormatSymbols}. Use the various other
* setters in this class to set custom values for the properties.
* <h3>Rounding</h3>
* <p>DecimalFormat provides three main strategies to specify the position at which numbers should
* be rounded:
* <ol>
* <li><strong>Magnitude:</strong> Display a fixed number of fraction digits; this is the most
* common form.
* <li><strong>Increment:</strong> Round numbers to the closest multiple of a certain increment,
* such as 0.05. This is common in currencies.
* <li><strong>Significant Digits:</strong> Round numbers such that a fixed number of nonzero
* digits are shown. This is most common in scientific notation.
* </ol>
* <p>It is not possible to specify more than one rounding strategy. For example, setting a rounding
* increment in conjunction with significant digits results in undefined behavior.
* <p>It is also possible to specify the <em>rounding mode</em> to use. The default rounding mode is
* "half even", which rounds numbers to their closest increment, with ties broken in favor of
* trailing numbers being even. For more information, see {@link #setRoundingMode} and <a
* href="">the ICU
* User Guide</a>.
* <h3>Pattern Strings</h3>
* <p>A <em>pattern string</em> is a way to serialize some of the available properties for decimal
* formatting. However, not all properties are capable of being serialized into a pattern string;
* see {@link #applyPattern} for more information.
* <p>Most users should not need to interface with pattern strings directly.
* <p>ICU DecimalFormat aims to follow the specification for pattern strings in <a
* href="">UTS #35</a>.
* Refer to that specification for more information on pattern string syntax.
* <h4>Pattern String BNF</h4>
* The following BNF is used when parsing the pattern string into property values:
* <pre>
* pattern := subpattern (';' subpattern)?
* subpattern := prefix? number exponent? suffix?
* number := (integer ('.' fraction)?) | sigDigits
* prefix := '&#92;u0000'..'&#92;uFFFD' - specialCharacters
* suffix := '&#92;u0000'..'&#92;uFFFD' - specialCharacters
* integer := '#'* '0'* '0'
* fraction := '0'* '#'*
* sigDigits := '#'* '@' '@'* '#'*
* exponent := 'E' '+'? '0'* '0'
* padSpec := '*' padChar
* padChar := '&#92;u0000'..'&#92;uFFFD' - quote
* &#32;
* Notation:
* X* 0 or more instances of X
* X? 0 or 1 instances of X
* X|Y either X or Y
* C..D any character from C up to D, inclusive
* S-T characters in S, except those in T
* </pre>
* <p>The first subpattern is for positive numbers. The second (optional) subpattern is for negative
* numbers.
* <p>Not indicated in the BNF syntax above:
* <ul>
* <li>The grouping separator ',' can occur inside the integer and sigDigits elements, between any
* two pattern characters of that element, as long as the integer or sigDigits element is not
* followed by the exponent element.
* <li>Two grouping intervals are recognized: That between the decimal point and the first
* grouping symbol, and that between the first and second grouping symbols. These intervals
* are identical in most locales, but in some locales they differ. For example, the pattern
* &quot;#,##,###&quot; formats the number 123456789 as &quot;12,34,56,789&quot;.
* <li>The pad specifier <code>padSpec</code> may appear before the prefix, after the prefix,
* before the suffix, after the suffix, or not at all.
* <li>In place of '0', the digits '1' through '9' may be used to indicate a rounding increment.
* </ul>
* <h3>Parsing</h3>
* <p>DecimalFormat aims to be able to parse anything that it can output as a formatted string.
* <p>There are two primary parse modes: <em>lenient</em> and <em>strict</em>. Lenient mode should
* be used if the goal is to parse user input to a number; strict mode should be used if the goal is
* validation. The default is lenient mode. For more information, see {@link #setParseStrict}.
* <p><code>DecimalFormat</code> parses all Unicode characters that represent decimal digits, as
* defined by {@link UCharacter#digit}. In addition, <code>DecimalFormat</code> also recognizes as
* digits the ten consecutive characters starting with the localized zero digit defined in the
* {@link DecimalFormatSymbols} object. During formatting, the {@link DecimalFormatSymbols}-based
* digits are output.
* <p>Grouping separators are ignored in lenient mode (default). In strict mode, grouping separators
* must match the locale-specified grouping sizes.
* <p>When using {@link #parseCurrency}, all currencies are accepted, not just the currency
* currently set in the formatter. In addition, the formatter is able to parse every currency style
* format for a particular locale no matter which style the formatter is constructed with. For
* example, a formatter instance gotten from NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale,
* NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE) can parse both "USD1.00" and "3.00 US dollars".
