blob: a22841790abcf353a768bc3ed2c85999262ddd29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ImageUtils {
private static final String TAG = LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG;
private static final int MAX_OOM_COUNT = 1;
private static final byte[] GIF87_HEADER = "GIF87a".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
private static final byte[] GIF89_HEADER = "GIF89a".getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII"));
// Used for drawBitmapWithCircleOnCanvas.
// Default color is transparent for both circle background and stroke.
public static final int DEFAULT_CIRCLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 0;
public static final int DEFAULT_CIRCLE_STROKE_COLOR = 0;
private static volatile ImageUtils sInstance;
public static ImageUtils get() {
if (sInstance == null) {
synchronized (ImageUtils.class) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new ImageUtils();
return sInstance;
public static void set(final ImageUtils imageUtils) {
sInstance = imageUtils;
* Transforms a bitmap into a byte array.
* @param quality Value between 0 and 100 that the compressor uses to discern what quality the
* resulting bytes should be
* @param bitmap Bitmap to convert into bytes
* @return byte array of bitmap
public static byte[] bitmapToBytes(final Bitmap bitmap, final int quality)
throws OutOfMemoryError {
boolean done = false;
int oomCount = 0;
byte[] imageBytes = null;
while (!done) {
try {
final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, quality, os);
imageBytes = os.toByteArray();
done = true;
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) {
LogUtil.w(TAG, "OutOfMemory converting bitmap to bytes.");
if (oomCount <= MAX_OOM_COUNT) {
} else {
done = true;
LogUtil.w(TAG, "Failed to convert bitmap to bytes. Out of Memory.");
throw e;
return imageBytes;
* Given the source bitmap and a canvas, draws the bitmap through a circular
* mask. Only draws a circle with diameter equal to the destination width.
* @param bitmap The source bitmap to draw.
* @param canvas The canvas to draw it on.
* @param source The source bound of the bitmap.
* @param dest The destination bound on the canvas.
* @param bitmapPaint Optional Paint object for the bitmap
* @param fillBackground when set, fill the circle with backgroundColor
* @param strokeColor draw a border outside the circle with strokeColor
public static void drawBitmapWithCircleOnCanvas(final Bitmap bitmap, final Canvas canvas,
final RectF source, final RectF dest, @Nullable Paint bitmapPaint,
final boolean fillBackground, final int backgroundColor, int strokeColor) {
// Draw bitmap through shader first.
final BitmapShader shader = new BitmapShader(bitmap, TileMode.CLAMP, TileMode.CLAMP);
final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
// Fit bitmap to bounds.
matrix.setRectToRect(source, dest, Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER);
if (bitmapPaint == null) {
bitmapPaint = new Paint();
if (fillBackground) {
canvas.drawCircle(dest.centerX(), dest.centerX(), dest.width() / 2f, bitmapPaint);
canvas.drawCircle(dest.centerX(), dest.centerX(), dest.width() / 2f, bitmapPaint);
if (strokeColor != 0) {
final Paint stroke = new Paint();
final float strokeWidth = 6f;
dest.width() / 2f - stroke.getStrokeWidth() / 2f,
* Sets a drawable to the background of a view. setBackgroundDrawable() is deprecated since
* JB and replaced by setBackground().
public static void setBackgroundDrawableOnView(final View view, final Drawable drawable) {
if (OsUtil.isAtLeastJB()) {
} else {
* Based on the input bitmap bounds given by BitmapFactory.Options, compute the required
* sub-sampling size for loading a scaled down version of the bitmap to the required size
* @param options a BitmapFactory.Options instance containing the bounds info of the bitmap
* @param reqWidth the desired width of the bitmap. Can be ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE.
* @param reqHeight the desired height of the bitmap. Can be ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE.
