blob: a0bd8303ca39784abfe409d1558676f7951957a6 [file] [log] [blame]
Implicit linker search path detected for language ``<LANG>``.
Compilers typically pass directories containing language runtime
libraries and default library search paths when they invoke a linker.
These paths are implicit linker search directories for the compiler's
language. CMake automatically detects these directories for each
language and reports the results in this variable.
When a library in one of these directories is given by full path to
:command:`target_link_libraries` CMake will generate the ``-l<name>`` form on
link lines to ensure the linker searches its implicit directories for the
library. Note that some toolchains read implicit directories from an
environment variable such as ``LIBRARY_PATH`` so keep its value consistent
when operating in a given build tree.