* <p>Whitespace characters (lenient mode) and control characters (lenient and strict mode),
* collectively called "ignorables", do not need to match in identity or quantity between the
* pattern string and the input string. For example, the pattern "# %" matches "35 %" (with a single
* space), "35%" (with no space), "35&nbsp;%" (with a non-breaking space), and "35&nbsp; %" (with
* multiple spaces). Arbitrary ignorables are also allowed at boundaries between the parts of the
* number: prefix, number, exponent separator, and suffix. Ignorable whitespace characters are those
* having the Unicode "blank" property for regular expressions, defined in UTS #18 Annex C, which is
* "horizontal" whitespace, like spaces and tabs, but not "vertical" whitespace, like line breaks.
* Ignorable control characters are those in the Unicode set [:Default_Ignorable_Code_Point:].
* <p>If {@link #parse(java.lang.String,java.text.ParsePosition)} fails to parse a string, it returns <code>null</code>
* and leaves the parse position unchanged. The convenience method {@link #parse(java.lang.String)} indicates
* parse failure by throwing a {@link java.text.ParseException}.
* <p>Under the hood, a state table parsing engine is used. To debug a parsing failure during
* development, use the following pattern to print details about the state table transitions:
* <pre>
* = true;
* df.parse("123.45", ppos);
* = false;
* </pre>
* <h3>Thread Safety and Best Practices</h3>
* <p>Starting with ICU 59, instances of DecimalFormat are thread-safe.
* <p>Under the hood, DecimalFormat maintains an immutable formatter object that is rebuilt whenever
* any of the property setters are called. It is therefore best practice to call property setters
* only during construction and not when formatting numbers online.
* @see java.text.Format
* @see
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public class DecimalFormat extends {
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the number pattern and symbols for the default locale. This is
* a convenient way to obtain a DecimalFormat instance when internationalization is not the main
* concern.
* <p>Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link }, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @see NumberFormat#getInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getNumberInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getCurrencyInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getPercentInstance
* @see
public DecimalFormat() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the given pattern, using symbols for the default locale. This
* is a convenient way to obtain a DecimalFormat instance when internationalization is not the
* main concern.
* <p>Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link }, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @param pattern A pattern string such as "#,##0.00" conforming to <a
* href="">UTS
* #35</a>.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid.
* @see NumberFormat#getInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getNumberInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getCurrencyInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getPercentInstance
* @see
public DecimalFormat(java.lang.String pattern) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the given pattern and symbols. Use this constructor if you
* want complete control over the behavior of the formatter.
* <p>Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link }, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @param pattern A pattern string such as "#,##0.00" conforming to <a
* href="">UTS
* #35</a>.
* @param symbols The set of symbols to be used.
* @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid
* @see NumberFormat#getInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getNumberInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getCurrencyInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getPercentInstance
* @see
public DecimalFormat(java.lang.String pattern, symbols) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the given pattern and symbols, with additional control over
* the behavior of currency. The style argument determines whether currency rounding rules should
* override the pattern, and the {@link CurrencyPluralInfo} object is used for customizing the
* plural forms used for currency long names.
* <p>Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link }, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @param pattern a non-localized pattern string
* @param symbols the set of symbols to be used
* @param infoInput the information used for currency plural format, including currency plural
* patterns and plural rules.
* @param style the decimal formatting style, it is one of the following values:
public DecimalFormat(java.lang.String pattern, symbols, infoInput, int style) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Parses the given pattern string and overwrites the settings specified in the pattern string.
* The properties corresponding to the following setters are overwritten, either with their
* default values or with the value specified in the pattern string:
* <ol>
* <li>{@link #setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown}
* <li>{@link #setExponentSignAlwaysShown}
* <li>{@link #setFormatWidth}
* <li>{@link #setGroupingSize}
* <li>{@link #setMultiplier} (percent/permille)
* <li>{@link #setMaximumFractionDigits}
* <li>{@link #setMaximumIntegerDigits}
* <li>{@link #setMaximumSignificantDigits}
* <li>{@link #setMinimumExponentDigits}
* <li>{@link #setMinimumFractionDigits}
* <li>{@link #setMinimumIntegerDigits}
* <li>{@link #setMinimumSignificantDigits}
* <li>{@link #setPadPosition}
* <li>{@link #setPadCharacter}
* <li>{@link #setRoundingIncrement}
* <li>{@link #setSecondaryGroupingSize}
* </ol>
* All other settings remain untouched.