* @return
public int calculateInSampleSize(
final BitmapFactory.Options options, final int reqWidth, final int reqHeight) {
// Raw height and width of image
final int height = options.outHeight;
final int width = options.outWidth;
int inSampleSize = 1;
final boolean checkHeight = reqHeight != ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE;
final boolean checkWidth = reqWidth != ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE;
if ((checkHeight && height > reqHeight) ||
(checkWidth && width > reqWidth)) {
final int halfHeight = height / 2;
final int halfWidth = width / 2;
// Calculate the largest inSampleSize value that is a power of 2 and keeps both
// height and width larger than the requested height and width.
while ((!checkHeight || (halfHeight / inSampleSize) > reqHeight)
&& (!checkWidth || (halfWidth / inSampleSize) > reqWidth)) {
inSampleSize *= 2;
return inSampleSize;
private static final String[] MEDIA_CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
private static final int INDEX_CONTENT_TYPE = 0;
public static String getContentType(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri) {
// Figure out the content type of media.
String contentType = null;
Cursor cursor = null;
if (UriUtil.isMediaStoreUri(uri)) {
try {
cursor = cr.query(uri, MEDIA_CONTENT_PROJECTION, null, null, null);
if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
contentType = cursor.getString(INDEX_CONTENT_TYPE);
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
if (contentType == null) {
// Last ditch effort to get the content type. Look at the file extension.
contentType = ContentType.getContentTypeFromExtension(uri.toString(),
return contentType;
* @param context Android context
* @param uri Uri to the image data
* @return The exif orientation value for the image in the specified uri
public static int getOrientation(final Context context, final Uri uri) {
try {
return getOrientation(context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "getOrientation couldn't open: " + uri, e);
* @param inputStream The stream to the image file. Closed on completion
* @return The exif orientation value for the image in the specified stream
public static int getOrientation(final InputStream inputStream) {
int orientation =;
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
final ExifInterface exifInterface = new ExifInterface();
final Integer orientationValue =
if (orientationValue != null) {
orientation = orientationValue.intValue();
} catch (IOException e) {
// If the image if GIF, PNG, or missing exif header, just use the defaults
} finally {
try {
if (inputStream != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "getOrientation error closing input stream", e);
return orientation;
* Returns whether the resource is a GIF image.
public static boolean isGif(String contentType, Uri contentUri) {
if (TextUtils.equals(contentType, ContentType.IMAGE_GIF)) {
return true;
if (ContentType.isImageType(contentType)) {
try {
ContentResolver contentResolver = Factory.get().getApplicationContext()
InputStream inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(contentUri);
return ImageUtils.isGif(inputStream);
} catch (Exception e) {
LogUtil.w(TAG, "Could not open GIF input stream", e);
// Assume anything with a non-image content type is not a GIF
return false;
* @param inputStream The stream to the image file. Closed on completion
* @return Whether the image stream represents a GIF
public static boolean isGif(InputStream inputStream) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
byte[] gifHeaderBytes = new byte[6];
int value =, 0, 6);
if (value == 6) {
return Arrays.equals(gifHeaderBytes, GIF87_HEADER)
|| Arrays.equals(gifHeaderBytes, GIF89_HEADER);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
return false;
* Read an image and compress it to particular max dimensions and size.
* Used to ensure images can fit in an MMS.
* TODO: This uses memory very inefficiently as it processes the whole image as a unit
* (rather than slice by slice) but system JPEG functions do not support slicing and dicing.
public static class ImageResizer {
* The quality parameter which is used to compress JPEG images.
private static final int IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = 95;
* The minimum quality parameter which is used to compress JPEG images.
