blob: 8952d18a72bbb9a7cbc78fbf5e79d134f9bf5042 [file] [log] [blame]
env OLD=$PWD
# basic -C functionality
cd $GOROOT/src/math
go list -C ../strings
stdout strings
! go list -C ../nonexist
stderr 'chdir.*nonexist'
# check for -C in subcommands with custom flag parsing
# cmd/go/chdir_test.go handles the normal ones more directly.
# go doc
go doc -C ../strings HasPrefix
# go env
go env -C $OLD/custom GOMOD
stdout 'custom[\\/]go.mod'
! go env -C ../nonexist
stderr '^invalid value "../nonexist" for flag -C: chdir ../nonexist:.*$'
# go test
go test -n -C ../strings
stderr 'strings\.test'
# go vet
go vet -n -C ../strings
stderr strings_test
-- custom/go.mod --
module m