blob: 9ffc2f2308eb6c331305e0f16e2741196c79293d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id: SchemaElementDecl.hpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
#include <xercesc/util/QName.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/Grammar.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/schema/ComplexTypeInfo.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/schema/identity/IdentityConstraint.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/datatype/DatatypeValidator.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/datatype/UnionDatatypeValidator.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/schema/PSVIDefs.hpp>
class ContentSpecNode;
class SchemaAttDefList;
// This class is a derivative of the basic element decl. This one implements
// the virtuals so that they work for a Schema.
class VALIDATORS_EXPORT SchemaElementDecl : public XMLElementDecl
public :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class specific types
// ModelTypes
// Indicates the type of content model that an element has. This
// indicates how the content model is represented and validated.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum ModelTypes
, Any
, Mixed_Simple
, Mixed_Complex
, Children
, Simple
, ModelTypes_Count
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors and Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SchemaElementDecl(MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
const XMLCh* const prefix
, const XMLCh* const localPart
, const int uriId
, const ModelTypes modelType = Any
, const int enclosingScope = Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE
, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
const QName* const elementName
, const ModelTypes modelType = Any
, const int enclosingScope = Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE
, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The virtual element decl interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual XMLAttDef* findAttr
const XMLCh* const qName
, const unsigned int uriId
, const XMLCh* const baseName
, const XMLCh* const prefix
, const LookupOpts options
, bool& wasAdded
) const;
virtual XMLAttDefList& getAttDefList() const;
virtual CharDataOpts getCharDataOpts() const;
virtual bool hasAttDefs() const;
// @deprecated; not thread-safe
virtual bool resetDefs();
virtual const ContentSpecNode* getContentSpec() const;
virtual ContentSpecNode* getContentSpec();
virtual void setContentSpec(ContentSpecNode* toAdopt);
virtual XMLContentModel* getContentModel();
virtual void setContentModel(XMLContentModel* const newModelToAdopt);
virtual const XMLCh* getFormattedContentModel () const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Getter methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const SchemaAttDef* getAttDef(const XMLCh* const baseName, const int uriId) const;
SchemaAttDef* getAttDef(const XMLCh* const baseName, const int uriId);
const SchemaAttDef* getAttWildCard() const;
SchemaAttDef* getAttWildCard();
ModelTypes getModelType() const;
PSVIDefs::PSVIScope getPSVIScope() const;
DatatypeValidator* getDatatypeValidator() const;
int getEnclosingScope() const;
int getFinalSet() const;
int getBlockSet() const;
int getMiscFlags() const;
XMLCh* getDefaultValue() const;
ComplexTypeInfo* getComplexTypeInfo() const;
virtual bool isGlobalDecl() const;
SchemaElementDecl* getSubstitutionGroupElem() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Partial implementation of PSVI
// The values these methods return are only accurate until the cleanUp method
// is called (in the end tag part of the scanner you are using)
// note that some of this information has dependancies. For example,
// if something is not valid then the information returned by the other
// calls may be meaningless
// See for detailed information
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* The appropriate case among the following:
* 1 If it was strictly assessed, then the appropriate case among the following:
* 1.1 If all of the following are true
* 1.1.1
* clause 1.1 of Schema-Validity Assessment (Element) (3.3.4) applied and the item was valid as defined by Element Locally Valid (Element) (3.3.4);
* clause 1.2 of Schema-Validity Assessment (Element) (3.3.4) applied and the item was valid as defined by Element Locally Valid (Type) (3.3.4).
* 1.1.2 Neither its [children] nor its [attributes] contains an information item (element or attribute respectively) whose [validity] is invalid.
* 1.1.3 Neither its [children] nor its [attributes] contains an information item (element or attribute respectively) with a context-determined declaration of mustFind whose [validity] is unknown.
* , then valid;
* 1.2 otherwise invalid.