private static final int MINIMUM_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = 50;
* Minimum factor to reduce quality value
private static final double QUALITY_SCALE_DOWN_RATIO = 0.85f;
* Maximum passes through the resize loop before failing permanently
private static final int NUMBER_OF_RESIZE_ATTEMPTS = 6;
* Amount to scale down the picture when it doesn't fit
private static final float MIN_SCALE_DOWN_RATIO = 0.75f;
* When computing sampleSize target scaling of no more than this ratio
private static final float MAX_TARGET_SCALE_FACTOR = 1.5f;
// Current sample size for subsampling image during initial decode
private int mSampleSize;
// Current bitmap holding initial decoded source image
private Bitmap mDecoded;
// If scaling is needed this holds the scaled bitmap (else should equal mDecoded)
private Bitmap mScaled;
// Current JPEG compression quality to use when compressing image
private int mQuality;
// Current factor to scale down decoded image before compressing
private float mScaleFactor;
// Flag keeping track of whether cache memory has been reclaimed
private boolean mHasReclaimedMemory;
// Initial size of the image (typically provided but can be UNSPECIFIED_SIZE)
private int mWidth;
private int mHeight;
// Orientation params of image as read from EXIF data
private final ExifInterface.OrientationParams mOrientationParams;
// Matrix to undo orientation and scale at the same time
private final Matrix mMatrix;
// Size limit as provided by MMS library
private final int mWidthLimit;
private final int mHeightLimit;
private final int mByteLimit;
// Uri from which to read source image
private final Uri mUri;
// Application context
private final Context mContext;
// Cached value of bitmap factory options
private final BitmapFactory.Options mOptions;
private final String mContentType;
private final int mMemoryClass;
* Return resized (compressed) image (else null)
* @param width The width of the image (if known)
* @param height The height of the image (if known)
* @param orientation The orientation of the image as an ExifInterface constant
* @param widthLimit The width limit, in pixels
* @param heightLimit The height limit, in pixels
* @param byteLimit The binary size limit, in bytes
* @param uri Uri to the image data
* @param context Needed to open the image
* @param contentType of image
* @return encoded image meeting size requirements else null
public static byte[] getResizedImageData(final int width, final int height,
final int orientation, final int widthLimit, final int heightLimit,
final int byteLimit, final Uri uri, final Context context,
final String contentType) {
final ImageResizer resizer = new ImageResizer(width, height, orientation,
widthLimit, heightLimit, byteLimit, uri, context, contentType);
return resizer.resize();
* Create and initialize an image resizer
private ImageResizer(final int width, final int height, final int orientation,
final int widthLimit, final int heightLimit, final int byteLimit, final Uri uri,
final Context context, final String contentType) {
mWidth = width;
mHeight = height;
mOrientationParams = ExifInterface.getOrientationParams(orientation);
mMatrix = new Matrix();
mWidthLimit = widthLimit;
mHeightLimit = heightLimit;
mByteLimit = byteLimit;
mUri = uri;
mWidth = width;
mContext = context;
mScaleFactor = 1.0f;
mHasReclaimedMemory = false;
mOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
mOptions.inScaled = false;
mOptions.inDensity = 0;
mOptions.inTargetDensity = 0;
mOptions.inSampleSize = 1;
mOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
mOptions.inMutable = false;
final ActivityManager am =
(ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
mMemoryClass = Math.max(16, am.getMemoryClass());
mContentType = contentType;
* Try to compress the image
* @return encoded image meeting size requirements else null
private byte[] resize() {
return ImageUtils.isGif(mContentType, mUri) ? resizeGifImage() : resizeStaticImage();
private byte[] resizeGifImage() {
byte[] bytesToReturn = null;
final String inputFilePath;
if (MediaScratchFileProvider.isMediaScratchSpaceUri(mUri)) {
inputFilePath = MediaScratchFileProvider.getFileFromUri(mUri).getAbsolutePath();
} else {
if (!TextUtils.equals(mUri.getScheme(), ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE)) {"Expected a GIF file uri, but actual uri = " + mUri.toString());
inputFilePath = mUri.getPath();
if (GifTranscoder.canBeTranscoded(mWidth, mHeight)) {
