blob: db02afe0568b560dd63a8c66255af6b8739610bf [file] [log] [blame]
//===- StmtOpenMP.h - Classes for OpenMP directives ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief This file defines OpenMP AST classes for executable directives and
/// clauses.
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
namespace clang {
// AST classes for directives.
/// \brief This is a basic class for representing single OpenMP executable
/// directive.
class OMPExecutableDirective : public Stmt {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Kind of the directive.
OpenMPDirectiveKind Kind;
/// \brief Starting location of the directive (directive keyword).
SourceLocation StartLoc;
/// \brief Ending location of the directive.
SourceLocation EndLoc;
/// \brief Numbers of clauses.
const unsigned NumClauses;
/// \brief Number of child expressions/stmts.
const unsigned NumChildren;
/// \brief Offset from this to the start of clauses.
/// There are NumClauses pointers to clauses, they are followed by
/// NumChildren pointers to child stmts/exprs (if the directive type
/// requires an associated stmt, then it has to be the first of them).
const unsigned ClausesOffset;
/// \brief Get the clauses storage.
MutableArrayRef<OMPClause *> getClauses() {
OMPClause **ClauseStorage = reinterpret_cast<OMPClause **>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + ClausesOffset);
return MutableArrayRef<OMPClause *>(ClauseStorage, NumClauses);
/// \brief Build instance of directive of class \a K.
/// \param SC Statement class.
/// \param K Kind of OpenMP directive.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive (directive keyword).
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
template <typename T>
OMPExecutableDirective(const T *, StmtClass SC, OpenMPDirectiveKind K,
SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned NumClauses, unsigned NumChildren)
: Stmt(SC), Kind(K), StartLoc(std::move(StartLoc)),
EndLoc(std::move(EndLoc)), NumClauses(NumClauses),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>())) {}
/// \brief Sets the list of variables for this clause.
/// \param Clauses The list of clauses for the directive.
void setClauses(ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses);
/// \brief Set the associated statement for the directive.
/// /param S Associated statement.
void setAssociatedStmt(Stmt *S) {
assert(hasAssociatedStmt() && "no associated statement.");
*child_begin() = S;
/// \brief Iterates over a filtered subrange of clauses applied to a
/// directive.
/// This iterator visits only those declarations that meet some run-time
/// criteria.
template <class FilterPredicate> class filtered_clause_iterator {
ArrayRef<OMPClause *>::const_iterator Current;
ArrayRef<OMPClause *>::const_iterator End;
FilterPredicate Pred;
void SkipToNextClause() {
while (Current != End && !Pred(*Current))
typedef const OMPClause *value_type;
filtered_clause_iterator() : Current(), End() {}
filtered_clause_iterator(ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Arr, FilterPredicate Pred)
: Current(Arr.begin()), End(Arr.end()), Pred(Pred) {
value_type operator*() const { return *Current; }
value_type operator->() const { return *Current; }
filtered_clause_iterator &operator++() {
return *this;
filtered_clause_iterator operator++(int) {
filtered_clause_iterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
bool operator!() { return Current == End; }
operator bool() { return Current != End; }
/// \brief Returns starting location of directive kind.
SourceLocation getLocStart() const { return StartLoc; }
/// \brief Returns ending location of directive.
SourceLocation getLocEnd() const { return EndLoc; }
/// \brief Set starting location of directive kind.
/// \param Loc New starting location of directive.
void setLocStart(SourceLocation Loc) { StartLoc = Loc; }
/// \brief Set ending location of directive.
/// \param Loc New ending location of directive.
void setLocEnd(SourceLocation Loc) { EndLoc = Loc; }
/// \brief Get number of clauses.
unsigned getNumClauses() const { return NumClauses; }
/// \brief Returns specified clause.
/// \param i Number of clause.
OMPClause *getClause(unsigned i) const { return clauses()[i]; }
/// \brief Returns true if directive has associated statement.
bool hasAssociatedStmt() const { return NumChildren > 0; }
/// \brief Returns statement associated with the directive.
Stmt *getAssociatedStmt() const {
assert(hasAssociatedStmt() && "no associated statement.");
return const_cast<Stmt *>(*child_begin());
OpenMPDirectiveKind getDirectiveKind() const { return Kind; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *S) {
return S->getStmtClass() >= firstOMPExecutableDirectiveConstant &&
S->getStmtClass() <= lastOMPExecutableDirectiveConstant;
child_range children() {
if (!hasAssociatedStmt())
return child_range();
Stmt **ChildStorage = reinterpret_cast<Stmt **>(getClauses().end());
return child_range(ChildStorage, ChildStorage + NumChildren);
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> clauses() { return getClauses(); }
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> clauses() const {
return const_cast<OMPExecutableDirective *>(this)->getClauses();
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp parallel' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp parallel private(a,b) reduction(+: c,d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp parallel' has clauses 'private'
/// with the variables 'a' and 'b' and 'reduction' with operator '+' and
/// variables 'c' and 'd'.
class OMPParallelDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive (directive keyword).