* 2 otherwise notKnown.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe
PSVIDefs::Validity getValidity() const;
* The appropriate case among the following:
* 1 If it was strictly assessed and neither its [children] nor its [attributes] contains an information item (element or attribute respectively) whose [validation attempted] is not full, then full;
* 2 If it was not strictly assessed and neither its [children] nor its [attributes] contains an information item (element or attribute respectively) whose [validation attempted] is not none, then none;
*3 otherwise partial.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe
PSVIDefs::Validation getValidationAttempted() const;
* @return the complexity. simple or complex, depending on the type definition.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe
PSVIDefs::Complexity getTypeType() const;
* The target namespace of the type definition.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
const XMLCh* getTypeUri() const;
* The {name} of the type definition, if it is not absent.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
const XMLCh* getTypeName() const;
* true if the {name} of the type definition is absent, otherwise false.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
bool getTypeAnonymous() const;
* If this method returns true and validity is VALID then the next three
* produce accurate results
* @return true if the element is validated using a union type
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
bool isTypeDefinitionUnion() const;
* The {target namespace} of the actual member type definition.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
const XMLCh* getMemberTypeUri() const;
* @return true if the {name} of the actual member type definition is absent, otherwise false.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
bool getMemberTypeAnonymous() const;
* @return the {name} of the actual member type definition, if it is not absent.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
const XMLCh* getMemberTypeName() const;
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
virtual const XMLCh* getDOMTypeInfoUri() const;
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
virtual const XMLCh* getDOMTypeInfoName() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setter methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @deprecated; not actually used
void setElemId(unsigned int elemId);
void setModelType(const SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes toSet);
void setPSVIScope(const PSVIDefs::PSVIScope toSet);
void setDatatypeValidator(DatatypeValidator* newDatatypeValidator);
void setEnclosingScope(const int enclosingScope);
void setFinalSet(const int finalSet);
void setBlockSet(const int blockSet);
void setMiscFlags(const int flags);
void setDefaultValue(const XMLCh* const value);
void setComplexTypeInfo(ComplexTypeInfo* const typeInfo);
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
void setXsiComplexTypeInfo(ComplexTypeInfo* const typeInfo);
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
void setXsiSimpleTypeInfo(const DatatypeValidator* const dtv);
void setAttWildCard(SchemaAttDef* const attWildCard);
void setSubstitutionGroupElem(SchemaElementDecl* const elemDecl);
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
void setValidity(PSVIDefs::Validity valid);
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
void setValidationAttempted(PSVIDefs::Validation validation);
* called when element content of this element was validated
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
void updateValidityFromElement(const XMLElementDecl *decl, Grammar::GrammarType eleGrammar);
//called when attribute content of this element was validated
// @deprecated; should not be needed in a thread-safe implementation
void updateValidityFromAttribute(const SchemaAttDef *def);
* cleans up inbetween uses of the SchemaElementDecl. Resets xsiType, Validity etc.
* @deprecated; not thread-safe (will not work with xsi:type and shared grammars)
void reset();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IC methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void addIdentityConstraint(IdentityConstraint* const ic);
unsigned int getIdentityConstraintCount() const;
IdentityConstraint* getIdentityConstraintAt(unsigned int index) const;
* Support for Serialization/De-serialization
virtual XMLElementDecl::objectType getObjectType() const;
private :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unimplemented constructors and operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SchemaElementDecl(const SchemaElementDecl&);
SchemaElementDecl& operator=(const SchemaElementDecl&);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private data members
// fModelType
// The content model type of this element. This tells us what kind
// of content model to create.
// fDatatypeValidator
// The DatatypeValidator used to validate this element type.
// fEnclosingScope
// The enclosing scope where this element is declared.
// fFinalSet
// The value set of the 'final' attribute.
// fBlockSet
// The value set of the 'block' attribute.
// fMiscFlags
// Stores 'abstract/nullable' values
// fDefaultValue
// The defalut/fixed value
// fComplexTypeInfo
// Stores complex type information
// (no need to delete - handled by schema grammar)
// fAttDefs
// The list of attributes that are faulted in for this element
// when ComplexTypeInfo does not exist. We want to keep track
// of these faulted in attributes to avoid duplicate redundant
// error.