* <p>For more information on pattern strings, see <a
* href="">UTS #35</a>.
public synchronized void applyPattern(java.lang.String pattern) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Converts the given string to standard notation and then parses it using {@link #applyPattern}.
* This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be used in new projects.
* <p>Localized notation means that instead of using generic placeholders in the pattern, you use
* the corresponding locale-specific characters instead. For example, in locale <em>fr-FR</em>,
* the period in the pattern "0.000" means "decimal" in standard notation (as it does in every
* other locale), but it means "grouping" in localized notation.
* @param localizedPattern The pattern string in localized notation.
public synchronized void applyLocalizedPattern(java.lang.String localizedPattern) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
public java.lang.Object clone() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.lang.StringBuffer format(double number, java.lang.StringBuffer result, java.text.FieldPosition fieldPosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.lang.StringBuffer format(long number, java.lang.StringBuffer result, java.text.FieldPosition fieldPosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.lang.StringBuffer format(java.math.BigInteger number, java.lang.StringBuffer result, java.text.FieldPosition fieldPosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.lang.StringBuffer format(java.math.BigDecimal number, java.lang.StringBuffer result, java.text.FieldPosition fieldPosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.lang.StringBuffer format( number, java.lang.StringBuffer result, java.text.FieldPosition fieldPosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator formatToCharacterIterator(java.lang.Object obj) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.lang.StringBuffer format( currAmt, java.lang.StringBuffer result, java.text.FieldPosition fieldPosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public java.lang.Number parse(java.lang.String text, java.text.ParsePosition parsePosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public parseCurrency(java.lang.CharSequence text, java.text.ParsePosition parsePosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a copy of the decimal format symbols used by this formatter.
* @return desired DecimalFormatSymbols
* @see
public synchronized getDecimalFormatSymbols() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the decimal format symbols used by this formatter. The formatter uses a copy of the
* provided symbols.
* @param newSymbols desired DecimalFormatSymbols
* @see
public synchronized void setDecimalFormatSymbols( newSymbols) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Gets the positive prefix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
* <p>If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setPositivePrefix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being prepended to positive numbers.
public synchronized java.lang.String getPositivePrefix() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Sets the string to prepend to positive numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number 123 will be formatted as "#123" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em>.
* <p>Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param prefix The literal string to prepend to positive numbers.
public synchronized void setPositivePrefix(java.lang.String prefix) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Gets the negative prefix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
* <p>If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setNegativePrefix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being prepended to negative numbers.
public synchronized java.lang.String getNegativePrefix() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Sets the string to prepend to negative numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number -123 will be formatted as "#123" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em> (overriding the implicit default '-' in the pattern).
* <p>Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param prefix The literal string to prepend to negative numbers.
public synchronized void setNegativePrefix(java.lang.String prefix) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Gets the positive suffix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
* <p>If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setPositiveSuffix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being appended to positive numbers.
public synchronized java.lang.String getPositiveSuffix() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Sets the string to append to positive numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number 123 will be formatted as "123#" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em>.
* <p>Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param suffix The literal string to append to positive numbers.
public synchronized void setPositiveSuffix(java.lang.String suffix) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Gets the negative suffix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
* <p>If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setNegativeSuffix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being appended to negative numbers.
public synchronized java.lang.String getNegativeSuffix() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Affixes:</strong> Sets the string to append to negative numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number 123 will be formatted as "123#" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em>.
* <p>Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param suffix The literal string to append to negative numbers.
public synchronized void setNegativeSuffix(java.lang.String suffix) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether the sign is being shown on positive numbers.
* @return Whether the sign is shown on positive numbers and zero.
* @see #setSignAlwaysShown
public synchronized boolean isSignAlwaysShown() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets whether to always shown the plus sign ('+' in <em>en</em>) on positive numbers. The rules
* in UTS #35 section 3.2.1 will be followed to ensure a locale-aware placement of the sign.
* <p>More specifically, the following strategy will be used to place the plus sign:
* <ol>
* <li><em>Patterns without a negative subpattern:</em> The locale's plus sign will be prepended
* to the positive prefix.
* <li><em>Patterns with a negative subpattern without a '-' sign (e.g., accounting):</em> The
* locale's plus sign will be prepended to the positive prefix, as in case 1.
* <li><em>Patterns with a negative subpattern that has a '-' sign:</em> The locale's plus sign
* will substitute the '-' in the negative subpattern. The positive subpattern will be
* unused.
* </ol>
* This method is designed to be used <em>instead of</em> applying a pattern containing an
* explicit plus sign, such as "+0;-0". The behavior when combining this method with explicit plus
* signs in the pattern is undefined.