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
OMPParallelDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPParallelDirectiveClass, OMPD_parallel,
StartLoc, EndLoc, NumClauses, 1) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPParallelDirective(unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPParallelDirectiveClass, OMPD_parallel,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumClauses,
1) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement associated with the directive.
static OMPParallelDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place for \a N clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPParallelDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C,
unsigned NumClauses, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPParallelDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp simd' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp simd private(a,b) linear(i,j:s) reduction(+:c,d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp simd' has clauses 'private'
/// with the variables 'a' and 'b', 'linear' with variables 'i', 'j' and
/// linear step 's', 'reduction' with operator '+' and variables 'c' and 'd'.
class OMPSimdDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Number of collapsed loops as specified by 'collapse' clause.
unsigned CollapsedNum;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPSimdDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSimdDirectiveClass, OMPD_simd, StartLoc,
EndLoc, NumClauses, 1),
CollapsedNum(CollapsedNum) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPSimdDirective(unsigned CollapsedNum, unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSimdDirectiveClass, OMPD_simd,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumClauses,
CollapsedNum(CollapsedNum) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPSimdDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned CollapsedNum,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPSimdDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, unsigned NumClauses,
unsigned CollapsedNum, EmptyShell);
unsigned getCollapsedNumber() const { return CollapsedNum; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPSimdDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp for' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp for private(a,b) reduction(+:c,d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp for' has clauses 'private' with the
/// variables 'a' and 'b' and 'reduction' with operator '+' and variables 'c'
/// and 'd'.
class OMPForDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Number of collapsed loops as specified by 'collapse' clause.
unsigned CollapsedNum;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPForDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPForDirectiveClass, OMPD_for, StartLoc,
EndLoc, NumClauses, 1),
CollapsedNum(CollapsedNum) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPForDirective(unsigned CollapsedNum, unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPForDirectiveClass, OMPD_for,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumClauses,
CollapsedNum(CollapsedNum) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPForDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned CollapsedNum,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPForDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, unsigned NumClauses,
unsigned CollapsedNum, EmptyShell);
unsigned getCollapsedNumber() const { return CollapsedNum; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPForDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp sections' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp sections private(a,b) reduction(+:c,d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp sections' has clauses 'private' with
/// the variables 'a' and 'b' and 'reduction' with operator '+' and variables
/// 'c' and 'd'.
class OMPSectionsDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPSectionsDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSectionsDirectiveClass, OMPD_sections,
StartLoc, EndLoc, NumClauses, 1) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPSectionsDirective(unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSectionsDirectiveClass, OMPD_sections,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumClauses,
1) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPSectionsDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place for \a NumClauses
/// clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPSectionsDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C,
unsigned NumClauses, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPSectionsDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp section' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp section
/// \endcode
class OMPSectionDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
OMPSectionDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSectionDirectiveClass, OMPD_section,
StartLoc, EndLoc, 0, 1) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
explicit OMPSectionDirective()
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSectionDirectiveClass, OMPD_section,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0, 1) {}
/// \brief Creates directive.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPSectionDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C,
SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc,
Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive.
/// \param C AST context.
static OMPSectionDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPSectionDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp single' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp single private(a,b) copyprivate(c,d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp single' has clauses 'private' with
/// the variables 'a' and 'b' and 'copyprivate' with variables 'c' and 'd'.
class OMPSingleDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPSingleDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSingleDirectiveClass, OMPD_single,
StartLoc, EndLoc, NumClauses, 1) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPSingleDirective(unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPSingleDirectiveClass, OMPD_single,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumClauses,
1) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPSingleDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place for \a NumClauses
/// clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPSingleDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C,
unsigned NumClauses, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPSingleDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp master' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp master
/// \endcode
class OMPMasterDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
OMPMasterDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPMasterDirectiveClass, OMPD_master,
StartLoc, EndLoc, 0, 1) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
explicit OMPMasterDirective()
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPMasterDirectiveClass, OMPD_master,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0, 1) {}
/// \brief Creates directive.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPMasterDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C,
SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc,
Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive.
/// \param C AST context.
static OMPMasterDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPMasterDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp critical' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp critical
/// \endcode
class OMPCriticalDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Name of the directive.
DeclarationNameInfo DirName;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param Name Name of the directive.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
OMPCriticalDirective(const DeclarationNameInfo &Name, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPCriticalDirectiveClass, OMPD_critical,
StartLoc, EndLoc, 0, 1),
DirName(Name) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
explicit OMPCriticalDirective()
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPCriticalDirectiveClass, OMPD_critical,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0, 1),
DirName() {}
/// \brief Set name of the directive.
/// \param Name Name of the directive.
void setDirectiveName(const DeclarationNameInfo &Name) { DirName = Name; }
/// \brief Creates directive.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param Name Name of the directive.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPCriticalDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, const DeclarationNameInfo &Name,
SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc, Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive.
/// \param C AST context.
static OMPCriticalDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, EmptyShell);
/// \brief Return name of the directive.