// fXsiComplexTypeInfo
// Temporary store the xsi:type ComplexType here for validation
// If it presents, then it takes precedence than its own fComplexTypeInfo.
// fXsiSimpleTypeInfo
// Temporary store the xsi:type SimpleType here for validation
// If it present then the information from it will be returned rather than fDatatypeValidator
// fIdentityConstraints
// Store information about an element identity constraints.
// fAttWildCard
// Store wildcard attribute in the case of an element with a type of
// 'anyType'.
// fSubstitutionGroupElem
// The substitution group element declaration.
// fValidity
// After this attr has been validated this is its validity
// fValidation
// The type of validation that happened to this attr
// fSeenValidation
// set to true when a piece of content of this element is validated
// fSeenNoValidation
// set to true when a piece of content of this element is laxly or skip validated
// fHadContent
// true when this element actually had content.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ModelTypes fModelType;
PSVIDefs::PSVIScope fPSVIScope;
PSVIDefs::Validity fValidity;
PSVIDefs::Validation fValidation;
int fEnclosingScope;
int fFinalSet;
int fBlockSet;
int fMiscFlags;
XMLCh* fDefaultValue;
ComplexTypeInfo* fComplexTypeInfo;
RefHash2KeysTableOf<SchemaAttDef>* fAttDefs;
ComplexTypeInfo* fXsiComplexTypeInfo;
const DatatypeValidator* fXsiSimpleTypeInfo;
RefVectorOf<IdentityConstraint>* fIdentityConstraints;
SchemaAttDef* fAttWildCard;
SchemaElementDecl* fSubstitutionGroupElem;
DatatypeValidator* fDatatypeValidator;
bool fSeenValidation;
bool fSeenNoValidation;
bool fHadContent;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SchemaElementDecl: XMLElementDecl virtual interface implementation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline ContentSpecNode* SchemaElementDecl::getContentSpec()
if (fComplexTypeInfo != 0) {
return fComplexTypeInfo->getContentSpec();
return 0;
inline const ContentSpecNode* SchemaElementDecl::getContentSpec() const
if (fComplexTypeInfo != 0) {
return fComplexTypeInfo->getContentSpec();
return 0;
inline void
//Handled by complexType
inline XMLContentModel* SchemaElementDecl::getContentModel()
if (fComplexTypeInfo != 0) {
return fComplexTypeInfo->getContentModel();
return 0;
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setContentModel(XMLContentModel* const)
//Handled by complexType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SchemaElementDecl: Getter methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes SchemaElementDecl::getModelType() const
if (fComplexTypeInfo) {
return (SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes) fComplexTypeInfo->getContentType();
return fModelType;
inline PSVIDefs::PSVIScope SchemaElementDecl::getPSVIScope() const
return fPSVIScope;
inline DatatypeValidator* SchemaElementDecl::getDatatypeValidator() const
return fDatatypeValidator;
inline int SchemaElementDecl::getEnclosingScope() const
return fEnclosingScope;
inline int SchemaElementDecl::getFinalSet() const
return fFinalSet;
inline int SchemaElementDecl::getBlockSet() const
return fBlockSet;
inline int SchemaElementDecl::getMiscFlags() const
return fMiscFlags;
inline XMLCh* SchemaElementDecl::getDefaultValue() const
return fDefaultValue;
inline ComplexTypeInfo* SchemaElementDecl::getComplexTypeInfo() const
return fComplexTypeInfo;
inline const SchemaAttDef* SchemaElementDecl::getAttWildCard() const {
return fAttWildCard;
inline SchemaAttDef* SchemaElementDecl::getAttWildCard() {
return fAttWildCard;
inline bool SchemaElementDecl::isGlobalDecl() const {
return (fEnclosingScope == Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE);
inline SchemaElementDecl*
SchemaElementDecl::getSubstitutionGroupElem() const {
return fSubstitutionGroupElem;
inline const XMLCh* SchemaElementDecl::getTypeName() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if (fXsiComplexTypeInfo)
return fXsiComplexTypeInfo->getTypeLocalName();
else if (fComplexTypeInfo)
return fComplexTypeInfo->getTypeLocalName();
else if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)
return fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getTypeLocalName();
else if(fDatatypeValidator)
return fDatatypeValidator->getTypeLocalName();
//its anyType if we have not done validation on it or none of the above exist
return SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_ANYTYPE;
inline PSVIDefs::Complexity SchemaElementDecl::getTypeType() const {
