blob: 3a4b9a1dfecb30d848eeacf607c9a78168e3f015 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014-2015, Tresys Technology, LLC
# This file is part of SETools.
# SETools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# SETools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with SETools. If not, see
# <>.
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
# Create a Python representation of the policy.
# The idea is that this is module provides convenient
# abstractions and methods for accessing the policy
# structures.
import logging
from itertools import chain
from errno import ENOENT
import selinux
except ImportError:
from . import qpol
# The libqpol SWIG class is not quite natural for
# Python the policy is repeatedly referenced in the
# function calls, which makes sense for C code
# but not for python code, so each object keeps
# a reference to the policy for internal use.
# This also makes sense since an object would only
# be valid for the policy it comes from.
# Exceptions
from . import exception
# Components
from . import boolcond
from . import default
from . import mls
from . import objclass
from . import polcap
from . import role
from . import typeattr
from . import user
# Rules
from . import mlsrule
from . import rbacrule
from . import terule
# Constraints
from . import constraint
# In-policy Labeling
from . import fscontext
from . import initsid
from . import netcontext
class SELinuxPolicy(object):
"""The complete SELinux policy."""
def __init__(self, policyfile=None):
policyfile Path to a policy to open.
self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self.policy = None
self.filename = None
if policyfile:
except NameError:
raise RuntimeError("Loading the running policy requires libselinux Python bindings")
def __repr__(self):
return "<SELinuxPolicy(\"{0}\")>".format(self.filename)
def __str__(self):
return self.filename
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# shallow copy as all of the members are immutable
newobj = SELinuxPolicy.__new__(SELinuxPolicy)
newobj.policy = self.policy
newobj.filename = self.filename
memo[id(self)] = newobj
return newobj
# Policy loading functions
def _load_policy(self, filename):
"""Load the specified policy.""""Opening SELinux policy \"{0}\"".format(filename))
self.policy = qpol.qpol_policy_factory(str(filename))
except SyntaxError as err:
raise exception.InvalidPolicy("Error opening policy file \"{0}\": {1}".
format(filename, err))"Successfully opened SELinux policy \"{0}\"".format(filename))
self.filename = filename
def _potential_policies():
"""Generate a list of potential policies to use."""
# try libselinux for current policy
if selinux.selinuxfs_exists():
yield selinux.selinux_current_policy_path()
# otherwise look through the supported policy versions
base_policy_path = selinux.selinux_binary_policy_path()
for version in range(qpol.QPOL_POLICY_MAX_VERSION, qpol.QPOL_POLICY_MIN_VERSION-1, -1):
yield "{0}.{1}".format(base_policy_path, version)
def _load_running_policy(self):
"""Try to load the current running policy.""""Attempting to locate current running policy.")
for filename in self._potential_policies():
except OSError as err:
if err.errno != ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to locate an SELinux policy to load.")
# Policy properties
def handle_unknown(self):
"""The handle unknown permissions setting (allow,deny,reject)"""
return self.policy.handle_unknown()
def mls(self):
"""(T/F) The policy has MLS enabled."""
return mls.enabled(self.policy)
def version(self):
"""The policy database version (e.g. v29)"""
return self.policy.version()
# Policy statistics
def allow_count(self):
"""The number of (type) allow rules."""
return self.policy.avrule_allow_count()
def auditallow_count(self):
"""The number of auditallow rules."""
return self.policy.avrule_auditallow_count()
def boolean_count(self):
"""The number of Booleans."""
return self.policy.bool_count()
def category_count(self):
"""The number of categories."""
return sum(1 for _ in self.categories())
def class_count(self):
"""The number of object classes."""
return self.policy.class_count()
def common_count(self):
"""The number of common permission sets."""
return self.policy.common_count()
def conditional_count(self):
"""The number of conditionals."""
return self.policy.cond_count()
def constraint_count(self):
"""The number of standard constraints."""
return sum(1 for c in self.constraints() if c.ruletype == "constrain")
def dontaudit_count(self):
"""The number of dontaudit rules."""
return self.policy.avrule_dontaudit_count()
def fs_use_count(self):
"""fs_use_* statements."""
return self.policy.fs_use_count()
def genfscon_count(self):
"""The number of genfscon statements."""
