blob: 3269c0fb6c708d3fbfae6e6bf6a5775a815dd547 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* $Id: BinURLInputStream.cpp 568078 2007-08-21 11:43:25Z amassari $
#include <xercesc/util/XMLNetAccessor.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/NetAccessors/libWWW/BinURLInputStream.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLExceptMsgs.hpp>
#include <strings.h>
#include <WWWInit.h>
// This define specifies the size of the buffer used to read chunks
// out of the URL input stream.
// We assume here that the URL is essentially composed of just ASCII characters
// and hence converting it to a 'char *' requires just to drop the leading zero
// byte. The reason, we can get away with this is that libWWW currently provides
// no wide character API's.
// The input Unicode string is assumed to be 0 terminated.
// The caller is responsible to free the memory allocated to store the resultant
// 'char *' string.
static char* localTranscode(const XMLCh* latinStrInUnicode
, MemoryManager* const manager)
unsigned int lent = XMLString::stringLen(latinStrInUnicode);
char* retval = (char*) manager->allocate
(lent + 1) * sizeof(char)
);//new char[lent + 1];
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lent; i++)
retval[i] = (char) latinStrInUnicode[i]; // drop the leading byte.
retval[lent] = 0;
return retval;
BinURLInputStream::BinURLInputStream(const XMLURL& urlSource)
: fBuffer(0)
, fBufferSize(0)
, fBufferIndex(0)
, fRemoteFileSize(0)
, fAnchor(0)
, fBytesProcessed(0)
, fMemoryManager(urlSource.getMemoryManager())
fBuffer = (XMLByte*) fMemoryManager->allocate
const XMLCh* uri = urlSource.getURLText();
char* uriAsCharStar = localTranscode(uri, fMemoryManager);
// First find the size of the remote resource being asked for.
// We use the ContentCounter stream provided by libWWW.
fAnchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(uriAsCharStar);
HTRequest* request = HTRequest_new();
HTRequest_setOutputFormat(request, WWW_SOURCE);
HTStream* counterStrm = HTContentCounter(HTBlackHole(), request, 0xFFFF);
BOOL status = HTLoadToStream(uriAsCharStar, counterStrm, request);
if (status == YES)
HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request);
if(fRemoteFileSize < 0)
// Patch by Artur Klauser
// When a redirection is processed in libWWW, it seems that
// HTAnchor_length(anchor) == -1 on the original anchor, whereas
// HTResponse_length(response) gives the correct content length of
// the redirection target. This has confused fRemoteFileSize and it was
// not checked for a -1 response at all.
HTResponse * response = HTRequest_response (request);
fRemoteFileSize = HTResponse_length(response);
if (fRemoteFileSize < 0) {
ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(NetAccessorException, XMLExcepts::NetAcc_LengthError, fMemoryManager);
// Cleanup, before you throw any errors.
// Don't know whether I am supposed to delete counterStrm.
if (status == NO)
ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(NetAccessorException, XMLExcepts::NetAcc_LengthError, fMemoryManager);
fMemoryManager->deallocate(fBuffer);//delete [] fBuffer;
fBuffer = 0;
// Do not delete the fAnchor. Its deleted when the destructor of
// libWWWNetAccessor is called.
void BinURLInputStream::reset()
fBufferSize = 0;
fBytesProcessed = 0;
fBufferIndex = 0;
memset((void*) fBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(XMLByte) * URLISBUFMAXSIZE);
unsigned int BinURLInputStream::curPos() const
return fBytesProcessed;
unsigned int BinURLInputStream::bytesAvail() const
unsigned int retval = fBufferSize - fBufferIndex;
return retval;
unsigned int BinURLInputStream::readBytes(XMLByte* const toFill
, const unsigned int maxToRead)
unsigned int retval = 0;
unsigned int bytesAsked = maxToRead;
unsigned int bytesForCopy = 0;
// Wipe out the old stuff from the destination buffer to fill.
memset((void*)toFill, 0x00, sizeof(XMLByte) * maxToRead);
// You can only read till the end of the remote resource file.
// So, adjust the count of bytes you want to read now.
if (fBytesProcessed + bytesAsked >= fRemoteFileSize)
bytesAsked = fRemoteFileSize - fBytesProcessed;
if (fBufferSize > 0)
bytesForCopy = fBufferSize - fBufferIndex;
if (bytesAsked <= bytesForCopy)
// ...then you can satisfy this request completely from fBuffer.
// Simply copy over the bytes to the destination array.
memcpy((void*) toFill, (void*) (fBuffer + fBufferIndex), bytesAsked);
fBufferIndex += bytesAsked;
if (fBufferIndex >= fBufferSize)
fBufferSize = 0;
fBufferIndex = 0;
fBytesProcessed += bytesAsked;
retval = bytesAsked;
// ...will need to read some more bytes out of the stream.
unsigned int bufToFillIndex = 0;
HTRequest* request = HTRequest_new();
HTChunk* result = NULL;
char ranges[64];
// First copy over what is left in fBuffer, before reading another
// chunk out of the stream.
if (bytesForCopy != 0)
memcpy((void*) toFill, (void*) (fBuffer + fBufferSize), bytesForCopy);
fBufferSize = 0;
fBufferIndex = 0;
fBytesProcessed += bytesForCopy;
bufToFillIndex = bytesForCopy;
retval = bytesForCopy;
unsigned int bytesRemainingForCopy = bytesAsked - bytesForCopy;
// Now read a new chunk from the stream. HTTP lets you specify the
// range of bytes that you would like.
sprintf(ranges, "%ld-%ld", fBytesProcessed,
fRemoteFileSize<(fBytesProcessed + URLISBUFMAXSIZE)? fRemoteFileSize - 1: fBytesProcessed + URLISBUFMAXSIZE - 1);
HTRequest_addRange(request, "bytes", ranges);
HTRequest_setOutputFormat(request, WWW_SOURCE);
result = HTLoadAnchorToChunk(fAnchor, request);
fBufferSize = HTChunk_size(result);
if (fBufferSize > 0)
// Store the read chunk in fBuffer.
memset((void*) fBuffer, 0x00, URLISBUFMAXSIZE);
memcpy((void*) fBuffer, (void*) HTChunk_data(result), fBufferSize);
fBufferIndex = 0;
// Now fill the destination buffer with the new data just read.
bytesForCopy = fBufferSize;
if (bytesRemainingForCopy > fBufferSize)
bytesRemainingForCopy = fBufferSize;
memcpy((void*) (toFill + bufToFillIndex),
(void*) fBuffer,
// Update counters.
retval += bytesRemainingForCopy;
fBufferIndex += bytesRemainingForCopy;
fBytesProcessed += bytesRemainingForCopy;
return retval;