if(getModelType() == Simple) {
return PSVIDefs::SIMPLE;
else {
return PSVIDefs::COMPLEX;
inline const XMLCh* SchemaElementDecl::getTypeUri() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if (fXsiComplexTypeInfo)
return fXsiComplexTypeInfo->getTypeUri();
else if (fComplexTypeInfo)
return fComplexTypeInfo->getTypeUri();
else if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)
return fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getTypeUri();
else if(fDatatypeValidator)
return fDatatypeValidator->getTypeUri();
//its anyType if we have not done validation on it or none of the above exist
return SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA;
inline const XMLCh* SchemaElementDecl::getMemberTypeName() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo && fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)->getMemberTypeName();
else if(fDatatypeValidator && fDatatypeValidator->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fDatatypeValidator)->getMemberTypeName();
return 0;
inline const XMLCh* SchemaElementDecl::getMemberTypeUri() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo && fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)->getMemberTypeUri();
if(fDatatypeValidator && fDatatypeValidator->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fDatatypeValidator)->getMemberTypeUri();
return 0;
inline bool SchemaElementDecl::getMemberTypeAnonymous() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo && fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)->getMemberTypeAnonymous();
else if(fDatatypeValidator && fDatatypeValidator->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fDatatypeValidator)->getMemberTypeAnonymous();
return false;
inline bool SchemaElementDecl::isTypeDefinitionUnion() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo && fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union ||
fDatatypeValidator && fDatatypeValidator->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return true;
return false;
inline PSVIDefs::Validity SchemaElementDecl::getValidity() const {
return fValidity;
inline PSVIDefs::Validation SchemaElementDecl::getValidationAttempted() const {
return fValidation;
if(!fSeenNoValidation && fSeenValidation)
return PSVIDefs::FULL;
else if(fSeenNoValidation && !fSeenValidation)
return PSVIDefs::NONE;
return PSVIDefs::PARTIAL;
inline bool SchemaElementDecl::getTypeAnonymous() const {
//REVISIT - since xsi type have to be accessed through names
//presumeably they cannot be anonymous
if (fXsiComplexTypeInfo) {
return fXsiComplexTypeInfo->getAnonymous();
else if (fComplexTypeInfo) {
return fComplexTypeInfo->getAnonymous();
else if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo) {
return fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getAnonymous();
else if(fDatatypeValidator){
return fDatatypeValidator->getAnonymous();
return false;
inline const XMLCh* SchemaElementDecl::getDOMTypeInfoName() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if(fValidity != PSVIDefs::VALID) {
if(getTypeType() == PSVIDefs::SIMPLE)
return SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE;
return SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_ANYTYPE;
if(getTypeAnonymous() || getMemberTypeAnonymous())
return 0;
if(fDatatypeValidator && fDatatypeValidator->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fDatatypeValidator)->getMemberTypeName();
if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo && fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)->getMemberTypeName();
return getTypeName();
inline const XMLCh* SchemaElementDecl::getDOMTypeInfoUri() const {
// removing fXsi* references would break DOMTypeInfo implementation completely;
// will have to wait for now
if(fValidity != PSVIDefs::VALID)
return SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA;
if(getTypeAnonymous() || getMemberTypeAnonymous())
return 0;
if(fDatatypeValidator && fDatatypeValidator->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fDatatypeValidator)->getMemberTypeUri();
if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo && fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
return ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)->getMemberTypeUri();
return getTypeUri();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SchemaElementDecl: Setter methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setElemId(unsigned int)
//there is not getElemId so this is not needed. mark deprecated.