return self.policy.genfscon_count()
def initialsids_count(self):
"""The number of initial sid statements."""
return self.policy.isid_count()
def level_count(self):
"""The number of levels."""
return sum(1 for _ in self.levels())
def mlsconstraint_count(self):
"""The number of MLS constraints."""
return sum(1 for c in self.constraints() if c.ruletype == "mlsconstrain")
def mlsvalidatetrans_count(self):
"""The number of MLS validatetrans."""
return sum(1 for v in self.constraints() if v.ruletype == "mlsvalidatetrans")
def netifcon_count(self):
"""The number of netifcon statements."""
return self.policy.netifcon_count()
def neverallow_count(self):
"""The number of neverallow rules."""
return self.policy.avrule_neverallow_count()
def nodecon_count(self):
"""The number of nodecon statements."""
return self.policy.nodecon_count()
def permission_count(self):
"""The number of permissions."""
return sum(len(c.perms) for c in chain(self.commons(), self.classes()))
def permissives_count(self):
"""The number of permissive types."""
return self.policy.permissive_count()
def polcap_count(self):
"""The number of policy capabilities."""
return self.policy.polcap_count()
def portcon_count(self):
"""The number of portcon statements."""
return self.policy.portcon_count()
def range_transition_count(self):
"""The number of range_transition rules."""
return self.policy.range_trans_count()
def role_count(self):
"""The number of roles."""
return self.policy.role_count()
def role_allow_count(self):
"""The number of (role) allow rules."""
return self.policy.role_allow_count()
def role_transition_count(self):
"""The number of role_transition rules."""
return self.policy.role_trans_count()
def type_attribute_count(self):
"""The number of (type) attributes."""
return sum(1 for _ in self.typeattributes())
def type_count(self):
"""The number of types."""
return sum(1 for _ in self.types())
def type_change_count(self):
"""The number of type_change rules."""
return self.policy.terule_change_count()
def type_member_count(self):
"""The number of type_member rules."""
return self.policy.terule_member_count()
def type_transition_count(self):
"""The number of type_transition rules."""
return self.policy.terule_trans_count() + self.policy.filename_trans_count()
def user_count(self):
"""The number of users."""
return self.policy.user_count()
def validatetrans_count(self):
"""The number of validatetrans."""
return sum(1 for v in self.constraints() if v.ruletype == "validatetrans")
# Policy components lookup functions
def lookup_boolean(self, name):
"""Look up a Boolean."""
return boolcond.boolean_factory(self.policy, name)
def lookup_class(self, name):
"""Look up an object class."""
return objclass.class_factory(self.policy, name)
def lookup_common(self, name):
"""Look up a common permission set."""
return objclass.common_factory(self.policy, name)
def lookup_initialsid(self, name):
"""Look up an initial sid."""
return initsid.initialsid_factory(self.policy, name)
def lookup_level(self, level):
"""Look up a MLS level."""
return mls.level_factory(self.policy, level)
def lookup_sensitivity(self, name):
"""Look up a MLS sensitivity by name."""
return mls.sensitivity_factory(self.policy, name)
def lookup_range(self, range_):
"""Look up a MLS range."""
return mls.range_factory(self.policy, range_)
def lookup_role(self, name):
"""Look up a role by name."""
return role.role_factory(self.policy, name)
def lookup_type(self, name):
"""Look up a type by name."""
return typeattr.type_factory(self.policy, name, deref=True)
def lookup_type_or_attr(self, name):
"""Look up a type or type attribute by name."""
return typeattr.type_or_attr_factory(self.policy, name, deref=True)
def lookup_typeattr(self, name):
"""Look up a type attribute by name."""
return typeattr.attribute_factory(self.policy, name)
def lookup_user(self, name):
"""Look up a user by name."""
return user.user_factory(self.policy, name)
# Policy components generators
def bools(self):
"""Generator which yields all Booleans."""
for bool_ in self.policy.bool_iter():
yield boolcond.boolean_factory(self.policy, bool_)
def categories(self):
"""Generator which yields all MLS categories."""
for cat in self.policy.cat_iter():
yield mls.category_factory(self.policy, cat)
except TypeError:
# libqpol unfortunately iterates over aliases too
def classes(self):
"""Generator which yields all object classes."""