* @param value true to always show a sign; false to hide the sign on positive numbers and zero.
public synchronized void setSignAlwaysShown(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the multiplier being applied to numbers before they are formatted.
* @see #setMultiplier
public synchronized int getMultiplier() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets a number that will be used to multiply all numbers prior to formatting. For example, when
* formatting percents, a multiplier of 100 can be used.
* <p>If a percent or permille sign is specified in the pattern, the multiplier is automatically
* set to 100 or 1000, respectively.
* <p>If the number specified here is a power of 10, a more efficient code path will be used.
* @param multiplier The number by which all numbers passed to {@link #format} will be multiplied.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the given multiplier is zero.
* @throws java.lang.ArithmeticException when inverting multiplier produces a non-terminating decimal result
* in conjunction with MathContext of unlimited precision.
public synchronized void setMultiplier(int multiplier) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the increment to which numbers are being rounded.
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
public synchronized java.math.BigDecimal getRoundingIncrement() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets an increment, or interval, to which
* numbers are rounded. For example, a rounding increment of 0.05 will cause the number 1.23 to be
* rounded to 1.25 in the default rounding mode.
* <p>The rounding increment can be specified via the pattern string: for example, the pattern
* "#,##0.05" encodes a rounding increment of 0.05.
* <p>The rounding increment is applied <em>after</em> any multipliers might take effect; for
* example, in scientific notation or when {@link #setMultiplier} is used.
* <p>See {@link #setMaximumFractionDigits} and {@link #setMaximumSignificantDigits} for two other
* ways of specifying rounding strategies.
* @param increment The increment to which numbers are to be rounded.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @see #setMaximumFractionDigits
* @see #setMaximumSignificantDigits
public synchronized void setRoundingIncrement(java.math.BigDecimal increment) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Overload of {@link
* #setRoundingIncrement(java.math.BigDecimal)}.
* @param increment The increment to which numbers are to be rounded.
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
public synchronized void setRoundingIncrement( increment) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Overload of {@link
* #setRoundingIncrement(java.math.BigDecimal)}.
* @param increment The increment to which numbers are to be rounded.
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
public synchronized void setRoundingIncrement(double increment) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the rounding mode being used to round numbers.
* @see #setRoundingMode
public synchronized int getRoundingMode() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the {@link java.math.RoundingMode RoundingMode} used to round
* numbers. The default rounding mode is HALF_EVEN, which rounds decimals to their closest whole
* number, and rounds to the closest even number if at the midpoint.
* <p>For more detail on rounding modes, see <a
* href="">the ICU
* User Guide</a>.
* <p>For backwards compatibility, the rounding mode is specified as an int argument, which can be
* from either the constants in {@link BigDecimal} or the ordinal value of {@link java.math.RoundingMode RoundingMode}.
* The following two calls are functionally equivalent.
* <pre>
* df.setRoundingMode(BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING);
* df.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.CEILING.ordinal());
* </pre>
* @param roundingMode The integer constant rounding mode to use when formatting numbers.
public synchronized void setRoundingMode(int roundingMode) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the {@link java.math.MathContext} being used to round numbers.
* @see #setMathContext
public synchronized java.math.MathContext getMathContext() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the {@link java.math.MathContext} used
* to round numbers. A "math context" encodes both a rounding mode and a number of significant
* digits. Most users should call {@link #setRoundingMode} and/or {@link
* #setMaximumSignificantDigits} instead of this method.
* <p>When formatting, since no division is ever performed, the default MathContext is unlimited
* significant digits. However, when division occurs during parsing to correct for percentages and
* multipliers, a MathContext of 34 digits, the IEEE 754R Decimal128 standard, is used by default.
* If you require more than 34 digits when parsing, you can set a custom MathContext using this
* method.
* @param mathContext The MathContext to use when rounding numbers.
* @throws java.lang.ArithmeticException when inverting multiplier produces a non-terminating decimal result
* in conjunction with MathContext of unlimited precision.
* @see java.math.MathContext
public synchronized void setMathContext(java.math.MathContext mathContext) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the {@link} being used to round numbers.
* @see #setMathContext
public synchronized getMathContextICU() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Overload of {@link #setMathContext} for
* {@link}.
* @param mathContextICU The MathContext to use when rounding numbers.
* @throws java.lang.ArithmeticException when inverting multiplier produces a non-terminating decimal result
* in conjunction with MathContext of unlimited precision.
* @see #setMathContext(java.math.MathContext)
public synchronized void setMathContextICU( mathContextICU) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the effective minimum number of digits before the decimal separator.