DeclarationNameInfo getDirectiveName() const { return DirName; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPCriticalDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp parallel for' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp parallel for private(a,b) reduction(+:c,d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp parallel for' has clauses 'private'
/// with the variables 'a' and 'b' and 'reduction' with operator '+' and
/// variables 'c' and 'd'.
class OMPParallelForDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Number of collapsed loops as specified by 'collapse' clause.
unsigned CollapsedNum;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPParallelForDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPParallelForDirectiveClass,
OMPD_parallel_for, StartLoc, EndLoc, NumClauses,
CollapsedNum(CollapsedNum) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPParallelForDirective(unsigned CollapsedNum, unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPParallelForDirectiveClass,
OMPD_parallel_for, SourceLocation(),
SourceLocation(), NumClauses, 1),
CollapsedNum(CollapsedNum) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPParallelForDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed nested loops.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPParallelForDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C,
unsigned NumClauses,
unsigned CollapsedNum,
unsigned getCollapsedNumber() const { return CollapsedNum; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPParallelForDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp parallel sections' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp parallel sections private(a,b) reduction(+:c,d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp parallel sections' has clauses
/// 'private' with the variables 'a' and 'b' and 'reduction' with operator '+'
/// and variables 'c' and 'd'.
class OMPParallelSectionsDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPParallelSectionsDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPParallelSectionsDirectiveClass,
OMPD_parallel_sections, StartLoc, EndLoc,
NumClauses, 1) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPParallelSectionsDirective(unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPParallelSectionsDirectiveClass,
OMPD_parallel_sections, SourceLocation(),
SourceLocation(), NumClauses, 1) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPParallelSectionsDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place for \a NumClauses
/// clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPParallelSectionsDirective *
CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, unsigned NumClauses, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPParallelSectionsDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp task' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp task private(a,b) final(d)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp task' has clauses 'private' with the
/// variables 'a' and 'b' and 'final' with condition 'd'.
class OMPTaskDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPTaskDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPTaskDirectiveClass, OMPD_task, StartLoc,
EndLoc, NumClauses, 1) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPTaskDirective(unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPTaskDirectiveClass, OMPD_task,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumClauses,
1) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
static OMPTaskDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
Stmt *AssociatedStmt);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place for \a NumClauses
/// clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPTaskDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, unsigned NumClauses,
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPTaskDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp taskyield' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp taskyield
/// \endcode
class OMPTaskyieldDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
OMPTaskyieldDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPTaskyieldDirectiveClass, OMPD_taskyield,
StartLoc, EndLoc, 0, 0) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
explicit OMPTaskyieldDirective()
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPTaskyieldDirectiveClass, OMPD_taskyield,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0, 0) {}
/// \brief Creates directive.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
static OMPTaskyieldDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive.
/// \param C AST context.
static OMPTaskyieldDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPTaskyieldDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp barrier' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp barrier
/// \endcode
class OMPBarrierDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
OMPBarrierDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPBarrierDirectiveClass, OMPD_barrier,
StartLoc, EndLoc, 0, 0) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
explicit OMPBarrierDirective()
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPBarrierDirectiveClass, OMPD_barrier,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0, 0) {}
/// \brief Creates directive.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
static OMPBarrierDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive.
/// \param C AST context.
static OMPBarrierDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPBarrierDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp taskwait' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp taskwait
/// \endcode
class OMPTaskwaitDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
OMPTaskwaitDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPTaskwaitDirectiveClass, OMPD_taskwait,
StartLoc, EndLoc, 0, 0) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
explicit OMPTaskwaitDirective()
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPTaskwaitDirectiveClass, OMPD_taskwait,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0, 0) {}
/// \brief Creates directive.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
static OMPTaskwaitDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive.
/// \param C AST context.
static OMPTaskwaitDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPTaskwaitDirectiveClass;
/// \brief This represents '#pragma omp flush' directive.
/// \code
/// #pragma omp flush(a,b)
/// \endcode
/// In this example directive '#pragma omp flush' has 2 arguments- variables 'a'
/// and 'b'.
/// 'omp flush' directive does not have clauses but have an optional list of
/// variables to flush. This list of variables is stored within some fake clause
/// FlushClause.
class OMPFlushDirective : public OMPExecutableDirective {
friend class ASTStmtReader;
/// \brief Build directive with the given start and end location.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending location of the directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
OMPFlushDirective(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPFlushDirectiveClass, OMPD_flush,
StartLoc, EndLoc, NumClauses, 0) {}
/// \brief Build an empty directive.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
explicit OMPFlushDirective(unsigned NumClauses)
: OMPExecutableDirective(this, OMPFlushDirectiveClass, OMPD_flush,
SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), NumClauses,
0) {}
/// \brief Creates directive with a list of \a Clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param StartLoc Starting location of the directive kind.
/// \param EndLoc Ending Location of the directive.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses (only single OMPFlushClause clause is
/// allowed).
static OMPFlushDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place for \a NumClauses
/// clauses.
/// \param C AST context.
/// \param NumClauses Number of clauses.
static OMPFlushDirective *CreateEmpty(const ASTContext &C,
unsigned NumClauses, EmptyShell);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == OMPFlushDirectiveClass;
} // end namespace clang