for class_ in self.policy.class_iter():
yield objclass.class_factory(self.policy, class_)
def commons(self):
"""Generator which yields all commons."""
for common in self.policy.common_iter():
yield objclass.common_factory(self.policy, common)
def defaults(self):
"""Generator which yields all default_* statements."""
for default_ in self.policy.default_iter():
for default_obj in default.default_factory(self.policy, default_):
yield default_obj
except exception.NoDefaults:
# qpol iterates over all classes. Handle case
# where a class has no default_* settings.
def levels(self):
"""Generator which yields all level declarations."""
for level in self.policy.level_iter():
yield mls.level_decl_factory(self.policy, level)
except TypeError:
# libqpol unfortunately iterates over levels and sens aliases
def polcaps(self):
"""Generator which yields all policy capabilities."""
for cap in self.policy.polcap_iter():
yield polcap.polcap_factory(self.policy, cap)
def roles(self):
"""Generator which yields all roles."""
for role_ in self.policy.role_iter():
yield role.role_factory(self.policy, role_)
def sensitivities(self):
"""Generator which yields all sensitivities."""
# see for more info on why level_iter is used here.
for sens in self.policy.level_iter():
yield mls.sensitivity_factory(self.policy, sens)
except TypeError:
# libqpol unfortunately iterates over sens and aliases
def types(self):
"""Generator which yields all types."""
for type_ in self.policy.type_iter():
yield typeattr.type_factory(self.policy, type_)
except TypeError:
# libqpol unfortunately iterates over attributes and aliases
def typeattributes(self):
"""Generator which yields all (type) attributes."""
for type_ in self.policy.type_iter():
yield typeattr.attribute_factory(self.policy, type_)
except TypeError:
# libqpol unfortunately iterates over attributes and aliases
def users(self):
"""Generator which yields all users."""
for user_ in self.policy.user_iter():
yield user.user_factory(self.policy, user_)
# Policy rules generators
def mlsrules(self):
"""Generator which yields all MLS rules."""
for rule in self.policy.range_trans_iter():
yield mlsrule.mls_rule_factory(self.policy, rule)
def rbacrules(self):
"""Generator which yields all RBAC rules."""
for rule in chain(self.policy.role_allow_iter(),
yield rbacrule.rbac_rule_factory(self.policy, rule)
def terules(self):
"""Generator which yields all type enforcement rules."""
for rule in chain(self.policy.avrule_iter(),
yield terule.te_rule_factory(self.policy, rule)
# Policy rule type validators
def validate_constraint_ruletype(types):
"""Validate constraint types."""
def validate_fs_use_ruletype(types):
"""Validate fs_use_* rule types."""
def validate_mls_ruletype(types):
"""Validate MLS rule types."""
def validate_rbac_ruletype(types):
"""Validate RBAC rule types."""
def validate_te_ruletype(types):
"""Validate type enforcement rule types."""
# Constraints generators
def constraints(self):
"""Generator which yields all constraints (regular and MLS)."""
for constraint_ in chain(self.policy.constraint_iter(),
yield constraint.constraint_factory(self.policy, constraint_)
# In-policy Labeling statement generators
def fs_uses(self):
"""Generator which yields all fs_use_* statements."""
for fs_use in self.policy.fs_use_iter():
yield fscontext.fs_use_factory(self.policy, fs_use)
def genfscons(self):
"""Generator which yields all genfscon statements."""
for fscon in self.policy.genfscon_iter():
yield fscontext.genfscon_factory(self.policy, fscon)
def initialsids(self):
"""Generator which yields all initial SID statements."""
for sid in self.policy.isid_iter():
yield initsid.initialsid_factory(self.policy, sid)
def netifcons(self):
"""Generator which yields all netifcon statements."""
for ifcon in self.policy.netifcon_iter():
yield netcontext.netifcon_factory(self.policy, ifcon)
def nodecons(self):
"""Generator which yields all nodecon statements."""
for node in self.policy.nodecon_iter():
yield netcontext.nodecon_factory(self.policy, node)
def portcons(self):
"""Generator which yields all portcon statements."""
for port in self.policy.portcon_iter():
yield netcontext.portcon_factory(self.policy, port)