//fElemId = elemId;
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setModelType(const SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes toSet)
fModelType = toSet;
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setPSVIScope(const PSVIDefs::PSVIScope toSet)
fPSVIScope = toSet;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setDatatypeValidator(DatatypeValidator* newDatatypeValidator)
fDatatypeValidator = newDatatypeValidator;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setEnclosingScope(const int newEnclosingScope)
fEnclosingScope = newEnclosingScope;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setFinalSet(const int finalSet)
fFinalSet = finalSet;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setBlockSet(const int blockSet)
fBlockSet = blockSet;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setMiscFlags(const int flags)
fMiscFlags = flags;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setDefaultValue(const XMLCh* const value)
if (fDefaultValue) {
getMemoryManager()->deallocate(fDefaultValue);//delete[] fDefaultValue;
fDefaultValue = XMLString::replicate(value, getMemoryManager());
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setComplexTypeInfo(ComplexTypeInfo* const typeInfo)
fComplexTypeInfo = typeInfo;
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setXsiComplexTypeInfo(ComplexTypeInfo* const typeInfo)
fXsiComplexTypeInfo = typeInfo;
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setXsiSimpleTypeInfo(const DatatypeValidator* const dtv)
fXsiSimpleTypeInfo = dtv;
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setAttWildCard(SchemaAttDef* const attWildCard) {
if (fAttWildCard)
delete fAttWildCard;
fAttWildCard = attWildCard;
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::setSubstitutionGroupElem(SchemaElementDecl* const elemDecl) {
fSubstitutionGroupElem = elemDecl;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setValidity(PSVIDefs::Validity valid) {
fValidity = valid;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::setValidationAttempted(PSVIDefs::Validation validation) {
fValidation = validation;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::updateValidityFromAttribute(const SchemaAttDef *def) {
PSVIDefs::Validation curValAttemted = def->getValidationAttempted();
PSVIDefs::Validity curVal = def->getValidity();
if(curValAttemted == PSVIDefs::NONE || curValAttemted == PSVIDefs::PARTIAL) {
fSeenNoValidation = true;
fValidity = PSVIDefs::UNKNOWN;
else {
fSeenValidation = true;
if(curVal == PSVIDefs::INVALID)
fValidity = PSVIDefs::INVALID;
fHadContent = true;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::updateValidityFromElement(const XMLElementDecl *decl, Grammar::GrammarType eleGrammar) {
if (eleGrammar == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) {
PSVIDefs::Validation curValAttemted = ((SchemaElementDecl *)decl)->getValidationAttempted();
PSVIDefs::Validity curVal = ((SchemaElementDecl *)decl)->getValidity();
if(curValAttemted == PSVIDefs::NONE || curValAttemted == PSVIDefs::PARTIAL) {
fSeenNoValidation = true;
fValidity = PSVIDefs::UNKNOWN;
else {
fSeenValidation = true;
if(curVal == PSVIDefs::INVALID)
fValidity = PSVIDefs::INVALID;
fHadContent = true;
inline void SchemaElementDecl::reset() {
if(fXsiSimpleTypeInfo && fXsiSimpleTypeInfo->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
((UnionDatatypeValidator *)fXsiSimpleTypeInfo)->reset();
if(fDatatypeValidator && fDatatypeValidator->getType() == DatatypeValidator::Union)
((UnionDatatypeValidator *)fDatatypeValidator)->reset();
fValidity = PSVIDefs::UNKNOWN;
fValidation = PSVIDefs::NONE;
fSeenValidation = false;
fSeenNoValidation = false;
fHadContent = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SchemaElementDecl: IC methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void
SchemaElementDecl::addIdentityConstraint(IdentityConstraint* const ic) {
if (!fIdentityConstraints) {
fIdentityConstraints = new (getMemoryManager()) RefVectorOf<IdentityConstraint>(16, true, getMemoryManager());
inline unsigned int SchemaElementDecl::getIdentityConstraintCount() const {
if (fIdentityConstraints) {
return fIdentityConstraints->size();
return 0;
inline IdentityConstraint*
SchemaElementDecl::getIdentityConstraintAt(unsigned int index) const {
if (fIdentityConstraints) {
return fIdentityConstraints->elementAt(index);
return 0;