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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* $Id: RegularExpression.hpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <xercesc/util/RefArrayVectorOf.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/Janitor.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/regx/Op.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/regx/TokenFactory.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/regx/BMPattern.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/regx/ModifierToken.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/regx/ConditionToken.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/regx/OpFactory.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/regx/RegxUtil.hpp>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward Declaration
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RangeToken;
class Match;
class XMLUTIL_EXPORT RegularExpression : public XMemory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Constructors and Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const char* const pattern
, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
const char* const pattern
, const char* const options
, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
const XMLCh* const pattern
, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
const XMLCh* const pattern
, const XMLCh* const options
, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Constants
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static const unsigned int MARK_PARENS;
static const unsigned int IGNORE_CASE;
static const unsigned int SINGLE_LINE;
static const unsigned int MULTIPLE_LINE;
static const unsigned int EXTENDED_COMMENT;
static const unsigned int USE_UNICODE_CATEGORY;
static const unsigned int UNICODE_WORD_BOUNDARY;
static const unsigned int XMLSCHEMA_MODE;
static const unsigned int SPECIAL_COMMA;
static const unsigned short WT_IGNORE;
static const unsigned short WT_LETTER;
static const unsigned short WT_OTHER;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Helper methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static int getOptionValue(const XMLCh ch);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Matching methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool matches(const char* const matchString, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
bool matches(const char* const matchString, const int start,
const int end, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
bool matches(const char* const matchString, Match* const pMatch, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
bool matches(const char* const matchString, const int start,
const int end, Match* const pMatch, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
bool matches(const XMLCh* const matchString, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
bool matches(const XMLCh* const matchString, const int start,
const int end, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
bool matches(const XMLCh* const matchString, Match* const pMatch, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
bool matches(const XMLCh* const matchString, const int start,
const int end, Match* const pMatch, MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tokenize methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: The caller owns the string vector that is returned, and is responsible
// for deleting it.
RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh> *tokenize(const char* const matchString);
RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh> *tokenize(const char* const matchString, const int start,
const int end);
RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh> *tokenize(const XMLCh* const matchString);
RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh> *tokenize(const XMLCh* const matchString,
const int start, const int end);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: The caller owns the XMLCh* that is returned, and is responsible for
// deleting it.
XMLCh *replace(const char* const matchString, const char* const replaceString);
XMLCh *replace(const char* const matchString, const char* const replaceString,
const int start, const int end);
XMLCh *replace(const XMLCh* const matchString, const XMLCh* const replaceString);
XMLCh *replace(const XMLCh* const matchString, const XMLCh* const replaceString,
const int start, const int end);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static initialize and cleanup methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void
staticInitialize(MemoryManager* memoryManager);
static void
static bool isSet(const int options, const int flag);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private data types
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class XMLUTIL_EXPORT Context : public XMemory
public :
Context(MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
Context(Context* src);
Context& operator= (const Context& other);
inline const XMLCh* getString() const { return fString; }
void reset(const XMLCh* const string, const int stringLen,
const int start, const int limit, const int noClosures);
bool nextCh(XMLInt32& ch, int& offset, const short direction);
bool fAdoptMatch;
int fStart;
int fLimit;
int fLength; // fLimit - fStart
int fSize;
int fStringMaxLen;
int* fOffsets;
Match* fMatch;
const XMLCh* fString;
MemoryManager* fMemoryManager;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unimplemented constructors and operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
RegularExpression(const RegularExpression&);
RegularExpression& operator=(const RegularExpression&);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cleanup methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void cleanUp();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setter methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void setPattern(const XMLCh* const pattern, const XMLCh* const options=0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Helper methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void prepare();
int parseOptions(const XMLCh* const options);
unsigned short getWordType(const XMLCh* const target, const int begin,
const int end, const int offset);
unsigned short getCharType(const XMLCh ch);
unsigned short getPreviousWordType(const XMLCh* const target,
const int start, const int end,
int offset);
* Matching helpers
int match(Context* const context, const Op* const operations, int offset,
const short direction);
bool matchIgnoreCase(const XMLInt32 ch1, const XMLInt32 ch2);
* Helper methods used by match(Context* ...)