* @see #setMinimumIntegerDigits
public synchronized int getMinimumIntegerDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the minimum number of digits to display before
* the decimal separator. If the number has fewer than this many digits, the number is padded with
* zeros.
* <p>For example, if minimum integer digits is 3, the number 12.3 will be printed as "001.23".
* <p>Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
* <p>If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The minimum number of digits before the decimal separator.
public synchronized void setMinimumIntegerDigits(int value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the effective maximum number of digits before the decimal separator.
* @see #setMaximumIntegerDigits
public synchronized int getMaximumIntegerDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the maximum number of digits to display before
* the decimal separator. If the number has more than this many digits, the number is truncated.
* <p>For example, if maximum integer digits is 3, the number 12345 will be printed as "345".
* <p>Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
* <p>If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The maximum number of digits before the decimal separator.
public synchronized void setMaximumIntegerDigits(int value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the effective minimum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setMaximumIntegerDigits
public synchronized int getMinimumFractionDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the minimum number of digits to display after
* the decimal separator. If the number has fewer than this many digits, the number is padded with
* zeros.
* <p>For example, if minimum fraction digits is 2, the number 123.4 will be printed as "123.40".
* <p>Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
* <p>If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* <p>See {@link #setRoundingIncrement} and {@link #setMaximumSignificantDigits} for two other
* ways of specifying rounding strategies.
* @param value The minimum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
* @see #setMaximumSignificantDigits
public synchronized void setMinimumFractionDigits(int value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the effective maximum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setMaximumIntegerDigits
public synchronized int getMaximumFractionDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the maximum number of digits to display after
* the decimal separator. If the number has more than this many digits, the number is rounded
* according to the rounding mode.
* <p>For example, if maximum fraction digits is 2, the number 123.456 will be printed as
* "123.46".
* <p>Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
* <p>If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The maximum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setRoundingMode
public synchronized void setMaximumFractionDigits(int value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether significant digits are being used in rounding.
* @see #setSignificantDigitsUsed
public synchronized boolean areSignificantDigitsUsed() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets whether significant digits are to be
* used in rounding.
* <p>Calling <code>df.setSignificantDigitsUsed(true)</code> is functionally equivalent to:
* <pre>
* df.setMinimumSignificantDigits(1);
* df.setMaximumSignificantDigits(6);
* </pre>
* @param useSignificantDigits true to enable significant digit rounding; false to disable it.
public synchronized void setSignificantDigitsUsed(boolean useSignificantDigits) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the effective minimum number of significant digits displayed.
* @see #setMinimumSignificantDigits
public synchronized int getMinimumSignificantDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the minimum number of significant
* digits to be displayed. If the number of significant digits is less than this value, the number
* will be padded with zeros as necessary.
* <p>For example, if minimum significant digits is 3 and the number is 1.2, the number will be
* printed as "1.20".
* <p>If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The minimum number of significant digits to display.
public synchronized void setMinimumSignificantDigits(int value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the effective maximum number of significant digits displayed.
* @see #setMaximumSignificantDigits
public synchronized int getMaximumSignificantDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Rounding and Digit Limits:</strong> Sets the maximum number of significant
* digits to be displayed. If the number of significant digits in the number exceeds this value,
* the number will be rounded according to the current rounding mode.
* <p>For example, if maximum significant digits is 3 and the number is 12345, the number will be
* printed as "12300".
* <p>If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* <p>See {@link #setRoundingIncrement} and {@link #setMaximumFractionDigits} for two other ways
* of specifying rounding strategies.
* @param value The maximum number of significant digits to display.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
* @see #setMaximumFractionDigits
public synchronized void setMaximumSignificantDigits(int value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the minimum number of characters in formatted output.
* @see #setFormatWidth
public synchronized int getFormatWidth() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Padding:</strong> Sets the minimum width of the string output by the formatting
* pipeline. For example, if padding is enabled and paddingWidth is set to 6, formatting the
* number "3.14159" with the pattern "0.00" will result in "??3.14" if '?' is your padding string.
* <p>If the number is longer than your padding width, the number will display as if no padding
* width had been specified, which may result in strings longer than the padding width.
* <p>Padding can be specified in the pattern string using the '*' symbol. For example, the format
* "*x######0" has a format width of 7 and a pad character of 'x'.
* <p>Padding is currently counted in UTF-16 code units; see <a
* href="">ticket #13034</a> for more information.
* @param width The minimum number of characters in the output.
* @see #setPadCharacter
* @see #setPadPosition
public synchronized void setFormatWidth(int width) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the character used for padding.
