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#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Node redundancy for bipartite graphs."""
# Copyright (C) 2011 by
# Jordi Torrents <>
# Aric Hagberg <>
# All rights reserved.
# BSD license.
from itertools import combinations
import networkx as nx
__author__ = """\n""".join(['Jordi Torrents <>',
'Aric Hagberg ('])
__all__ = ['node_redundancy']
def node_redundancy(G, nodes=None):
r"""Compute bipartite node redundancy coefficient.
The redundancy coefficient of a node `v` is the fraction of pairs of
neighbors of `v` that are both linked to other nodes. In a one-mode
projection these nodes would be linked together even if `v` were
not there.
.. math::
rc(v) = \frac{|\{\{u,w\} \subseteq N(v),
\: \exists v' \neq v,\: (v',u) \in E\:
\mathrm{and}\: (v',w) \in E\}|}{ \frac{|N(v)|(|N(v)|-1)}{2}}
where `N(v)` are the neighbors of `v` in `G`.
G : graph
A bipartite graph
nodes : list or iterable (optional)
Compute redundancy for these nodes. The default is all nodes in G.
redundancy : dictionary
A dictionary keyed by node with the node redundancy value.
>>> from networkx.algorithms import bipartite
>>> G = nx.cycle_graph(4)
>>> rc = bipartite.node_redundancy(G)
>>> rc[0]
Compute the average redundancy for the graph:
>>> sum(rc.values())/len(G)
Compute the average redundancy for a set of nodes:
>>> nodes = [0, 2]
>>> sum(rc[n] for n in nodes)/len(nodes)
.. [1] Latapy, Matthieu, Clémence Magnien, and Nathalie Del Vecchio (2008).
Basic notions for the analysis of large two-mode networks.
Social Networks 30(1), 31--48.
if nodes is None:
nodes = G
rc = {}
for v in nodes:
overlap = 0.0
for u, w in combinations(G[v], 2):
if len((set(G[u]) & set(G[w])) - set([v])) > 0:
overlap += 1
if overlap > 0:
n = len(G[v])
norm = 2.0/(n*(n-1))
norm = 1.0
rc[v] = overlap*norm
return rc