bool matchChar(Context* const context, const XMLInt32 ch, int& offset,
const short direction, const bool ignoreCase);
bool matchDot(Context* const context, int& offset, const short direction);
bool matchRange(Context* const context, const Op* const op,
int& offset, const short direction, const bool ignoreCase);
bool matchAnchor(Context* const context, const XMLInt32 ch,
const int offset);
bool matchBackReference(Context* const context, const XMLInt32 ch,
int& offset, const short direction,
const bool ignoreCase);
bool matchString(Context* const context, const XMLCh* const literal,
int& offset, const short direction, const bool ignoreCase);
int matchUnion(Context* const context, const Op* const op, int offset,
const short direction);
int matchCapture(Context* const context, const Op* const op, int offset,
const short direction);
bool matchCondition(Context* const context, const Op* const op, int offset,
const short direction);
int matchModifier(Context* const context, const Op* const op, int offset,
const short direction);
* Tokenize helper
* This overloaded tokenize is for internal use only. It provides a way to
* keep track of the sub-expressions in each match of the pattern.
* It is called by the other tokenize methods, and by the replace method.
* The caller is responsible for the deletion of the returned
* RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh*>
RefArrayVectorOf<XMLCh> *tokenize(const XMLCh* const matchString,
const int start, const int end,
RefVectorOf<Match> *subEx);
* Replace helpers
* Note: the caller owns the XMLCh* that is returned
const XMLCh *subInExp(const XMLCh* const repString,
const XMLCh* const origString,
const Match* subEx);
* Converts a token tree into an operation tree
void compile(const Token* const token);
Op* compile(const Token* const token, Op* const next,
const bool reverse);
* Helper methods used by compile
Op* compileSingle(const Token* const token, Op* const next,
const unsigned short tokType);
Op* compileUnion(const Token* const token, Op* const next,
const bool reverse);
Op* compileCondition(const Token* const token, Op* const next,
const bool reverse);
Op* compileParenthesis(const Token* const token, Op* const next,
const bool reverse);
Op* compileLook(const Token* const token, const Op* const next,
const bool reverse, const unsigned short tokType);
Op* compileConcat(const Token* const token, Op* const next,
const bool reverse);
Op* compileClosure(const Token* const token, Op* const next,
const bool reverse, const unsigned short tokType);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private data members
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool fHasBackReferences;
bool fFixedStringOnly;
int fNoGroups;
int fMinLength;
int fNoClosures;
unsigned int fOptions;
BMPattern* fBMPattern;
XMLCh* fPattern;
XMLCh* fFixedString;
Op* fOperations;
Token* fTokenTree;
RangeToken* fFirstChar;
static RangeToken* fWordRange;
OpFactory fOpFactory;
TokenFactory* fTokenFactory;
MemoryManager* fMemoryManager;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RegularExpression: Static initialize and cleanup methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void RegularExpression::staticCleanup()
fWordRange = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RegularExpression: Cleanup methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void RegularExpression::cleanUp() {
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPattern);//delete [] fPattern;
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFixedString);//delete [] fFixedString;
delete fBMPattern;
delete fTokenFactory;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RegularExpression: Helper methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline bool RegularExpression::isSet(const int options, const int flag) {
return (options & flag) == flag;
inline Op* RegularExpression::compileLook(const Token* const token,
const Op* const next,
const bool reverse,
const unsigned short tokType) {
Op* ret = 0;
Op* result = compile(token->getChild(0), 0, reverse);
switch(tokType) {
case Token::T_LOOKAHEAD:
ret = fOpFactory.createLookOp(Op::O_LOOKAHEAD, next, result);
ret = fOpFactory.createLookOp(Op::O_NEGATIVELOOKAHEAD, next, result);
case Token::T_LOOKBEHIND:
ret = fOpFactory.createLookOp(Op::O_LOOKBEHIND, next, result);
ret = fOpFactory.createLookOp(Op::O_NEGATIVELOOKBEHIND, next, result);
case Token::T_INDEPENDENT:
ret = fOpFactory.createIndependentOp(next, result);