* @see #setPadCharacter
public synchronized char getPadCharacter() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Padding:</strong> Sets the character used to pad numbers that are narrower than
* the width specified in {@link #setFormatWidth}.
* <p>In the pattern string, the padding character is the token that follows '*' before or after
* the prefix or suffix.
* @param padChar The character used for padding.
* @see #setFormatWidth
public synchronized void setPadCharacter(char padChar) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the position used for padding.
* @see #setPadPosition
public synchronized int getPadPosition() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Padding:</strong> Sets the position where to insert the pad character when
* narrower than the width specified in {@link #setFormatWidth}. For example, consider the pattern
* "P123S" with padding width 8 and padding char "*". The four positions are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link DecimalFormat#PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX} ? "***P123S"
* <li>{@link DecimalFormat#PAD_AFTER_PREFIX} ? "P***123S"
* <li>{@link DecimalFormat#PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX} ? "P123***S"
* <li>{@link DecimalFormat#PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX} ? "P123S***"
* </ul>
* @param padPos The position used for padding.
* @see #setFormatWidth
public synchronized void setPadPosition(int padPos) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether scientific (exponential) notation is enabled on this formatter.
* @see #setScientificNotation
public synchronized boolean isScientificNotation() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Scientific Notation:</strong> Sets whether this formatter should print in
* scientific (exponential) notation. For example, if scientific notation is enabled, the number
* 123000 will be printed as "1.23E5" in locale <em>en-US</em>. A locale-specific symbol is used
* as the exponent separator.
* <p>Calling <code>df.setScientificNotation(true)</code> is functionally equivalent to calling
* <code>df.setMinimumExponentDigits(1)</code>.
* @param useScientific true to enable scientific notation; false to disable it.
* @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
public synchronized void setScientificNotation(boolean useScientific) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the minimum number of digits printed in the exponent in scientific notation.
* @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
public synchronized byte getMinimumExponentDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Scientific Notation:</strong> Sets the minimum number of digits to be printed in
* the exponent. For example, if minimum exponent digits is 3, the number 123000 will be printed
* as "1.23E005".
* <p>This setting corresponds to the number of zeros after the 'E' in a pattern string such as
* "0.00E000".
* @param minExpDig The minimum number of digits in the exponent.
public synchronized void setMinimumExponentDigits(byte minExpDig) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether the sign (plus or minus) is always printed in scientific notation.
* @see #setExponentSignAlwaysShown
public synchronized boolean isExponentSignAlwaysShown() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Scientific Notation:</strong> Sets whether the sign (plus or minus) is always to
* be shown in the exponent in scientific notation. For example, if this setting is enabled, the
* number 123000 will be printed as "1.23E+5" in locale <em>en-US</em>. The number 0.0000123 will
* always be printed as "1.23E-5" in locale <em>en-US</em> whether or not this setting is enabled.
* <p>This setting corresponds to the '+' in a pattern such as "0.00E+0".
* @param expSignAlways true to always shown the sign in the exponent; false to show it for
* negatives but not positives.
public synchronized void setExponentSignAlwaysShown(boolean expSignAlways) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns whether or not grouping separators are being printed in the output.
* @see #setGroupingUsed
public synchronized boolean isGroupingUsed() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Grouping:</strong> Sets whether grouping is to be used when formatting numbers.
* Grouping means whether the thousands, millions, billions, and larger powers of ten should be
* separated by a grouping separator (a comma in <em>en-US</em>).
* <p>For example, if grouping is enabled, 12345 will be printed as "12,345" in <em>en-US</em>. If
* grouping were disabled, it would instead be printed as simply "12345".
* @param enabled true to enable grouping separators; false to disable them.
* @see #setGroupingSize
* @see #setSecondaryGroupingSize
public synchronized void setGroupingUsed(boolean enabled) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the primary grouping size in use.
* @see #setGroupingSize
public synchronized int getGroupingSize() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Grouping:</strong> Sets the primary grouping size (distance between grouping
* separators) used when formatting large numbers. For most locales, this defaults to 3: the
* number of digits between the ones and thousands place, between thousands and millions, and so
* forth.
* <p>For example, with a grouping size of 3, the number 1234567 will be formatted as "1,234,567".
* <p>Grouping size can also be specified in the pattern: for example, "#,##0" corresponds to a
* grouping size of 3.
* @param width The grouping size to use.
* @see #setSecondaryGroupingSize
public synchronized void setGroupingSize(int width) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the secondary grouping size in use.
