blob: 5f1d03329f67d06ce63bc4d6982d39a5aa98cc99 [file] [log] [blame]
# Verifies
[short] skip
# 'go test -json' should say a test passes if it says it passes.
go test -json ./pass
stdout '"Action":"pass","Package":"[^"]*","Elapsed":[^"]*}\n\z'
! stdout '"Test":.*\n\z'
# 'go test -json' should say a test passes if it exits 0 and prints nothing.
# TODO( this should fail in the future.
go test -json ./exit0main
stdout '"Action":"pass".*\n\z'
! stdout '"Test":.*\n\z'
# 'go test -json' should say a test fails if it exits 1 and prints nothing.
! go test -json ./exit1main
stdout '"Action":"fail".*\n\z'
! stdout '"Test":.*\n\z'
# 'go test -json' should say a test fails if it panics.
! go test -json ./panic
stdout '"Action":"fail".*\n\z'
! stdout '"Test":.*\n\z'
-- go.mod --
go 1.14
-- pass/pass_test.go --
package pass_test
import "testing"
func TestPass(t *testing.T) {}
-- exit0main/exit0main_test.go --
package exit0_test
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
-- exit1main/exit1main_test.go --
package exit1_test
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
-- panic/panic_test.go --
package panic_test
import "testing"
func TestPanic(t *testing.T) {
panic("oh no")