ret = fOpFactory.createModifierOp(next, result,
((const ModifierToken *) token)->getOptions(),
((const ModifierToken *) token)->getOptionsMask());
return ret;
inline Op* RegularExpression::compileSingle(const Token* const token,
Op* const next,
const unsigned short tokType) {
Op* ret = 0;
switch (tokType) {
case Token::T_DOT:
ret = fOpFactory.createDotOp();
case Token::T_CHAR:
ret = fOpFactory.createCharOp(token->getChar());
case Token::T_ANCHOR:
ret = fOpFactory.createAnchorOp(token->getChar());
case Token::T_RANGE:
case Token::T_NRANGE:
ret = fOpFactory.createRangeOp(token);
case Token::T_EMPTY:
ret = next;
case Token::T_STRING:
ret = fOpFactory.createStringOp(token->getString());
ret = fOpFactory.createBackReferenceOp(token->getReferenceNo());
if (tokType != Token::T_EMPTY)
return ret;
inline Op* RegularExpression::compileUnion(const Token* const token,
Op* const next,
const bool reverse) {
int tokSize = token->size();
UnionOp* uniOp = fOpFactory.createUnionOp(tokSize);
for (int i=0; i<tokSize; i++) {
uniOp->addElement(compile(token->getChild(i), next, reverse));
return uniOp;
inline Op* RegularExpression::compileCondition(const Token* const token,
Op* const next,
const bool reverse) {
Token* condTok = ((const ConditionToken*) token)->getConditionToken();
Token* yesTok = token->getChild(0);
Token* noTok = token->getChild(1);
int refNo = token->getReferenceNo();
Op* condOp = (condTok == 0) ? 0 : compile(condTok, 0, reverse);
Op* yesOp = compile(yesTok, next, reverse);
Op* noOp = (noTok == 0) ? 0 : compile(noTok, next, reverse);
return fOpFactory.createConditionOp(next, refNo, condOp, yesOp, noOp);
inline Op* RegularExpression::compileParenthesis(const Token* const token,
Op* const next,
const bool reverse) {
if (token->getNoParen() == 0)
return compile(token->getChild(0), next, reverse);
Op* captureOp = 0;
if (reverse) {
captureOp = fOpFactory.createCaptureOp(token->getNoParen(), next);
captureOp = compile(token->getChild(0), captureOp, reverse);
return fOpFactory.createCaptureOp(-token->getNoParen(), captureOp);
captureOp = fOpFactory.createCaptureOp(-token->getNoParen(), next);
captureOp = compile(token->getChild(0), captureOp, reverse);
return fOpFactory.createCaptureOp(token->getNoParen(), captureOp);
inline Op* RegularExpression::compileConcat(const Token* const token,
Op* const next,
const bool reverse) {
Op* ret = next;
int tokSize = token->size();
if (!reverse) {
for (int i= tokSize - 1; i>=0; i--) {
ret = compile(token->getChild(i), ret, false);
else {
for (int i= 0; i< tokSize; i++) {
ret = compile(token->getChild(i), ret, true);
return ret;
inline Op* RegularExpression::compileClosure(const Token* const token,
Op* const next,
const bool reverse,
const unsigned short tokType) {
Op* ret = 0;
Token* childTok = token->getChild(0);
int min = token->getMin();
int max = token->getMax();
if (min >= 0 && min == max) {
ret = next;
for (int i=0; i< min; i++) {
ret = compile(childTok, ret, reverse);
return ret;
if (min > 0 && max > 0)
max -= min;
if (max > 0) {
ret = next;
for (int i=0; i<max; i++) {
ChildOp* childOp = fOpFactory.createQuestionOp(
tokType == Token::T_NONGREEDYCLOSURE);
childOp->setChild(compile(childTok, ret, reverse));
ret = childOp;
else {
ChildOp* childOp = 0;
if (tokType == Token::T_NONGREEDYCLOSURE) {
childOp = fOpFactory.createNonGreedyClosureOp();
else {
if (childTok->getMinLength() == 0)
childOp = fOpFactory.createClosureOp(fNoClosures++);
childOp = fOpFactory.createClosureOp(-1);
childOp->setChild(compile(childTok, childOp, reverse));
ret = childOp;
if (min > 0) {
for (int i=0; i< min; i++) {
ret = compile(childTok, ret, reverse);
return ret;
inline int RegularExpression::matchModifier(Context* const context,
const Op* const op, int offset,
const short direction)
int saveOptions = fOptions;
fOptions |= (int) op->getData();
fOptions &= (int) ~op->getData2();
int ret = match(context, op->getChild(), offset, direction);
fOptions = saveOptions;
return ret;
inline unsigned short RegularExpression::getWordType(const XMLCh* const target
, const int begin
, const int end
, const int offset)
if (offset < begin || offset >= end)
return WT_OTHER;
return getCharType(target[offset]);
unsigned short RegularExpression::getPreviousWordType(const XMLCh* const target
, const int start
, const int end
, int offset)
unsigned short ret = getWordType(target, start, end, --offset);
while (ret == WT_IGNORE) {
ret = getWordType(target, start, end, --offset);
return ret;
* End of file RegularExpression.hpp