* @see #setSecondaryGroupingSize
public synchronized int getSecondaryGroupingSize() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Grouping:</strong> Sets the secondary grouping size (distance between grouping
* separators after the first separator) used when formatting large numbers. In many south Asian
* locales, this is set to 2.
* <p>For example, with primary grouping size 3 and secondary grouping size 2, the number 1234567
* will be formatted as "12,34,567".
* <p>Grouping size can also be specified in the pattern: for example, "#,##,##0" corresponds to a
* primary grouping size of 3 and a secondary grouping size of 2.
* @param width The secondary grouping size to use.
* @see #setGroupingSize
public synchronized void setSecondaryGroupingSize(int width) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the minimum number of digits before grouping is triggered.
* @see #setMinimumGroupingDigits
public synchronized int getMinimumGroupingDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Sets the minimum number of digits that must be before the first grouping separator in
* order for the grouping separator to be printed. For example, if minimum grouping digits is set
* to 2, in <em>en-US</em>, 1234 will be printed as "1234" and 12345 will be printed as "12,345".
* Set the value to:
* <ul>
* <li>1 to turn off minimum grouping digits.</li>
* <li>MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS_AUTO to display grouping using the default
* strategy for all locales.</li>
* <li>MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS_MIN2 to display grouping using locale defaults,
* except do not show grouping on values smaller than 10000 (such that there is a minimum of
* two digits before the first separator).</li>
* </ul>
* @param number The minimum number of digits before grouping is triggered.
public synchronized void setMinimumGroupingDigits(int number) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns whether the decimal separator is shown on integers.
* @see #setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown
public synchronized boolean isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Separators:</strong> Sets whether the decimal separator (a period in <em>en-US</em>) is
* shown on integers. For example, if this setting is turned on, formatting 123 will result in
* "123." with the decimal separator.
* <p>This setting can be specified in the pattern for integer formats: "#,##0." is an example.
* @param value true to always show the decimal separator; false to show it only when there is a
* fraction part of the number.
public synchronized void setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the currency used to display currency amounts. May be null.
* @see #setCurrency
* @see
public synchronized getCurrency() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the currency to be used when formatting numbers. The effect is twofold:
* <ol>
* <li>Substitutions for currency symbols in the pattern string will use this currency
* <li>The rounding mode will obey the rules for this currency (see {@link #setCurrencyUsage})
* </ol>
* <strong>Important:</strong> Displaying the currency in the output requires that the patter
* associated with this formatter contains a currency symbol '?'. This will be the case if the
* instance was created via {@link #getCurrencyInstance} or one of its friends.
* @param currency The currency to use.
public synchronized void setCurrency( currency) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the strategy for rounding currency amounts.
* @see #setCurrencyUsage
public synchronized getCurrencyUsage() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Sets the currency-dependent strategy to use when rounding numbers. There are two
* strategies:
* <ul>
* <li>STANDARD: When the amount displayed is intended for banking statements or electronic
* transfer.
* <li>CASH: When the amount displayed is intended to be representable in physical currency,
* like at a cash register.
* </ul>
* CASH mode is relevant in currencies that do not have tender down to the penny. For more
* information on the two rounding strategies, see <a
* href="">UTS
* #35</a>. If omitted, the strategy defaults to STANDARD. To override currency rounding
* altogether, use {@link #setMinimumFractionDigits} and {@link #setMaximumFractionDigits} or
* {@link #setRoundingIncrement}.
* @param usage The strategy to use when rounding in the current currency.
public synchronized void setCurrencyUsage( usage) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the current instance of CurrencyPluralInfo.
* @see #setCurrencyPluralInfo
public synchronized getCurrencyPluralInfo() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Sets a custom instance of CurrencyPluralInfo. CurrencyPluralInfo generates pattern
* strings for printing currency long names.
* <p><strong>Most users should not call this method directly.</strong> You should instead create
* your formatter via <code>NumberFormat.getInstance(NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE)</code>.
* @param newInfo The CurrencyPluralInfo to use when printing currency long names.
public synchronized void setCurrencyPluralInfo( newInfo) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns whether {@link #parse} will always return a BigDecimal.
* @see #setParseBigDecimal
public synchronized boolean isParseBigDecimal() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Whether to make {@link #parse} prefer returning a {@link} when
* possible. For strings corresponding to return values of Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, and -0.0, a
* Double will be returned even if ParseBigDecimal is enabled.
* @param value true to cause {@link #parse} to prefer BigDecimal; false to let {@link #parse}
* return additional data types like Long or BigInteger.
public synchronized void setParseBigDecimal(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Always returns 1000, the default prior to ICU 59.