// Needed to perform the transcoding so that the gif can continue to play in the
// conversation while the sending is taking place
final Uri tmpUri = MediaScratchFileProvider.buildMediaScratchSpaceUri("gif");
final File outputFile = MediaScratchFileProvider.getFileFromUri(tmpUri);
final String outputFilePath = outputFile.getAbsolutePath();
final boolean success =
GifTranscoder.transcode(mContext, inputFilePath, outputFilePath);
if (success) {
try {
bytesToReturn = Files.toByteArray(outputFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "Could not create FileInputStream with path of "
+ outputFilePath, e);
// Need to clean up the new file created to compress the gif
mContext.getContentResolver().delete(tmpUri, null, null);
} else {
// We don't want to transcode the gif because its image dimensions would be too
// small so just return the bytes of the original gif
try {
bytesToReturn = Files.toByteArray(new File(inputFilePath));
} catch (IOException e) {
"Could not create FileInputStream with path of " + inputFilePath, e);
return bytesToReturn;
private byte[] resizeStaticImage() {
if (!ensureImageSizeSet()) {
// Cannot read image size
return null;
// Find incoming image size
if (!canBeCompressed()) {
return null;
// Decode image - if out of memory - reclaim memory and retry
try {
for (int attempts = 0; attempts < NUMBER_OF_RESIZE_ATTEMPTS; attempts++) {
final byte[] encoded = recodeImage(attempts);
// Only return data within the limit
if (encoded != null && encoded.length <= mByteLimit) {
return encoded;
} else {
final int currentSize = (encoded == null ? 0 : encoded.length);
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "File disappeared during resizing");
} finally {
// Release all bitmaps
if (mScaled != null && mScaled != mDecoded) {
if (mDecoded != null) {
return null;
* Ensure that the width and height of the source image are known
* @return flag indicating whether size is known
private boolean ensureImageSizeSet() {
if (mWidth == MessagingContentProvider.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE ||
mHeight == MessagingContentProvider.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE) {
// First get the image data (compressed)
final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver();
InputStream inputStream = null;
// Find incoming image size
try {
mOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
inputStream = cr.openInputStream(mUri);
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, mOptions);
mWidth = mOptions.outWidth;
mHeight = mOptions.outHeight;
mOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
return true;
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "Could not open file corresponding to uri " + mUri, e);
} catch (final NullPointerException e) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "NPE trying to open the uri " + mUri, e);
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// Nothing to do
return false;
return true;
* Choose an initial subsamplesize that ensures the decoded image is no more than
* MAX_TARGET_SCALE_FACTOR bigger than largest supported image and that it is likely to
* compress to smaller than the target size (assuming compression down to 1 bit per pixel).
* @return whether the image can be down subsampled
private boolean canBeCompressed() {
final boolean logv = LogUtil.isLoggable(LogUtil.BUGLE_IMAGE_TAG, LogUtil.VERBOSE);
int imageHeight = mHeight;
int imageWidth = mWidth;
// Assume can use half working memory to decode the initial image (4 bytes per pixel)
final int workingMemoryPixelLimit = (mMemoryClass * 1024 * 1024 / 8);
// Target 1 bits per pixel in final compressed image
final int finalSizePixelLimit = mByteLimit * 8;
// When choosing to halve the resolution - only do so the image will still be too big
// after scaling by MAX_TARGET_SCALE_FACTOR
final int heightLimitWithSlop = (int) (mHeightLimit * MAX_TARGET_SCALE_FACTOR);
final int widthLimitWithSlop = (int) (mWidthLimit * MAX_TARGET_SCALE_FACTOR);
final int pixelLimitWithSlop = (int) (finalSizePixelLimit *
final int pixelLimit = Math.min(pixelLimitWithSlop, workingMemoryPixelLimit);
int sampleSize = 1;
boolean fits = (imageHeight < heightLimitWithSlop &&
imageWidth < widthLimitWithSlop &&
imageHeight * imageWidth < pixelLimit);
// Compare sizes to compute sub-sampling needed
while (!fits) {
sampleSize = sampleSize * 2;
// Note that recodeImage may try using mSampleSize * 2. Hence we use the factor of 4
if (sampleSize >= (Integer.MAX_VALUE / 4)) {
LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_IMAGE_TAG, String.format(
"Cannot resize image: widthLimit=%d heightLimit=%d byteLimit=%d " +
"imageWidth=%d imageHeight=%d", mWidthLimit, mHeightLimit, mByteLimit,
mWidth, mHeight));"Image cannot be resized"); // http://b/18926934
return false;
if (logv) {
"computeInitialSampleSize: Increasing sampleSize to " + sampleSize
+ " as h=" + imageHeight + " vs " + heightLimitWithSlop
+ " w=" + imageWidth + " vs " + widthLimitWithSlop
+ " p=" + imageHeight * imageWidth + " vs " + pixelLimit);
imageHeight = mHeight / sampleSize;
imageWidth = mWidth / sampleSize;
fits = (imageHeight < heightLimitWithSlop &&
imageWidth < widthLimitWithSlop &&
imageHeight * imageWidth < pixelLimit);
if (logv) {
"computeInitialSampleSize: Initial sampleSize " + sampleSize
+ " for h=" + imageHeight + " vs " + heightLimitWithSlop
+ " w=" + imageWidth + " vs " + widthLimitWithSlop
+ " p=" + imageHeight * imageWidth + " vs " + pixelLimit);
mSampleSize = sampleSize;
return true;
* Recode the image from initial Uri to encoded JPEG
* @param attempt Attempt number
* @return encoded image
private byte[] recodeImage(final int attempt) throws FileNotFoundException {
byte[] encoded = null;
try {
final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver();
final boolean logv = LogUtil.isLoggable(LogUtil.BUGLE_IMAGE_TAG, LogUtil.VERBOSE);
if (logv) {
LogUtil.v(LogUtil.BUGLE_IMAGE_TAG, "getResizedImageData: attempt=" + attempt
+ " limit (w=" + mWidthLimit + " h=" + mHeightLimit + ") quality="
+ mQuality + " scale=" + mScaleFactor + " sampleSize=" + mSampleSize);
if (mScaled == null) {
if (mDecoded == null) {
mOptions.inSampleSize = mSampleSize;
try (final InputStream inputStream = cr.openInputStream(mUri)) {
mDecoded = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, mOptions);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
if (mDecoded == null) {
if (logv) {
"getResizedImageData: got empty decoded bitmap");
return null;
if (logv) {
LogUtil.v(LogUtil.BUGLE_IMAGE_TAG, "getResizedImageData: decoded w,h="
+ mDecoded.getWidth() + "," + mDecoded.getHeight());
// Make sure to scale the decoded image if dimension is not within limit
final int decodedWidth = mDecoded.getWidth();
final int decodedHeight = mDecoded.getHeight();
if (decodedWidth > mWidthLimit || decodedHeight > mHeightLimit) {
final float minScaleFactor = Math.max(
mWidthLimit == 0 ? 1.0f :
(float) decodedWidth / (float) mWidthLimit,
mHeightLimit == 0 ? 1.0f :
(float) decodedHeight / (float) mHeightLimit);
if (mScaleFactor < minScaleFactor) {
mScaleFactor = minScaleFactor;
if (mScaleFactor > 1.0 || mOrientationParams.rotation != 0) {
mMatrix.postScale(mOrientationParams.scaleX / mScaleFactor,
mOrientationParams.scaleY / mScaleFactor);
mScaled = Bitmap.createBitmap(mDecoded, 0, 0, decodedWidth, decodedHeight,
mMatrix, false /* filter */);
if (mScaled == null) {
if (logv) {
"getResizedImageData: got empty scaled bitmap");
return null;
if (logv) {
LogUtil.v(LogUtil.BUGLE_IMAGE_TAG, "getResizedImageData: scaled w,h="
+ mScaled.getWidth() + "," + mScaled.getHeight());
} else {
mScaled = mDecoded;
// Now encode it at current quality
encoded = ImageUtils.bitmapToBytes(mScaled, mQuality);
if (encoded != null && logv) {
"getResizedImageData: Encoded down to " + encoded.length + "@"
+ mScaled.getWidth() + "/" + mScaled.getHeight() + "~"
+ mQuality);
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) {
"getResizedImageData - image too big (OutOfMemoryError), will try "
+ " with smaller scale factor");
// fall through and keep trying with more compression
return encoded;
* When image recode fails this method updates compression parameters for the next attempt
* @param currentSize encoded image size (will be 0 if OOM)
private void updateRecodeParameters(final int currentSize) {
final boolean logv = LogUtil.isLoggable(LogUtil.BUGLE_IMAGE_TAG, LogUtil.VERBOSE);
// Only return data within the limit
if (currentSize > 0 &&
// First if everything succeeded but failed to hit target size
// Try quality proportioned to sqrt of size over size limit
Math.min((int) (mQuality * Math.sqrt((1.0 * mByteLimit) / currentSize)),
(int) (mQuality * QUALITY_SCALE_DOWN_RATIO)));
if (logv) {
"getResizedImageData: Retrying at quality " + mQuality);
} else if (currentSize > 0 &&
// JPEG compression failed to hit target size - need smaller image
// First try scaling by a little (< factor of 2) just so long resulting scale down
// ratio is still significantly bigger than next subsampling step
