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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* $Id: CMBinaryOp.cpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/RuntimeException.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/ContentSpecNode.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/CMBinaryOp.hpp>
#include <xercesc/validators/common/CMStateSet.hpp>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMBinaryOp: Constructors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMBinaryOp::CMBinaryOp( const ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes type
, CMNode* const leftToAdopt
, CMNode* const rightToAdopt
, MemoryManager* const manager) :
CMNode(type, manager)
, fLeftChild(leftToAdopt)
, fRightChild(rightToAdopt)
// Insure that its one of the types we require
if (((type & 0x0f) != ContentSpecNode::Choice)
&& ((type & 0x0f) != ContentSpecNode::Sequence))
ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::CM_BinOpHadUnaryType, manager);
delete fLeftChild;
delete fRightChild;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMBinaryOp: Getter methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CMNode* CMBinaryOp::getLeft() const
return fLeftChild;
CMNode* CMBinaryOp::getLeft()
return fLeftChild;
const CMNode* CMBinaryOp::getRight() const
return fRightChild;
CMNode* CMBinaryOp::getRight()
return fRightChild;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMBinaryOp: Implementation of the public CMNode virtual interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CMBinaryOp::isNullable() const
// If its an alternation, then if either child is nullable then
// this node is nullable. If its a concatenation, then both of
// them have to be nullable.
if ((getType() & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Choice)
return (fLeftChild->isNullable() || fRightChild->isNullable());
return (fLeftChild->isNullable() && fRightChild->isNullable());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMBinaryOp: Implementation of the protected CMNode virtual interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMBinaryOp::calcFirstPos(CMStateSet& toSet) const
if ((getType() & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Choice)
// Its the the union of the first positions of our children.
toSet = fLeftChild->getFirstPos();
toSet |= fRightChild->getFirstPos();
else if ((getType() & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Sequence)
// If our left child is nullable, then its the union of our
// children's first positions. Else is our left child's first
// positions.
toSet = fLeftChild->getFirstPos();
if (fLeftChild->isNullable())
toSet |= fRightChild->getFirstPos();
void CMBinaryOp::calcLastPos(CMStateSet& toSet) const
if ((getType() & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Choice)
// Its the the union of the first positions of our children.
toSet = fLeftChild->getLastPos();
toSet |= fRightChild->getLastPos();
else if ((getType() & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Sequence)
// If our right child is nullable, then its the union of our
// children's last positions. Else is our right child's last
// positions.
toSet = fRightChild->getLastPos();
if (fRightChild->isNullable())
toSet |= fLeftChild->getLastPos();