* @deprecated Setting max parse digits has no effect since ICU4J 59.
public int getParseMaxDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* @param maxDigits Prior to ICU 59, the maximum number of digits in the output number after
* exponential notation is applied.
* @deprecated Setting max parse digits has no effect since ICU4J 59.
public void setParseMaxDigits(int maxDigits) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized boolean isParseStrict() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void setParseStrict(boolean parseStrict) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see #setParseIntegerOnly
public synchronized boolean isParseIntegerOnly() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>Parsing:</strong> {@inheritDoc}
* <p>This is functionally equivalent to calling {@link #setDecimalPatternMatchRequired} and a
* pattern without a decimal point.
* @param parseIntegerOnly true to ignore fractional parts of numbers when parsing; false to
* consume fractional parts.
public synchronized void setParseIntegerOnly(boolean parseIntegerOnly) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether the presence of a decimal point must match the pattern.
* @see #setDecimalPatternMatchRequired
public synchronized boolean isDecimalPatternMatchRequired() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> <strong>Parsing:</strong> This method is used to either <em>require</em> or
* <em>forbid</em> the presence of a decimal point in the string being parsed (disabled by
* default). This feature was designed to be an extra layer of strictness on top of strict
* parsing, although it can be used in either lenient mode or strict mode.
* <p>To <em>require</em> a decimal point, call this method in combination with either a pattern
* containing a decimal point or with {@link #setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown}.
* <pre>
* // Require a decimal point in the string being parsed:
* df.applyPattern("#.");
* df.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(true);
* // Alternatively:
* df.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true);
* df.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(true);
* </pre>
* To <em>forbid</em> a decimal point, call this method in combination with a pattern containing
* no decimal point. Alternatively, use {@link #setParseIntegerOnly} for the same behavior without
* depending on the contents of the pattern string.
* <pre>
* // Forbid a decimal point in the string being parsed:
* df.applyPattern("#");
* df.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(true);
* </pre>
* @param value true to either require or forbid the decimal point according to the pattern; false
* to disable this feature.
* @see #setParseIntegerOnly
public synchronized void setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether to ignore exponents when parsing.
* @see #setParseNoExponent
public synchronized boolean isParseNoExponent() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Specifies whether to stop parsing when an exponent separator is encountered. For
* example, parses "123E4" to 123 (with parse position 3) instead of 1230000 (with parse position
* 5).
* @param value true to prevent exponents from being parsed; false to allow them to be parsed.
public synchronized void setParseNoExponent(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether to force case (uppercase/lowercase) to match when parsing.
* @see #setParseNoExponent
public synchronized boolean isParseCaseSensitive() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Specifies whether parsing should require cases to match in affixes, exponent separators,
* and currency codes. Case mapping is performed for each code point using {@link }.
* @param value true to force case (uppercase/lowercase) to match when parsing; false to ignore
* case and perform case folding.
public synchronized void setParseCaseSensitive(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Tests for equality between this formatter and another formatter.
* <p>If two DecimalFormat instances are equal, then they will always produce the same output.
* However, the reverse is not necessarily true: if two DecimalFormat instances always produce the
* same output, they are not necessarily equal.
public synchronized boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized int hashCode() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the default value of toString() with extra DecimalFormat-specific information appended
* to the end of the string. This extra information is intended for debugging purposes, and the
* format is not guaranteed to be stable.
public java.lang.String toString() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Serializes this formatter object to a decimal format pattern string. The result of this method
* is guaranteed to be <em>functionally</em> equivalent to the pattern string used to create this
* instance after incorporating values from the setter methods.
* <p>For more information on decimal format pattern strings, see <a
* href="">UTS #35</a>.
* <p><strong>Important:</strong> Not all properties are capable of being encoded in a pattern
* string. See a list of properties in {@link #applyPattern}.
* @return A decimal format pattern string.
public synchronized java.lang.String toPattern() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Calls {@link #toPattern} and converts the string to localized notation. For more information on
* localized notation, see {@link #applyLocalizedPattern}. This method is provided for backwards
* compatibility and should not be used in new projects.
* @return A decimal format pattern string in localized notation.
public synchronized java.lang.String toLocalizedPattern() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted after the prefix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
public static final int PAD_AFTER_PREFIX = 1; // 0x1
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted after the suffix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
public static final int PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX = 3; // 0x3
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted before the prefix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
public static final int PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX = 0; // 0x0
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted before the suffix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
public static final int PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX = 2; // 0x2