// i.e. mScaleFactor/MIN_SCALE_DOWN_RATIO (new scaling factor) <
// 2.0 / MIN_SCALE_DOWN_RATIO (arbitrary limit)
mScaleFactor = mScaleFactor / MIN_SCALE_DOWN_RATIO;
if (logv) {
"getResizedImageData: Retrying at scale " + mScaleFactor);
// Release scaled bitmap to trigger rescaling
if (mScaled != null && mScaled != mDecoded) {
mScaled = null;
} else if (currentSize <= 0 && !mHasReclaimedMemory) {
// Then before we subsample try cleaning up our cached memory
mHasReclaimedMemory = true;
if (logv) {
"getResizedImageData: Retrying after reclaiming memory ");
} else {
// Last resort - subsample image by another factor of 2 and try again
mSampleSize = mSampleSize * 2;
mScaleFactor = 1.0f;
if (logv) {
"getResizedImageData: Retrying at sampleSize " + mSampleSize);
// Release all bitmaps to trigger subsampling
if (mScaled != null && mScaled != mDecoded) {
mScaled = null;
if (mDecoded != null) {
mDecoded = null;
* Scales and center-crops a bitmap to the size passed in and returns the new bitmap.
* @param source Bitmap to scale and center-crop
* @param newWidth destination width
* @param newHeight destination height
* @return Bitmap scaled and center-cropped bitmap
public static Bitmap scaleCenterCrop(final Bitmap source, final int newWidth,
final int newHeight) {
final int sourceWidth = source.getWidth();
final int sourceHeight = source.getHeight();
// Compute the scaling factors to fit the new height and width, respectively.
// To cover the final image, the final scaling will be the bigger
// of these two.
final float xScale = (float) newWidth / sourceWidth;
final float yScale = (float) newHeight / sourceHeight;
final float scale = Math.max(xScale, yScale);
// Now get the size of the source bitmap when scaled
final float scaledWidth = scale * sourceWidth;
final float scaledHeight = scale * sourceHeight;
// Let's find out the upper left coordinates if the scaled bitmap
// should be centered in the new size give by the parameters
final float left = (newWidth - scaledWidth) / 2;
final float top = (newHeight - scaledHeight) / 2;
// The target rectangle for the new, scaled version of the source bitmap will now
// be
final RectF targetRect = new RectF(left, top, left + scaledWidth, top + scaledHeight);
// Finally, we create a new bitmap of the specified size and draw our new,
// scaled bitmap onto it.
final Bitmap dest = Bitmap.createBitmap(newWidth, newHeight, source.getConfig());
final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(dest);
canvas.drawBitmap(source, null, targetRect, null);
return dest;
* The drawable can be a Nine-Patch. If we directly use the same drawable instance for each
* drawable of different sizes, then the drawable sizes would interfere with each other. The
* solution here is to create a new drawable instance for every time with the SAME
* ConstantState (i.e. sharing the same common state such as the bitmap, so that we don't have
* to recreate the bitmap resource), and apply the different properties on top (nine-patch
* size and color tint).
* TODO: we are creating new drawable instances here, but there are optimizations that
* can be made. For example, message bubbles shouldn't need the mutate() call and the
* play/pause buttons shouldn't need to create new drawable from the constant state.
public static Drawable getTintedDrawable(final Context context, final Drawable drawable,
final int color) {
// For some reason occassionally drawables on JB has a null constant state
final Drawable.ConstantState constantStateDrawable = drawable.getConstantState();
final Drawable retDrawable = (constantStateDrawable != null)
? constantStateDrawable.newDrawable(context.getResources()).mutate()
: drawable;
retDrawable.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);
return retDrawable;
* Decodes image resource header and returns the image size.
public static Rect decodeImageBounds(final Context context, final Uri imageUri) {
final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
try {
final InputStream inputStream = cr.openInputStream(imageUri);
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, options);
return new Rect(0, 0, options.outWidth, options.outHeight);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Do nothing.
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
LogUtil.e(TAG, "Couldn't open input stream for uri = " + imageUri);
return new Rect(0, 0, ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE, ImageRequest.UNSPECIFIED_SIZE);