blob: c36c50f1f43ec095a72fe8a1d896c3519f161b3c [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "java/com/android/dialer/glidephotomanager/photo_info.proto";
import "java/com/android/dialer/phonenumberproto/dialer_phone_number.proto";
// Contains information necessary to construct the header for a history item's
// bottom sheet.
// A history item is one that is displayed in the call log or the voicemail
// fragment.
// Next ID: 5
message HistoryItemBottomSheetHeaderInfo {
// The phone number associated with the item.
optional number = 1;
// Information used to load the contact photo.
optional photo_info = 2;
// Primary text of the header, which can be
// (1) a presentation name (e.g., "Restricted", "Unknown", etc.),
// (2) the contact name, or
// (3) the formatted number.
optional string primary_text = 3;
// Secondary test of the header, which describes the number.
// Some examples are:
// "Mobile • 555-1234",
// "Blocked • Mobile • 555-1234", and
// "Spam • Mobile • 555-1234".
optional string secondary_text = 4;