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<span id="module:DeployQt4"></span><h1>DeployQt4<a class="headerlink" href="#deployqt4" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<p>Functions to help assemble a standalone Qt4 executable.</p>
<p>A collection of CMake utility functions useful for deploying Qt4
<p>The following functions are provided by this module:</p>
<div class="highlight-none notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>write_qt4_conf
<p>Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function and
PARENT_SCOPE. Also depends on BundleUtilities.cmake.</p>
<div class="highlight-none notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>write_qt4_conf(&lt;qt_conf_dir&gt; &lt;qt_conf_contents&gt;)
<p>Writes a qt.conf file with the &lt;qt_conf_contents&gt; into &lt;qt_conf_dir&gt;.</p>
<div class="highlight-none notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>resolve_qt4_paths(&lt;paths_var&gt; [&lt;executable_path&gt;])
<p>Loop through &lt;paths_var&gt; list and if any don't exist resolve them
relative to the &lt;executable_path&gt; (if supplied) or the
<div class="highlight-none notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>fixup_qt4_executable(&lt;executable&gt;
[&lt;qtplugins&gt; &lt;libs&gt; &lt;dirs&gt; &lt;plugins_dir&gt; &lt;request_qt_conf&gt;])
<p>Copies Qt plugins, writes a Qt configuration file (if needed) and
fixes up a Qt4 executable using BundleUtilities so it is standalone
and can be drag-and-drop copied to another machine as long as all of
the system libraries are compatible.</p>
<p>&lt;executable&gt; should point to the executable to be fixed-up.</p>
<p>&lt;qtplugins&gt; should contain a list of the names or paths of any Qt
plugins to be installed.</p>
<p>&lt;libs&gt; will be passed to BundleUtilities and should be a list of any
already installed plugins, libraries or executables to also be
<p>&lt;dirs&gt; will be passed to BundleUtilities and should contain and
directories to be searched to find library dependencies.</p>
<p>&lt;plugins_dir&gt; allows an custom plugins directory to be used.</p>
<p>&lt;request_qt_conf&gt; will force a qt.conf file to be written even if not
<div class="highlight-none notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>install_qt4_plugin_path(plugin executable copy installed_plugin_path_var
&lt;plugins_dir&gt; &lt;component&gt; &lt;configurations&gt;)
<p>Install (or copy) a resolved &lt;plugin&gt; to the default plugins directory
(or &lt;plugins_dir&gt;) relative to &lt;executable&gt; and store the result in
<p>If &lt;copy&gt; is set to TRUE then the plugins will be copied rather than
installed. This is to allow this module to be used at CMake time
rather than install time.</p>
<p>If &lt;component&gt; is set then anything installed will use this COMPONENT.</p>
<div class="highlight-none notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>install_qt4_plugin(plugin executable copy installed_plugin_path_var
&lt;plugins_dir&gt; &lt;component&gt;)
<p>Install (or copy) an unresolved &lt;plugin&gt; to the default plugins
directory (or &lt;plugins_dir&gt;) relative to &lt;executable&gt; and store the
result in &lt;installed_plugin_path_var&gt;. See documentation of
<div class="highlight-none notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span>install_qt4_executable(&lt;executable&gt;
[&lt;qtplugins&gt; &lt;libs&gt; &lt;dirs&gt; &lt;plugins_dir&gt; &lt;request_qt_conf&gt; &lt;component&gt;])
<p>Installs Qt plugins, writes a Qt configuration file (if needed) and
fixes up a Qt4 executable using BundleUtilities so it is standalone
and can be drag-and-drop copied to another machine as long as all of
the system libraries are compatible. The executable will be fixed-up
at install time. &lt;component&gt; is the COMPONENT used for bundle fixup
and plugin installation. See documentation of FIXUP_QT4_BUNDLE.</p>
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